Flax is an amazing plant that since ancient times has been used by humans not only as a food product, but also for the preparation of medicines from the arsenal of traditional medicine. Flax seed, the beneficial properties and contraindications to which are described in the article, contain many substances necessary for the body, which determines their healing effect.
Material Content:
- 1 Useful properties of flax seeds for the female body
- 2 Flax Seed - A Powerful Antioxidant
- 3 Flax seed for skin and hair beauty
- 4 Recipes of linen masks for face and hair
- 5 Slimming Flax Seeds
- 6 How to take flax seeds to cleanse the body
- 7 Flax Seeds for Bowel Cleansing
- 8 Brew flax seeds to treat the stomach
- 9 Useful properties for children
- 10 Can pregnant and lactating mothers
- 11 Contraindications
- 12 How and where to store
Useful properties of flax seeds for the female body
Despite the fact that flax seed does not have a specific healing effect on the female body, the substances contained in it contribute to the prevention and treatment of certain diseases that are more common in the fairer sex. So, the seeds contain lignins - natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components that contribute to the rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection. Due to the anatomical features, in women much more often than in men, bacterial cystitis occurs. Flax helps prevent it.
In addition to the above, the beneficial properties for women are also due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins A, E, F in the seeds. Such a rich vitamin complex contained in the plant allows you to tone the skin, slow down the formation of age wrinkles, and improve hair condition. Regular consumption of flax seeds slows down aging and helps to preserve the natural beauty for a long time without the help of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.
Another useful property of flax seeds is their ability to regulate blood sugar. In diabetes mellitus of moderate intensity, not accompanied by a significant increase in glucose in the blood, seed-based preparations can reduce hyperglycemia to acceptable values.
Note: White flax seeds are really capable of lowering blood sugar. However, they weaken the effect of pharmaceutical drugs. Therefore, it is impossible to use flax as an auxiliary method of therapy for severe diabetes mellitus!
Flax Seed - A Powerful Antioxidant
Lignins, vitamin C and omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in large quantities in flax seeds, have an antioxidant effect, neutralizing the free radicals formed in the body. The latter are the main cause of aging, and also provoke the development of diseases such as:
- Alzheimer's disease;
- decreased immunity;
- heart and vascular disease;
- genetic defects affecting mainly the health of future generations.
The principle of the antioxidant action of the substances contained in flax seeds is that an electron is provided to the free oxygen atom to form compounds. After this, the radical becomes safe and ceases to affect the somatic cells surrounding it.
Flax seed for skin and hair beauty
To improve the condition of hair and skin, flax has been used by women since ancient times. As a rule, it was used and continues to be applied in the form of masks. A large number of vitamins of the B, K group, nicotinic acid nourish the hair and skin, contribute to their speedy regeneration, give the hair shine and a healthy appearance. Similarly, masks affect the skin. The regenerating properties of unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3) can accelerate the healing of microdefects, increase skin tone, and avoid wrinkles.
Like any other natural raw material, flax seeds do not provide an instant healing and regenerative effect. The effect of vitamins and fatty acids becomes noticeable after 2-3 months of regular use of masks. Such a long time to achieve the desired effect is justified by the complete safety of the raw material and the absence of contraindications for its use.
Recipes of linen masks for face and hair
As it turned out, flax seeds, containing a large amount of beneficial substances, contribute to the restoration of healthy skin and hair. For this purpose, the following types of recovery masks are used.
For hair:
- Onions, honey and flax have a strengthening effect on the hair. To prepare the composition, you need to mix three tablespoons of onion juice, a tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of pre-warmed linseed oil. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair roots. The mixture should be kept until tingling, no more than half an hour. After the procedure, the composition is washed off with warm water and soap.
- Flaxseed oil for hair growth: 200-300 ml of flaxseed oil is heated and applied to the hair and scalp, after which the treated area is wrapped with a thick cloth or towel. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours, after which the oil should be washed off.
- Rinsing: the health of the hair can be improved by using a special conditioner based on flaxseeds. To do this, 4 tablespoons of raw material is poured with 1 liter of hot, but not boiling water, and left to infuse for 5-6 hours. The resulting product is filtered and used to treat hair after applying shampoo or soap.
For skin:
- Healing mask: 2 teaspoons of flax seeds must be filled with a glass of boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of sugar-free yogurt to the mixture. Treatment with the composition is carried out for 20 minutes, after which the mixture is washed off with warm water.
- Cleansing mask: 2 tablespoons of flax seeds should be added to a glass of honey, mixed with 0.25 glasses of hot water. The components are mixed, and then applied to the skin for 25 minutes. After this period, the mixture is washed off.
- Moisturizing mask: 50 grams of seeds are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled until a mushy substance forms in the saucepan. After that, a few drops of myrrh oil are added to the composition, mixed and cooled. The cooled preparation is placed in cheesecloth and applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
Regardless of the type of mask, the total number of therapy sessions should be 14-15 times. However, daily masking is not allowed. The average frequency of the procedure is 2-3 times a week.
Note: flax can cause an allergic reaction. Before using the mask, apply 1-2 drops of warmed linseed oil on your wrist. If within half an hour in the treated area there are no rashes and itching, the tool can be used.
Slimming Flax Seeds
The healing properties of flax seeds allow you to use them for weight loss. The fact is that they do not digest, but swell, filling a significant amount of the stomach, causing a feeling of satiety. This property can be used by people who are prone to overeating and unable to independently limit the amount of food consumed.
It is interesting: how to take flax seeds for weight loss
In addition to swelling, the seeds have a mild laxative effect, help remove solid feces from the intestines. All this helps to cleanse the body, normalize the digestive tract and, consequently, lose weight.
Flax seeds are taken in their pure form, 1 teaspoon half an hour before each meal. This allows you to reduce the weight of the eaten portion by 10-30%. Of course, the use of flax as the only means for losing weight will not achieve the desired result. The intake of plant materials should be combined with a properly constructed diet and aerobic exercise.
How to take flax seeds to cleanse the body
To cleanse the body during intoxication (inflammatory diseases) and reduce the level of high density lipids in the blood, flax seeds are used as an infusion. To prepare it, you should take 8 teaspoons of the raw material, place it in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. The tool is insisted for 5-6 hours, periodically shaking. Before use, the fluid should not be filtered.
The resulting infusion is taken in 400-600 ml (2-3 glasses) per day, breaking the total dose of the drug into 3 doses. The drug allows you to remove from the body toxins resulting from the disease, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals necessary for normal life. The general course of treatment with broth is 2 weeks, after which a break for 15-20 days should be taken.
Flax Seeds for Bowel Cleansing
As a laxative to cleanse the intestines, flax can be used in the form of a decoction, infusion or jelly:
- Decoction: 1 tablespoon of seed is poured in a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for one hour. After this, the product is cooled and consumed 50-100 ml before each meal.
- Infusion: 1 tablespoon of seed is poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted for 5-8 hours. Infusion should be taken 100 ml before dinner.
- Kissel: at the end of the preparation of ordinary fruit jelly, a tablespoon of flax seeds should be added to it. You can use jelly without restrictions on time and volume.
It should be remembered that flaxseed preparations are not intended for long-term storage. Cook and consume them within one day. The laxative properties of flax are quite soft, so you should not expect an instant effect. The stool returns to normal within a few days after the start of therapy.The general course of treatment is usually 2-4 weeks. With acute stool retention, flax seeds are not used. To make a diagnosis and prescribe drug therapy, you should consult a doctor.
Brew flax seeds to treat the stomach
For the treatment of diseases of the stomach, a mucous infusion of flaxseeds is used. The mucus released during the preparation has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and enveloping effects. The latter is especially important for gastritis and peptic ulcer.
To prepare the infusion, take 5 grams of dry flax seeds and pour them with 500 ml of boiling water, then insist for 15 minutes. As a result, it is possible to obtain a substance resembling jelly. Use the product should be between meals, 3 times a day. The drug allows you to accelerate the regeneration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, reduce the intensity of inflammation, improve digestion.
There is also a universal recipe that is used for all diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. 70 grams of seeds are poured with a liter of water and boiled for two hours. After cooking, the broth is cooled and taken in 200 ml three times a day. The course of treatment is 2-2.5 months.
Note: folk recipes are mainly used to prevent exacerbations in chronic forms of intestinal diseases. Acute forms of gastritis, gastroenteritis, exacerbation and perforation of an ulcer require a mandatory visit to a specialist.
Useful properties for children
It's no secret that flax is extremely useful for the child's body due to the vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, fiber contained in it. Regular use of flax infusion or decoction accelerates growth and mental development, creates a reserve for the formation of a child's good health and excellent immunity.
Young children (1-5 years old) are given flax in the form of water infusion. To prepare it, 1 teaspoon of seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. Infusion should be ½ teaspoon twice a day. Children over 5 years old are given 1-2 teaspoons per day. There is no need to use higher concentrations and amounts of flax preparations for prophylactic purposes.
Can pregnant and lactating mothers
Despite the large number of beneficial substances contained in flax seeds and its oil, the use of this plant during pregnancy should be limited. The fact is that the components contained in the seeds can indirectly affect the tone of the uterus, which can cause hypertonicity and increase the risk of miscarriage. In addition, flax is able to enhance intestinal motility, which is not the best way to affect the health of the expectant mother.
In order to saturate the body with vitamins and fatty acids, flax decoctions should be used 1 time per day, 50-100 ml each, controlling your well-being. At the first signs of deterioration, you should stop taking flaxseed and consult a doctor for advice. During breastfeeding there are no restrictions on the intake of flaxseed and oil. An exception is general contraindications to this type of herbal medicine.
Like most other folk recipes, flax seeds have their contraindications.
These include:
- hypercoagulation (increased blood coagulation);
- hormone-dependent tumors;
- allergic reactions to flax preparations;
- pharmacological treatment of diabetes mellitus (seeds reduce the effectiveness of drugs);
- urolithiasis and cholelithiasis in the presence of large calculi;
- diarrhea;
- liver disease
- thyroid disease.
In addition to the above, it is recommended to limit the use of flaxseed with flatulence, vomiting, hypotension, mental illness in the acute stage. The intake of plant materials can aggravate the condition of the patient.
How and where to store
Flax seeds are quite demanding on storage conditions.A prolonged stay in inappropriate conditions causes the raw material to lose its healing properties. Dry whole seeds are recommended to be placed in fabric bags that allow air to pass through and suspended in a dry, dark place. A heated attic or a ventilated utility room is ideal for this. In this form, the seeds can be stored for 1 year.
Shredded seeds sold in plastic packaging can be stored for six months. If the packaging has been opened, the shelf life of the seed is reduced to 6 weeks. Due to the short shelf life, flax is not recommended for future use. It is better if the raw materials are bought at the pharmacy immediately before use.
In conclusion, it should be said that the recipes for treating serious diseases with the help of plant materials do not always meet modern requirements for the safety and effectiveness of therapy. In most cases, plants are used as an adjunct treatment. However, even with this, starting herbal medicine is allowed only after the doctor assesses the ratio of benefit and risk for the chosen treatment method.