Unpretentious and beautiful plant is not so often found in suburban areas. But in vain! Sage - its other name is salvia - has an attractive appearance, is an excellent honey plant, and its medicinal qualities have been known since time immemorial.

Decoctions of it are used in dentistry, used to rinse the mouth with toothache and gum inflammation. Douching is prescribed for gynecological diseases. Aromatic oils are used to treat colds. Sage is part of many medicines and culinary seasonings.

So, sage - planting and care in the open ground.

Sage: growing characteristics

At the same time, growing sage is not difficult. This can be done even in room conditions. But still, a more suitable option for the plant is open ground. In warm countries, sage is grown as a perennial plant. In Russia, it is often bred as an annual, since sage can freeze due to cold winters, and even with a small amount of snow. But with careful care this will not happen.

In Russia, you can grow clary sage, medicinal, meadow, oak.

Outdoor landing

Many gardeners grow sage seeds from seedlings, or purchase seedlings on the market. But an unpretentious plant can be planted directly in the ground. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How and when to plant?

To grow seedlings from seeds, they begin to plant in the first decade of March. Subject to all the rules, seedlings will appear in 14-20 days.In the greenhouse, seedlings can be transplanted in May, in open ground - in early June.

Seeds can be planted directly in the soil either in the fall - in October, or in the spring (preferably) during May.

Soil preparation and location

Sage does not require particularly fertile soil and grows on almost all types of soil. It best responds to planting in loam, especially if lime and humus were previously added to it.

Before planting, it is required to “lighten” only clay soil. Otherwise, in such a heavy soil in rainy summers, the roots of sage will rot and may freeze in winter. To prevent this from happening, they dig up the land ahead of time, introducing humus into it, and only then start planting the plants.

It’s good if a summer resident can allocate a place for his “plantation” of sage on the south side of the site, in a fairly lit place. But next to the house should not be planted. Icicles melting in spring and rain falling from the roof in summer will create an excess of moisture in the soil, which will negatively affect the condition of the roots.

In the central and northern regions of Russia, sage needs to be sheltered during the winter period, often it is necessary to add snow on top. So those places on the site that are cleared of snow in winter are also not suitable for planting a plant.

But the areas next to the garden paths are very convenient. If sage grows here, you can fully enjoy its aroma. Note that with good care, the bushes can rise up to a meter in height, and in diameter reach half a meter.

Planting with seeds or seedlings

It is easiest to grow sage by planting seeds on seedlings in March. Before that, they are soaked in water - warm or at room temperature - for 24 hours. After that, for disinfection, they are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes.

For planting, any of the prepared primers for flowers, which are sold in the Nature store, is suitable. Seeds are planted to a depth of about 2 mm. In order for the seedlings to appear earlier and be uniform, it is advisable to close the box with a film. Periodically, it should be lifted for 10-15 minutes so that mold does not appear on the soil.

Sprouts can be seen after about 2 weeks. After that, the box is placed in a well-lit place, the film can be removed. When the size of young plants reaches several centimeters - they are transplanted into separate cups. It is best to use peat or paper - in this case, when planting seedlings in open ground, you will not damage the roots of plants.

Starting in May, seedlings must undergo hardening. To do this, the temperature in the visit is gradually lowered, or the pots are transferred to the balcony in the daytime. Sage can be planted in open ground in the first decade of June. The distance between young plants should be at least 25 cm.

Sage seeds can be planted in the spring and autumn. This is best done in autumn in October, and in November in the southern regions. Previously, you need to dig the site, make humus, peat, sand.

Sprinkle the seeds with sand, on top you can add a layer of humus. Then the bed is abundantly watered. However, during the autumn planting, no more than half of the seeds germinate safely.

For spring planting, the land is also prepared in September - digging, removing weeds and plant roots, fertilizing. Seeds are planted in May, seedlings in cold nights need shelter.

With proper early planting for seedlings - sage can bloom in the first year.

Garden care

Caring for sage is usually not difficult even for novice gardeners.

Watering a plant

Water the plants should be necessary, in the hot time 1 time in 3-4 days. It is better to do this in the evenings, so that the plant does not receive sunburn. It is preferable to use the settled water, to water from a watering can - in moderation so that the water does not stagnate, and the roots do not begin to rot.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Top dressing is applied about 1 time in 3 weeks.You can use manure diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10, an infusion of herbs, especially good nettle, peat, humate.

Mineral fertilizers - nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus - are introduced in September, during the digging of the site.

Loosening and weeding

Sage grows slowly, so it is important to protect it from fast-growing weeds.

If the planting was made directly into the ground by seeds, then the aisles should be loosened even before emergence.

When the sage has ascended, the beds weed. If the seedlings are thickened, they are thinned out.

Usually during the summer weeding should be done at least 3 times. Loosen the ground as necessary, carefully enough so as not to damage the root system of sage.

Sage pruning rules

The bushes of the plant will have to be cut periodically, otherwise the sage will stretch, begin to age quickly, and will not give a good harvest of medicinal raw materials.

After pruning, new shoots will intensively develop.

When the flowering is completed, cut off all dried inflorescences. In spring and autumn, the bushes are sheared. Be sure to remove and woody shoots.

How to transplant?

During the summer, sage can grow up to 30 cm in height. Flowering usually ends in mid-July. If the plant is grown as a perennial - every 5 years it should be transplanted to a new place. This is done so that in subsequent years, sage pleased the owners with abundant flowering.

You can transplant the plant in spring or autumn. You should remember about the powerful root system and do the work, trying not to damage the roots.

In the process of planting, complex fertilizers are introduced into the pit.

Care in the fall and preparation for winter

The main danger to sage is represented by frosty Russian winters. Therefore, when the air temperature drops to minus values, the plant is pruned so that it is easy to cover for the winter. For this purpose, you can use fallen foliage, spruce branches, covering material.

Caring for sage for the winter is uncomplicated. Make sure that there is enough snow on the site. If necessary, add it.

When to collect sage?

Sage is harvested both in summer and in autumn.

Summer gathering usually begins in the 3rd decade of June, when inflorescences blossom. During this period, sage has the most essential oils, so the plant is suitable for medicinal purposes, and for cooking - as a seasoning. Dry intact shoots with foliage, as well as buds. Collect sage until mid-July.

In autumn, the collection begins in late September, and it lasts 2-3 weeks. On the trimmed bushes by this time, the greenery is growing again, which goes into business.

Sage in summer and autumn - must be harvested only during dry weather.

Pest and Disease Control

In order for sage to grow healthy, it is necessary to combat insects that threaten it.

Garden goat

Her larva eats stems and is capable of causing great damage to the bushes. To reduce the risk, you need to regularly weed the garden, and if there are many pests, treat the sage with insecticides.

Sage Mites

Very small mites stick to the leaves, sucking out the juice. White dry spots remain in these places. The treatment of plants with acaricides will be effective. You can use "Ticks", "Akarin" and others.

Sage moth

It looks like a nondescript butterfly of light brown color. Caterpillars appear from the eggs of the moth. Fighting them is quite difficult. In the fall, the earth is dug up to destroy larvae and pupae. In the summer, sage is treated with insecticides such as Fufanon.

Sage weevil

The danger to sage is represented by bugs with a black-brown body, their larvae. In case of an attack, you can notice damaged leaves with small holes. Plants are sprayed with Actellic or other acaricides.

Sage scoop

Another butterfly whose wings are yellowish in color. The greatest danger to plants is caterpillars of yellow-green color. With a small amount - they are collected manually.If there are a lot of caterpillars, they process the sage with a lepidocide at a weekly interval.


With proper care, the fragrant and beautiful sage in the garden will delight you for many years.