In the world among the great variety of confectionery products, Tobleron stands out - chocolate with a rich history and unique taste. This delicacy is considered the favorite sweet of many people around the world for more than 100 years. What is the secret of famous chocolates?
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Chocolate Tobleron (Toblerone) sweets story
Toblerone is a chocolate brand from Switzerland. Like many other brands, at the moment it belongs to the company "Mondeliz" (formerly "Kraft Foods").
The history of this chocolate dates back to 1868, when Swiss businessman Jean Tobler opened his own small confectionery store in Bern. At first he was engaged in the sale of products of other manufacturers, but in 1899, together with his sons, he created his own factory, which was named after the founders.
A year later, Jean retires, transferring the management of the factory to his sons. In fact, the Toblerone brand appeared only a few years later, in 1908. It was then that the original chocolate was created in the form of volumetric tooth-triangles, or, as they are also called, pyramids. The composition of the first chocolate included nougat, almonds, honey, cocoa butter, milk and sugar.
By the way. The word Toblerone is compound. The first part of the table, as you might guess, means the name of the creator of the brand. Particle one comes from the Italian word meaning the name of one of the types of nougat.
Where is the famous triangular chocolate made?
Original, recognized worldwide chocolate is produced only in Switzerland. However, in a certain period, its production was established in other countries, including Croatia and the UK.
Interesting facts about Swiss chocolate
The delicious Swiss Tobleron chocolate has been known all over the world for over 100 years. Of course, for such a long history of the delicacy, some interesting facts about it have accumulated. And the most burning concerns the original form of goodies.
Triangular mystery. Interestingly, no one still knows for sure why Toblerone chocolate is produced in the form of pyramids.
The hypothesis was put forward a few:
- The first assumption claims that Theodore Tobler tended not only to create sweets, but also to see charming ladies, in particular, variety show dancers. At the end of their performances, the beauties formed a living pyramid on the stage. According to many historians, it was this spectacle that prompted the entrepreneur to give chocolate such a shape. However, in the archives of the company there is no mention of such shows.
- The second hypothesis is no more plausible. The grandson of Theodore Tobler Andreas claimed that his grandfather belonged to the Masons, and the pyramid or triangle was considered the symbol of this lodge. Choosing such an unusual form for chocolate, Theodore seemed to predict the products popularity and success.
There are other interesting facts about Toblerone products worthy of attention.
- "Criminal" chocolate. In the past, Swiss chocolates have many dark spots, although the products themselves are, in general, not involved. So, the famous Swedish politician Mona Salim made a rash act, applying for her own needs a credit card of taxpayers issued to her by the parliament. The amount spent by the lady was quite impressive - about 50,000 SEK. Two Tobleron chocolates were also on the shopping list. The story caused a wide resonance and went down in history as the “Toblerone Affair”. Salim's reputation was tarnished, and she was forced to disappear from the political scene for a long time.
- Centenary of Anniversary. The 100th anniversary of Swiss triangular chocolate was celebrated on an unprecedented scale. The celebration was attended by more than half a million people in all major cities of the country. Over the weekend, residents of many cities glued empty Toblerone chocolates to form a tower. The compatriots of the Bernese delicacy coped best of all - their tower grew to 5 meters in record time. Even airports these days were not deprived of the attention of the company "Mondeliz". So, in the Zurich airport, an exhibition of the history of chocolate Toblerone was organized, and the mock-up of sweets installed there reached 2.5 meters.By the way. The then mayor of the city of Bern, Alexander Cheppet, compared the creation of the Toblerone treat with the invention of the theory of relativity of Einstein himself. Exactly. No more and no less.
- A huge tile. Again, in honor of the centenary of the brand, the Toblerone factory confectioners made a huge chocolate bar with a classic triangular shape. Weighed a delicacy of 100 kg.
What mountain is depicted on chocolate Tobleron
There is another theory of the origin of the Bernese chocolate form. According to her, the triangle is the embodiment of Mount Matterhorn, which is a peculiar symbol of Switzerland. Allegedly, this form was invented by the creator of chocolate Theodor Tobleron in 1908. But on the label of the first chocolate bar no mountain was depicted. She found her reflection on the packaging of sweets only in 1970. Nevertheless, this hypothesis looks more plausible, compared with the others, and most historians are inclined to it.
Composition, calories and nutritional value
Chocolate "Tobleron", of course, is high-calorie. One hundred grams of the product accounts for 545 calories.
The composition of the goodies includes:
- cocoa (grated and in the form of butter);
- milk powder;
- milk fat;
- sugar;
- honey;
- almond;
- emulsifier lecithin;
- vanillin flavoring;
- egg white.
And all of this together contains 5.4 grams of protein, almost 30 grams of fat and as much as 60 grams of carbohydrates.
Types and tastes of chocolate
If you track the appearance of new products in the Toblerone chocolate rows, you can note the following chronological pattern:
- 1908 year. Milk chocolate with almonds and honey was released, which has become a classic of this brand.
- 1932 year. Marked by the advent of Toblerone chocolate with rum.
- 1969 year. The brand produces bitter chocolate.
- 1973 year. On the shelves you can find white chocolate.
- 2007 year Chocolate production with raisins and almonds.
Chocolate Toblerone has gained popularity in the world, rather in quality than quantity, because its product line is small.
In particular, in the Russian sale there are only standard 100 gram triangles. In some cases, you can find 200 and 400 gram sweets.
The Swiss delicacy of the Toblerone brand is an example of a delicious and affordable product. Sold on the shelves of many countries of the world, this chocolate does not lose its relevance for more than 100 years. The product line, although not too wide, is distinguished by classical tastes and unsurpassed quality.