A very light, dietary and healthy dish is sorrel soup. The classic recipe with an egg is used by housewives especially often. The dish is considered spring, but canned food can be prepared from canned sorrel at any time of the year.

Step-by-step recipe for classic sorrel egg soup

For such a simple recipe, you will need to take only the most affordable budget ingredients. This: 3 potatoes, 1 pc. onions and carrots, 1 bunch of fresh sorrel, 4 eggs, salt, oil.

  1. Onions and carrots are finely chopped in any convenient way and fried until golden in oil or fat.
  2. While the vegetables are being cooked, the potatoes are cut into cubes and sent to the pot over medium heat.
  3. The sorrel is washed, cut into strips.
  4. When the potatoes are almost ready, vegetable frying, chopped sorrel, as well as salt are sent to it, and the dish is cooked for another 10-12 minutes.
  5. Separately, hard boiled eggs.

When serving, finely chopped egg and sour cream are added to each serving of hot soup.

Green borsch on meat broth

If desired, soup with sorrel can be made very satisfying. To do this, add pork (350 g of pulp) to the dish. In addition, you will need to use: 2 bunches of sorrel, 6 potatoes, 2 pcs. carrots and onions, 100 ml. sour cream, 3 eggs, 50 ml. tomato paste, salt, oil.

  1. The meat is washed, finely chopped and cooked until tender. Before boiling from the surface of the water, you must definitely remove the foam.
  2. Onions and carrots are chopped, and then fried in vegetable oil until tender. Tomato paste is added to the vegetables, and the ingredients are stewed for another 5-7 minutes.
  3. The contents of the pan, along with diced potatoes, are laid out in the meat broth.
  4. When the potatoes become soft, the sorrel thoroughly washed and julienne is added to the pan.
  5. The soup is cooked for another 10-12 minutes.

Serve green borsch with sour cream or mayonnaise. In each portion you need to add a half of hard-boiled eggs.

Cold soup with sorrel and egg


On a hot summer day, the best lunch option will be a sorrel "cold" with boiled egg. Very light, but tasty dish. It is prepared from the simplest products. Among them: 250 g of fresh or canned sorrel, 3 each. potatoes and fresh cucumbers, 3 eggs, a bunch of green onions and dill, salt.

  1. Potatoes are chopped with medium cubes and cooked until cooked in salt water.
  2. Sorrel is finely chopped and added to the pan to an already soft vegetable. Together, the ingredients are cooked for another 5-7 minutes, and the soup is removed from the fire for cooling.
  3. Separately hard boiled eggs are cooked.
  4. Greens with cucumbers and boiled eggs are finely chopped. This will be the main dressing for the soup. It is added to chilled green borsch in portions.

Ready sorrel soup with eggs will be perfectly complemented by garlic crackers made of white or rye bread.

With rice


Especially tasty sorrel soup with rice is obtained on a broth of meat ribs (400 g). In addition to the meat component and a bunch of sorrel, you also need to take: 50 g. Cereals, 2 potatoes, 1 pc. onions and carrots, 50 g. celery root, salt, 1 egg per serving. How to cook such a dish is described in detail below.

  1. The broth is cooked from the meat ribs. So that it is not cloudy, foam must always be removed from the surface of the liquid.
  2. While the meat is being cooked, the vegetables need to be coarsely chopped. Together with rice, they are added to the broth about 10 minutes before it is ready.
  3. All ingredients are boiled until soft potatoes. Only at this moment can finely chopped sorrel be sent to the pan. After another 10-12 minutes, the dish will be completely ready.

Soup with sour cream and chopped hard-boiled eggs is served.

Sorrel soup with poached egg

Such a soup is very tasty not only in the hot, but also in the cold. Poached eggs are his main secret. Cooking them is not easy, but the result is worth it. To prepare the soup in question, you will need the following products: eggs by the number of servings, a large bunch of sorrel, 1 pc. carrots and fresh pepper, 2 potatoes, salt, oil. The following recipe is described step by step.

Tasty recipe: sorrel soup with egg

  1. From chopped carrots and diced pepper in oil, frying is prepared, after which it is sent to the pan and filled with water.
  2. Shredded potatoes are added to other vegetables, and all together the ingredients are boiled for 10-12 minutes.
  3. The sorrel is thoroughly washed with cold water and scalded with boiling water. This will prevent excess acid in the soup. Scalded leaves are finely chopped and added to the vegetable broth.
  4. A poached egg is always cooked separately in an acidic environment. To do this, 1 liter of boiling water with 60 ml. vinegar essence is brought to a boil. A “funnel”, into which an egg is poured, quickly becomes a spoon in water. After 3 minutes, you can remove it from the pan.

A poached egg is laid out in each serving of soup and sour cream is added.

On chicken stock

Sorrel soup can also be cooked on chicken stock. It is best to take chicken legs for this (2 pcs.). In addition to them, you will need to use: 5 potatoes, 1 pc. onions and carrots, 250 g sorrel, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 4 eggs, a bunch of fresh herbs, salt, oil.

  1. Broth is made from poultry. You can add it in the process of cooking black peppercorns and bay leaf.
  2. All vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into medium slices, garlic sliced.
  3. From carrots with onions in oil or fat, frying is prepared. At the very end, garlic is added to it for flavor.
  4. Greens and sorrel are thoroughly washed and finely chopped.
  5. When the bird is completely cooked, you need to remove the legs from the broth, remove the flesh from them, and send the meat back, and discard the bones.
  6. Also, frying and greens with sorrel are added to the chicken. Together, all the ingredients are boiled for another 10-12 minutes. The main thing is not to forget to salt the finished dish.
  7. The eggs in a separate bowl are boiled hard and finely chopped.

The soup is served scorching hot with sour cream or mayonnaise. Half of the crushed egg is poured into each serving.

On water with cream cheese and oatmeal

This quick recipe allows you to cook a very tasty soup. Oatmeal (50 g) will add satiety to him, and processed cheese (180 g) will give a delicate creamy taste. You will also need to use: 4 potatoes, 220 g of sorrel, white onion, a bunch of green onions, salt.

  1. Carefully washed and finely chopped sorrel and green onions are placed in boiling water.
  2. Diced chopped potatoes are added to the greens. On medium heat, the future soup cooks for about 15 minutes.
  3. When the pieces of potato become soft, cream cheese and oatmeal flakes are sent to the pan. Their preliminary soaking is not required. It is best to use Hercules, whose flakes keep their shape perfectly in the finished dish and do not boil.
  4. It remains to simmer the soup on the slowest fire for about 10 minutes.

Finely chopped hard-boiled eggs can also be added to the finished treat.

Sorrel Puree Soup


Appetizing thick mashed soup can also be made from fresh sorrel. This dish is great even for babies over 1.5 years old. For it you need to use: 250 g of sorrel, 3 potatoes, 1 white onion, 120 g of fat sour cream and the same amount of any hard cheese, a slice of butter, salt.

  1. Potatoes with onions are cut into small cubes and fried in butter for about 5-7 minutes. During this time, the vegetables are slightly softened.
  2. The contents of the pan, along with the butter, are sent to a pot of water. The ingredients are boiled until soft potatoes.
  3. Washed and shredded sorrel, as well as salt, is added to the resulting vegetable broth.
  4. After another 10 minutes, the soup can be removed from the heat and left to cool to room temperature.
  5. The mass is carefully crushed by a blender to a thick, homogeneous porridge.
  6. Sour cream is added to the puree, after which the soup is brought to a boil over high heat.

Before serving, each portion of the dish should be sprinkled with grated hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Lean green borsch with egg and vegetables


You can add not only onions and carrots to sorrel soup, but also other vegetables. For example, fresh green pepper (1 pc.), Beets (1 pc.) And tomatoes (2 pc.). In addition to them you need to take: 1 pc. carrots and onions, 200 g sorrel, 5 potatoes, 230 ml. tomato juice, 5 eggs, salt, oil.

  1. The beets are peeled, rubbed on a coarse grater and sent to cook almost until transparent.
  2. Diced potatoes are added to the pan.
  3. Onions and carrots are crushed in any convenient way, fried in a pan. Grated beets, small pieces of tomatoes and pepper, tomato juice are added to them, and together the mass is stewed for 7 minutes.
  4. Hard boiled eggs and coarsely chopped.
  5. Vegetable frying is added to the broth with potatoes, as well as eggs. Soup is cooked for another 10-12 minutes.

Ready-made green borscht is delicious served with sour cream, herbs, homemade bread and lard.

Cooking in a slow cooker


Green cabbage soup is especially quick and easy to cook in a slow cooker. For this purpose, a model of any brand is suitable. The main thing is that it should have the “Extinguishing” and “Steaming” modes. For such a dish, you need to take the following products: 400 g of chicken, 3 potatoes, 250 g of sorrel, white onion, 3 eggs, bay leaf, salt, favorite spices.

  1. The fillet is cut into large pieces, laid out in the bowl of the device and poured with cold water. In the "Stew" mode, the meat broth is cooked for 90 minutes. You can put it to cook in the evening, to significantly reduce the process of preparing the soup.
  2. The meat from the broth is cut into small cubes and returned back to the container, and, in addition, slices of peeled potatoes, a whole onion, salt and a couple of leaves of parsley are added to it. Together, the ingredients are cooked for 25 minutes in the "Steaming" mode.
  3. Sorrel is thoroughly washed and finely chopped.Eggs are broken into separate dishes, poured with boiling water, thoroughly mixed and slightly beat.
  4. When the broth is completely ready, sorrel is added to it and the egg mass is poured into a thin stream.
  5. It remains to add and pepper the soup to taste, bring it to a boil directly in the slow cooker and turn it off immediately.

Canned or Frozen Sorrel Soup

If the hostess has canned or frozen sorrel in stock, then it can also be used to prepare a delicious aromatic soup. The taste of the finished dish does not degrade such ingredients. In addition to sorrel (450 g), you must also use: 400 g of beef pulp, 5 potatoes, 2 eggs, salt, a mixture of peppers, oil.

  1. A steep broth is made from large pieces of beef.
  2. In parallel, small cubes of white onion are fried in vegetable oil or fat.
  3. Cooked meat is cut into small slices, after which shredded potatoes and salt are sent to it.
  4. When the potatoes are soft, canned sorrel is sent to the soup.
  5. It remains only to pour a thin stream in a boiling broth whipped eggs with salt and a mixture of ground peppers.

If you don’t have sour cream at hand for serving the finished dish, then with the egg you can whip the cream and add them to the broth.