Perhaps many of you think that linen is a fabric. It is true that it is, but the seeds of this plant are also used for other purposes - they treat, prevent various diseases, normalize weight and improve appearance. So we’ll talk today in detail about what flax seed is, its use and what it cures.
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The benefits of flax seeds
Flax, its seed, has been used by people for a long time and with success to improve health and appearance.
Systematic scientific knowledge allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding the benefits of the product for the body:
- It has the ability to cleanse the body of harmful elements, including toxins and parasites with their excretions during the lifetime in the human body.
- Fiber with pectin is “involved” in the binding of heavy metals.
- Flaxseed oil has more polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, 6, 9) than fish oil. And their importance extends to the growth and development of the body, also responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
- Omega-3 is “involved in the prevention of thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and CCC diseases."
- The presence in the composition of selenium makes up for its level among residents of large megacities, where its lack is especially noted. It does not allow nucleic acids to break down and protects against the appearance of CCC tumors and ailments in organs and systems.
- Potassium is “responsible” for the coordinated work of the whole organism.If this substance is not enough, then the heart rhythm is violated, edema appears and the activity of the kidneys, including the excretory system, is disordered.
The lecithin in the composition of the product and vitamin B does not allow nerve cells to be damaged, preventing the occurrence of mental disorders. This property is very significant in the postpartum period in women, when there is a risk of postpartum depression.
More materials: useful properties and contraindications of flax seeds
Flax Seed - Application and What It Cures
The use of flax seeds extends to many problems in health and appearance, allowing them to be solved in a relatively short time:
- Fiber, which is located in the shell of the product, successfully copes with chronic constipation. It gently cleanses the intestines, eliminating toxic substances and slagging, while restoring the organ mucosa;
- lowers cholesterol (bad), preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, increasing the elasticity of the vascular walls;
- anthelmintic properties of the product effectively relieve intestines from worms;
- treats diseases of the liver and gall bladder, as well as the genitourinary sphere with inflammation;
- the effectiveness of flax seed extends to the respiratory system and throat.
The product is also beneficial to the digestive tract, especially with diagnosed dyspeptic disorders, ulcers and gastritis.
How to consume flax seeds
The easiest way to consume flax seeds is to add them to ready-made meals, including sauces. For medicinal purposes, there are recipes for preparing a decoction, infusion, jelly, cocktail and infusion with vegetable oil.
Important: the permissible number of plant seeds per day is not more than 50 g, or 3 large spoons.
For preventive purposes, it is enough to take 10 g, and to get rid of any ailment, this dose is increased, and if necessary, to the maximum. The best result is possible with thorough chewing of the seed after drinking the liquid.
The finished drinking composition from the plant is suitable for just a day, so it is important to drink it during this time, and preferably immediately after preparation.
Flax seeds - instructions for use
The choice of instructions for using flax seeds depends on which problem you need to solve - with health or appearance. And to get the maximum effect, it is important to use the product correctly, so we will talk about this later.
Pancreas treatment with flax seeds
Due to malnutrition, uncontrolled medication and a poor ecology, pancreatic diseases are becoming a frequent occurrence in our time. A prerequisite for the healing of this body is proper nutrition. In addition, doctors prescribe medications to help the body. But there is another option - the use of traditional medicine, in particular, flaxseed.
The product is effective in this case by the presence of lignates that normalize the production of enzymes, since they destroy the pancreas if there is an inflammatory process in a chronic form.
It is important at the same time to observe certain rules of admission, which includes the use of a large amount of liquid - from 2 liters or more, and also:
- Reduce the amount of salt that you are used to adding to dishes, which will relieve swelling and remove toxins from the body.
- Cooked products should be consumed only fresh.
To treat the pancreas, it is recommended to drink jelly, which is prepared according to a specific recipe - combine in a bowl 1 large spoon of seeds with a glass of water. Put on fire and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes, then insist on the broth for 1 hour and take, strainer with a strainer.
Important: to speed up the cooking time, first pass the seeds through a coffee grinder.
For tomorrow, you can’t use the drug, since there will no longer be any benefit in its composition. For taste, you can add a little honey.The course of treatment is 2 months daily before meals.
For cleansing the intestines
Flax has the ability to cleanse the intestines from all kinds of harmful elements. This happens due to swelling of the product in the organ, stretching the bumps. Mucus, fiber, fat and other elements in its composition increase the amount of secretion secreted by the intestines. And this enhances the contractility of the body, cleansing it faster.
The absorbent and antitoxic properties of flax absorb toxins with slag, disinfecting the walls of the organ. There are several recipes with the presence of flax seed to cleanse this organ, depending on the disease and individual preferences.
Here is one such way:
- pour a large spoon of pre-ground seeds with 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos;
- the composition is infused from 4 hours to a whole day or can be left overnight.
The finished mixture must be taken in the evening, before bedtime, without filtering. Reception course - 20 consecutive days. If necessary, the course is repeated after a month break.
In the future, it is impossible to harvest the mixture due to the oxidation of the product under the influence of oxygen, which makes the product harmful to human health.
From cholesterol
If there is a need to lower the cholesterol level in the body, then linseed oil is best for this purpose, but the reception of ground raw seeds of the plant is also allowed. For convenience, it is better to buy oil in the pharmacy in the form of capsules.
Any type of use will not only reduce the amount of cholesterol, but also help to lose weight. A soft effect on the body has a decoction or infusion. It should be remembered that the use of flaxseed in any form reduces the absorption of iodine from food.
It is incompatible with flax oil to take aspirin and drugs that reduce blood viscosity, sugar level and blood pressure, choleretic and laxatives, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements.
But the simultaneous reception with flax decoction of Voltaren, Diclofenac or Movalis will reduce their harm to digestive function.
But in any case, especially when using flax seed products for treatment, a doctor’s consultation is mandatory, which will protect you from the negative consequences of illiterate intake.
The best option for using product oil to lower cholesterol is preheating up to 50 degrees before meals in 40 minutes (in liquid form in half an hour) three times a day. It is allowed to jam with a slice of apple, a slice of orange or mandarin.
The best option is to take a teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning, before lunch and dinner. You can limit yourself to taking twice a day, one or two teaspoons. The course is 3 weeks, then a 2-week break and repeat. After 6 months, if necessary, the course can be carried out again.
Worm Flax Seed
Not only pharmacy drugs are able to remove worms from the body, but also natural ones, in particular flaxseed. The correct reception will also increase the protective functions of the body.
The anthelmintic effect is possessed by substances in the composition of the product called lignans. Additionally, the body is saturated with necessary elements, helping to combat any helminths.
For these purposes, flax seed is used in any form, even when added to salads and other cold dishes. Kefir in combination with flax seed is considered an effective remedy - for 100 ml of a drink 1 small spoon of a plant product. Everything is mixed and infused for about an hour, then taking 3 times a day in half a glass.
In gynecology
Due to the fact that the biologically active substances contained in the product with their properties and structures close to hormones produced in the female body, it is also indicated for gynecological problems:
- Disorders of the hormonal background and the menstrual cycle.
- If every month you suffer severe bleeding pain.
- For the prevention of the development of cancer of various nature and their treatment.
- With insufficient amount of milk produced during lactation.
Women are shown flaxseed in various forms due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition that prolongs youth and helps to maintain good physical shape.
For these purposes, flax seed is recommended to be taken in the form of oil (capsule) or a decoction - in a glass of boiling water, brew 1 large spoon of the product. The finished composition is filtered using a strainer having large holes. You need to drink in warm form for 2 weeks, followed by a break the same amount of time in the third part of the glass 3 times a day before meals for 30 minutes.
Slimming Flax Seeds
Fiber of plant origin inside flax seeds is effective for weight loss processes, while strengthening immunity and preventing the appearance of neoplasms. Correct intake of the product guarantees up to 2 kg of lost weight per month.
Apply flax seed for weight loss every day - eat 1 large spoonful of crushed seeds or add the same amount to dishes. It can also be used as a decoction or infusion, which will lead to the same results.
But this requires compliance with certain rules:
- alternate days of rest with the reception - 10 through 10;
- drinking large amounts of water;
- Store seeds in the dark and glass containers in a cool place for up to 6 months.
Be sure to cook immediately before taking, without leaving for the future. And do not forget to visit a specialist before using the product.
Recipes of linen masks for face and hair
To give freshness to aging skin, make a composition of chamomile and flax seed - first you need to insist in a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. l without a hill of plant flowers. Add a large spoonful of crushed seed to the cooled and strained composition, mixing everything well.
Apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 15 minutes, and then wipe the face with a cotton swab previously moistened in a solution of boric acid. Such a procedure will require within 1 hour of being at home, after which before applying to the street, apply a nourishing cream on the face.
Dry skin will look much better after applying flaxseed swollen in water, washed off after 30 minutes with warm water.
For oily skin, the following recipe is suitable - pour a small spoonful of flour of flax seed and oatmeal with milk and wait for swelling. Apply the resulting slurry to the skin for 20 minutes, then removing it with a swab dipped in water.
Flax seed oil will help restore hair with regular rubbing into the scalp before washing. It is advisable to keep the hair under steam for some time.
White flax seed
If you compare white flax with brown, then the first contains more polyphenols and lignans. And the white product tastes much softer. But it is extremely rare to meet him at grocery stores; it is mainly sold through the departments of healthy eating. The seeds of white flax are applied similarly to brown.
Contraindications to the use of flax seeds
Absolute contraindications to the use of flax seeds are individual intolerance to the components, cholecystitis in the acute stage, dyspeptic symptoms and intestinal obstruction.
Product oil is not recommended if pancreatitis, gallstones, stomach ulcers, keratitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis are diagnosed.
If there is a history of pathology of the esophagus or intestines, then you can not eat flax seed, but oil is possible.
When taking flax seed, there may be side effects, accompanied by nausea and a mushy stool at the very beginning of use.
In order for preventive and therapeutic measures using flaxseed to bring maximum benefits without harm to health, it is important to follow all the recommendations and dosages prescribed by a specialist - self-medication is contraindicated. Health to you and your loved ones!