Fragrant kebab can be prepared not only in nature. Few of the housewives know that even at home it will be easy to please their family with this delicious meat dish. How to cook kebab in a pork oven is described below.

Pork skewers on a baking sheet

The minimum amount of ingredients will make a great dish. Products: 900 g of pork pulp, 90 ml of butter (lean), a large spoon of sugar, lemon, a pair of garlic cloves, salt, 2 tbsp. water, a mixture of peppers and cloves.

  1. Juice is squeezed out of lemon, which is mixed with crushed garlic, oil, sand and water. Spices are sent there. It turns into a spicy marinade.
  2. Small pieces of meat are rubbed with a mixture on all sides and placed under a press.
  3. After 1.5-2 hours of pickling, you can lay the pork on an oiled baking sheet and cook in a hot oven for 35 minutes.

It is important to periodically turn the meat over and pour it over the remaining marinade.

Recipe for cooking in a jar

This is a very unusual recipe, but it is definitely worth adopting for every housewife. Ingredients: 900 g pork tenderloin, 120 ml water, 2-3 onions, half a lemon, salt, 230 g bacon, coriander and a mixture of spices for barbecue.

  1. The meat is washed, dried with paper towels and not cut large. It is immediately salted, sprinkled with seasonings and poured with lemon juice.
  2. Onion rings are laid out for pork. Both ingredients are poured into a deep bowl, mixed. Water spills from above, and the kebab is left to marinate for 40-50 minutes.
  3. Pieces of prepared pork are strung on skewers. Between them are thin strips of bacon and onion rings from marinade.
  4. The remaining spicy mass from the bowl is laid out at the bottom of three-liter jars. In each of them there are also 4-5 skewers with meat.
  5. The neck of the containers are covered with foil. It is very important that the cans on the outside are perfectly dry.
  6. The blanks are sent to a cold oven and after heating to 200 degrees, they bake for 70-80 minutes.

When the finished barbecue in the jar will be removed from the oven, you need to handle the glass very carefully, since due to the temperature difference it can burst.

On skewers

Wooden blanks must be held in cold water for about an hour, so that they do not burn during cooking. Ingredients: 800 g of pork pulp, 3-4 onions, 40 g of mustard, 120 g of medium-fat sour cream, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The meat, cut into equal small cubes, is placed in a deep bowl. It salts, peppers and sprinkles with onion rings.
  2. Sour cream and mustard are laid out in the container.
  3. The marinade should cover each meat piece. In it, pork will be infused for about an hour in cool.
  4. Next, the meat is strung on skewers. To taste, you can alternate it with onions.
  5. The blanks are laid out on the ribs of a rectangular shape and cooked for 45 minutes in a very hot oven.

In the process of baking kebab in the oven from pork skewers, you need to turn it over a couple of times.

In the sleeve for baking

Of course, such a dish will not have a bonfire flavor, but it will turn out to be no less mild and tender than in nature. Ingredients: 1.5 kg of pork neck, special aromatic herbs for barbecue, 3-4 onions, salt.

  1. Small slices of meat are washed and wiped with paper napkins. Each of them slightly fights off on both sides through the film. Strongly zealous with this is not necessary.
  2. Onions are rubbed on a coarse grater, salted and mixed with aromatic herbs. This marinade greases the meat pieces. They will marinate for about 2 hours.
  3. Prepared meat is laid out in an oiled sleeve and baked for about an hour in a hot oven.

Served hot with lots of fresh vegetables.

Pork kebab in foil

According to this recipe, the meat will languish in its own juice, which will make it especially tasty. Ingredients: 140 ml of red wine, 2 kg of pork neck, a large pinch of suneli hop, coarse salt, 4 onions, 2 small. tablespoons of liquid smoke.

  1. Meat is cut into medium slices.
  2. Wine, liquid smoke, salt and seasoning mix. It will be a marinade in which slices of pork are laid out. It should cover every bite.
  3. At the bottom of the foil, a large number of onion rings are laid out. On top of them, the meat in the marinade is distributed.
  4. The foil is tightly wrapped and the resulting workpieces in a refractory form are cooked for 45 minutes in a hot oven.

If you want to get a delicious crust on a dish, then about 10 minutes before the readiness you need to unfold the foil. Served with a good portion of fresh vegetable salad.

Grilled in the oven

If you have an oven with a grill function, then it will be even easier to cook a delicious barbecue in it. Ingredients: 1 kg of pork neck, 2-3 sweet bell peppers, 2 onions, large tomato, eggplant, 1 tbsp. dry red wine, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. The meat is cut into small pieces, and the onion is cut into rings. These components are mixed in a deep bowl.
  2. Products are poured with wine, sprinkled with salt and spices. They will be marinated for 4-6 hours. The more time the pork spends in the spicy mixture, the better.
  3. The meat pieces are strung on skewers. Between the slices of pork you need to place pieces of the remaining fresh vegetables and onions from the marinade.
  4. Billets are laid out on the grill. A pan with water is placed underneath.
  5. A dish is prepared for 25-35 minutes in a well-heated oven.

Served with any spicy sauce.

Onion recipe

Vegetable pillow to avoid dry meat. Ingredients: 5-6 small onions, 1 kg of pork, salt, 3 large tablespoons of vinegar and a little less granulated sugar, aromatic herbs.

  1. Small pieces of meat are well beaten through the film, salted, sprinkled with seasonings.
  2. One onion is cut into thin rings that are mixed with pork. The ingredients will be pickled for about an hour.
  3. The remaining vegetables are cut in half rings, mixed with sugar and vinegar, and are also well salted. The resulting mass is laid out at the bottom of a special baking bag.
  4. On the "pillow" is the meat. No need to mix components!
  5. The treat will be baked for about 1.5 hours.

It is important not to forget to make a couple of small holes at the top of the bag.

Barbecue sauces

It is sauces that complement the taste of the meat dish being discussed, making it more vibrant and perfect. You can choose ready-made store products or knead them yourself.

Pepper sauce is very popular among housewives. For its preparation, 1 bitter and 4 sweet Bulgarian peppers are taken. All of them are baked in the oven until soft, get rid of the peel and core, the field of which with a blender turn into mashed potatoes. It remains to add garlic to the sauce to taste, 30 ml of olive oil and a little salt. You can use your favorite seasonings.

Read also:chicken wings marinade - recipe

Another interesting option is tomato shish kebab sauce. To prepare it, a glass of water is homogeneously mixed with 750 g of tomato paste, after which the liquid is brought to a boil. Shredded fresh basil, finely chopped onion, and salt are introduced into the future sauce. After 2-3 minutes of cooking, the mass cools and is fed to the meat.