The sweetest milk sweetness of all can be easily prepared on your own, and it only takes 15 minutes. Condensed milk at home is no less tasty than a store. Moreover, in such a treat there are no preservatives, dyes, flavorings and other unnecessary harmful ingredients.
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Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe
The simplest recipe for the dessert in question involves the use of whole milk (250 ml.). If there is such an opportunity, it is best to take a fat homemade product. In addition, you will need: 70 g of butter, 250 g of sugar.
- Condensed milk during the cooking process is very foaming, so it is most convenient to use a stewpan or a high saucepan. Milk is poured into the selected dishes and sugar is poured.
- The ingredients should be simmered until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. In this case, the mass must be constantly stirred.
- Lastly, butter is sent to the container, and the mixture is boiled over high heat for about 10 minutes.
- It remains to remove the stewpan or pan from the heat and pour the resulting product into a jar.
Surely the mistress at first glance will seem that the sweetness turned out to be too liquid. But you need to give her time to cool down well and then the consistency of homemade condensed milk will turn out almost like the usual store.
From milk powder
If you decide to choose a recipe from milk powder, then you still need to add the same amount of whole milk (200 g each). The latter should be with a minimum percentage of fat. You will also need to take 200 g of sugar.
- The milk powder and sugar are mixed well in the pan. After that, the whole begins to be added to them.
- The mass should be homogeneous without lumps.It is most convenient to use a whisk for this.
- On low heat, the resulting mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for 10-12 minutes with constant stirring.
- Ready condensed milk is poured into a jar and cools.
Immediately after cooking, you can taste the sweetness. If everything was done correctly, then it will be even tastier than the store.
Condensed milk at home with cream
To make the treat even more intense and aromatic, it is worth using fat cream instead of milk (300 ml. At least 20%). It is also necessary to take other ingredients: 150 g of sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife (to taste).
- The cream is thoroughly whipped in a separate container with a whisk or mixer. A few minutes after the start of whipping, you can gradually pour sugar to them.
- The resulting mass is transferred to a pan moistened with ice water. This is necessary to avoid burning sweets.
- The future dessert is simmered for 10-12 minutes with constant stirring.
- When the mixture boils, it must be left on the stove for a couple of minutes, and then removed from the heat. If desired, vanillin is added to the condensed milk at this stage for a pleasant aroma.
If you cook the cream with sugar for longer, they will thicken and will resemble plasticine in consistency. But this does not mean that the product is spoiled. It can be eaten as fondant or used to decorate confectionery.
We cook using kitchen equipment: in a slow cooker, in a bread machine, in an air grill
In the process of preparing homemade condensed milk, you can turn to the equipment available in the house for help. For example, use a slow cooker, a bread machine or an air grill for this. This will greatly facilitate the task of the hostess.
In a slow cooker
To prepare goodies in this way you need to take: 250 ml. fat cow's milk, 250 g. sugar and 250 g. milk powder.
- All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together until smooth. In the mass, in no case should there be lumps.
- The resulting mixture is laid out in a multicooker bowl. It will be cooked in soup mode with the lid open.
- After boiling the mass, the “Baking” mode is activated, in which the future dessert remains for another 15 minutes.
It remains to cool the treat and you can serve it to the table.
In the air grill
Few housewives know that even aerogrill can be used to make homemade condensed milk.
For a delicious dessert you will need to prepare: 1 liter of fat milk and 2 kg. Sahara.
- The ingredients are thoroughly mixed together and boiled for half an hour at the highest temperature and speed.
- After the specified time, the device is set to a temperature of 205 degrees and the average speed. The cooking process continues for another 60-90 minutes.
The finished treat to taste does not differ at all from the usual shop condensed milk.
In the bread maker
Dessert is also very easy to prepare in a bread maker. You can use any device, the main thing is that it has the "jam-jam" mode. The following products will need to be used: 1 liter of whole fat milk, 400 g of sugar, 1 bag of vanillin. How to cook condensed milk in the specified device is described below.
- First, the milk is heated in a pan on the stove and only after that it is poured into the capacity of the bread machine.
- Sugar and vanillin are also sent to the baking dish.
- The jam-jam device mode is turned on until the treat thickens.
Homemade condensed milk will be an excellent cream for pies and cakes. And, in addition, also very budget.
Recipe from Julia Vysotskaya
The recipe for homemade condensed milk from Julia Vysotskaya involves the use of powdered sugar (200 g) instead of sugar. In addition to it, you need to take 200 g of whole milk and 30 g of high-quality butter.
- In a pan, oil, milk and powdered sugar are thoroughly mixed together.
- The tank is sent to a strong fire until the oil and powder are completely dissolved. The foam that appeared after boiling should be carefully removed with a spoon, and the fire should be reduced to medium.
- From boiling until cooked, the product is cooked for 10 minutes.
- It remains to put the pan in a container with cold water and cool the treat.
The resulting home-made condensed milk is perfectly stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
Dietary Condensed Milk
Even those sweet tooth who started the fight with being overweight can well treat themselves to a delicate treat. Such condensed milk is prepared with a sugar substitute (8 tablets), skimmed milk powder (60 g.) And plain skimmed milk (150 ml.)
- Skimmed milk powder is heated in a frying pan without oil (it is best to use cast-iron dishes).
- When the product acquires a caramel shade, it is diluted with ordinary milk.
- It remains to add a sugar substitute to the indicated ingredients, and cook the delicacy until the desired density.
According to Ducan, homemade condensed milk is often obtained with lumps. Filtering sweets through a sieve will allow you to get rid of them.
Condensed milk made by oneself is made more budgetary, and, in addition, absolutely harmless even to the smallest family members.
It can also be used to prepare any complex desserts.