Chocolate wrapping is a modern cosmetic procedure that has gained immense popularity among lovers of not only healthy, but also delicious self-care. And in fact, what could be better than a piece of fragrant, sweet chocolate? It turns out that this familiar product can not only be eaten, but also improve its appearance with its help!
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The benefits of chocolate wrapping
For many centuries, chocolate has been used in cosmetic procedures that promote rejuvenation and promote health. Dark sweetness called by the Aztecs “food of the gods” helps in the restoration of the body, and also has a number of tightening, anti-stress, nutritional and anti-cellulite properties.
Chocolate wraps have a positive effect on the skin and the body as a whole, namely:
- Cleanses, heals and moisturizes the integument, making it supple and smooth. In addition, the chocolate product gives the skin a soft bronze hue, simultaneously eliminating blackheads and pigmentation.
- They help break down fatty tissue. Caffeine is responsible for this, which contributes to the speedy removal of fat and successfully copes with cellulite.
- The magnificent aroma of chocolate improves mood and promotes relaxation during wraps.
The benefits of the procedure are due to the beneficial elements in the composition of chocolate. It contains vitamins (A, B, PP), trace elements (iron, calcium, sodium, etc.), vegetable proteins. They help speed up metabolism and improve mood during body wraps.
How to spend at home
Performing a chocolate wrapping procedure at home is not difficult.It is enough to learn how to carry out manipulation in the cabin, and repeat these steps yourself. In the process of a professional procedure, the skin of clients is prepared for wrapping, having performed the obligatory gentle peeling. It helps prepare the integument to absorb the essential elements present in chocolate. Further, a sweet composition is applied to problem areas, after which they are wrapped with cling film. You can enhance the effect by applying a thermal blanket.
In a similar way, a homemade chocolate wrap procedure is performed. Using a suitable recipe, you can prepare natural mixtures for distribution on the skin. Before the procedure, it is recommended to take a warm bath and apply a soft scrub. The resulting finished chocolate composition is cooled to room temperature and impregnated with a soft cloth or gauze. Then it is wrapped around the body in an upward direction from the ankles to the stomach (the mixture can be applied directly to problem areas). Treated areas with extreme caution are wrapped with cling film. It is important to ensure that it fits snugly against the body, but does not crush the skin. On top of the applied film, you can wear warm clothes or wrap yourself in a blanket.
The composition is aged on the skin for 40-45 minutes, during this period it is best to take a horizontal position, trying to relax as much as possible. After waiting for the set time, you should carefully unfold the film and remove the remaining mixture with a warm shower. The final stage is the application of anti-cellulite products to the treated areas.
Recipes for the procedure
The preparation of the chocolate mixture for wrapping does not cause much difficulty. It is enough to use one of the ready-made recipes.
Classic version
250 g of cocoa powder is poured 2 tbsp. hot water and stir until smooth. The mixture is cooled and distributed over problem areas.
Chocolate + Olive Oil
In 250 grams of cocoa powder is added 250 ml of water (milk) and 1 tbsp. l olive oil (or any other vegetable). The mixture is distributed over the skin and washed off after an hour.
Chocolate + Ginger
A bar of dark chocolate is melted in a water bath and mixed with 0.5 tbsp. boiling milk. The mixture is cooked until thickened and removed from the stove, after which 1 tbsp. Is added to it. l ground ginger and 1 tsp. any vegetable oil. The composition is distributed in problem areas, covered with a film and insulation, washed off after an hour.
Chocolate + Seaweed
250 g of algae (they can be purchased at the pharmacy) must be soaked for 2 hours in mineral water. The mixture is ground in a blender, after which 150 g of cocoa powder is added to it. The composition is thoroughly mixed to eliminate possible lumps. The mass is applied to the desired areas for 40 minutes.
Tip. Algae should not be poured with hot water, otherwise they will weld and all their useful components will disappear.
Seaweed is famous for its positive effect, tightening and toning the skin and contributing to weight loss.
Chocolate + Honey
100 g of honey and 1 tbsp. l cocoa powder is melted in a water bath. The cooled mixture is distributed over the skin, wrapped in a film and insulated. After 30 minutes, the mass is washed off the body with warm water.
Chocolate + Clay
Clay is acceptable to take any (white, black, blue) in an amount of 100 g. It is mixed with 3 tbsp. l cocoa powder and adjusted to a homogeneous consistency with the addition of hot water. The cooled mass is applied for half an hour.
Results and Repetition Rate
The optimal frequency of wrapping is twice a week for 2 months. After a month's break, the course of procedures can be resumed.
After systematic chocolate wraps, it can be noted that the skin becomes smooth, toned and smooth. Such manipulations help to remove excess fluid from the body and accelerate the process of burning fat, which helps to reduce the volume and loss of extra pounds.Of course, in order to achieve a better visual effect, wrapping is recommended to be combined with physical activity, as well as following the principles of proper nutrition.
Possible harm and contraindications
Before you start homemade chocolate wraps, you should familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications to them:
- Do not manipulate people suffering from diseases of the heart or blood vessels.
- Under the ban chocolate joy is also for those who have high blood pressure.
- You can not use chocolate in the presence of various types of dermatitis.
- The procedure is prohibited for people with acute and chronic pathologies of the kidneys or liver.
- Pregnancy is also a contraindication to chocolate wraps.
- In the presence of colds and infectious diseases, which are accompanied by fever, you should refrain from wrapping for a while.
Tip. Do not eat food for several hours before and immediately after the procedure.
Before performing the wrap, make sure that there are no injuries on the treated skin: wounds, scratches and abrasions, etc.
Do you need to go to the master to experience the pleasure of chocolate wrapping? Not at all, it is quite possible to carry out this spa procedure at home. To do this, you will need quite accessible materials, a small amount of time and a detailed recipe for making a sweet and aromatic mixture.