In spring and summer, when fresh greens appear, I want to please relatives with light, low-calorie soups. Hot or cold sorrel cabbage soup - a great dish for a summer lunch. Of the many recipes, cabbage soup made of sorrel with an egg enjoy well-deserved love.

Recipes of green cabbage soup are very diverse: they are boiled in meat, chicken, vegetable broth or on water, with a variety of ingredients. As a rule, some common ingredients are used - potatoes, carrots, onions and green onions, usual seasonings - salt, pepper, sometimes bay leaf. And, of course, a lot of greens: sorrel, nettle, spinach, dill, parsley, celery. Often added sour cream or mayonnaise.

How to cook green cabbage soup - a classic recipe

The classic recipe for green cabbage soup with sorrel looks something like this:

  • First, the meat broth is cooked.
  • Then cooked meat should be removed and cut into pieces.
  • Fry vegetables, pour the prepared broth, put potatoes.
  • After 10 minutes add sorrel and nettle.
  • Another 15 minutes - and cabbage soup will be ready.
  • Serving on the table, in a plate you need to put a whole boiled egg, a little meat, add sour cream and herbs.

Russian cabbage green

Our great-grandmothers prepared cabbage soup according to this recipe. Characteristic features - they are cooked very quickly, potatoes are cut large and a lot of greens are put - 2 large bunches of sorrel.

Potatoes need to be cooked in the broth for 10 minutes, then add the frying of vegetables, bay leaves, salt, pepper, sorrel and greens - and the dish is ready.

As an option: if desired, you can add a mixture of 2 yolks and 6 tablespoons of milk to the pan.

Sorrel Puree Soup


Mashed soups with a delicate, uniform consistency are loved by both children and many adults. They are easily absorbed, therefore, they are also suitable for dietary nutrition. Light, refreshing, summer soup puree can also be made from sorrel.

Such soup is usually prepared on chicken broth. Potatoes should first be boiled a little. Prepare herbs, finely chop onion. Put all this in the broth, for the flavor put black pepper in peas and cook for 10 minutes.

While the soup is cooling, we recommend preparing croutons: fry the crumbs of white bread, diced.

Then the soup needs to be wiped and brought to the desired temperature. Cut the boiled quail egg in two and put in a plate with chopped herbs. Eat sorrel soup puree usually with sour cream.

Croutons are served separately and, if desired, are placed in soup before meals.

Sorrel soup with stew and egg


To cook this soup, you can choose any stew. Slightly fried vegetables should be darkened for several minutes over low heat, covered with a lid, adding a little pepper and salt. Next, put them in a pan (based on 1.5-2 liters of water), put the potatoes and cook until it is ready. Then add stew mixed with sorrel. Cook the soup for another 10 minutes, then let it brew. In each plate, half the egg is traditionally placed.

Cold sorrel soup

In the summer heat, cold first courses are in great demand. In addition to the usual okroshka and beetroot, you can cook cold cabbage soup from sorrel. To do this, chopped sorrel should be boiled for 5-7 minutes in salted water and set aside for cooling. Chop 2 fresh cucumbers, onions, 2 boiled eggs and boiled potatoes, chop green onions and dill. Prepared vegetables and herbs in a sorrel broth.

An interesting detail: for a special flavoring shade, you can grind egg yolk into cabbage soup.

Add salt and pepper to taste, mix well. It is recommended to put a little sour cream in a plate.

Sorrel soup with rice

Another very interesting recipe. Unusuality begins already with slicing vegetables: potatoes, as always, in cubes, but carrots - in circles. A cross-shaped incision is made on the peeled bulb. These vegetables are lowered into the broth, which is boiled for 10 minutes. After this, you need to pour rice, moderately salt and cook for the same amount of time.

Protein of a boiled egg needs to be coarsely chopped, and the yolk grated with sour cream to a state of gruel and put in a pan. There, add a couple of bay leaves and cook a little more.

Prepared sorrel and green onions, too, send to the broth. When the cabbage soup boil, you need to remove them from the heat and let it brew. After 15 minutes you can be invited to the table.

Useful recommendations from the best chefs

There are little secrets to making sorrel cabbage.

Here are some helpful tips from seasoned chefs:

  • when preparing green cabbage soup and soups, put more greens, add spinach and nettle to the sorrel - this will make it possible to prepare a truly vitamin, refreshing dish;
  • so that the nettle does not burn hands, pour boiling water over it;
  • dose the time of heat treatment of the sorrel: young leaves are put in the pan in the last minutes, mature ones - a little earlier;
  • to neutralize too sour taste, it is allowed to put a little sugar in cabbage soup;
  • Serve cabbage soup preferably on heated plates (except for cold soups).

Fresh herbs - a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, essential oils. There is a huge variety of green cabbage soup and soups. They can use the most unexpected ingredients: apples of sour varieties, young white and cauliflower, smoked meats and even salted mushrooms. Eggs are used not only in boiled form, you can beat a raw egg and pour into a pan. Tomato paste and cream are sometimes used as dressing.

Having sorrel and other herbs on hand, you can cook green cabbage soup from almost any product. You just need to apply a little imagination - and you get a really delicious and extraordinary dish.