Fresh herbs of the plant are widely used as a seasoning for food, green fruits are used to flavor marinades. In folk medicine in many countries, the medicinal properties and contraindications of dill seeds and its leaves are well known. Plant essential oil is also used in the treatment of diseases, in perfumery. Consider the main options for the medical use of seeds of universal grass.
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Dill seeds: medicinal and beneficial properties
The botanical species is divided into three subspecies, which can conditionally be called "garden", "Indian" and "field". The odorous dill is cultivated like a garden plant. Closer to autumn, its small two-seeded fruits ripen, having a grayish or light brown color.
Useful properties of dill:
- relaxing (antispasmodic);
- anti-inflammatory;
- bacteriostatic;
- antiseptic;
- soothing;
- milk milk;
- carminative;
- diuretics.
For dill seeds, a bacteriostatic effect against 14 microorganisms, including Staphylococcus aureus, Helicobacter pylori, E. coli, Salmonella, has been scientifically proven.
Dill and its preparations stimulate appetite, enhance the secretory activity of the stomach, intestines, bronchi and mammary glands in women during breastfeeding. A decoction of seeds weakens gastrointestinal motility and reduces flatulence. The tool improves digestion, gently eliminates the symptoms of dyspepsia. The choleretic properties are less pronounced.
The chemical composition of dill seeds
The seeds have a spicy-bitter taste, strong, aromatic odor due to the high content of essential oil.Its main component, D-carvone, is a terpenoid with a characteristic sharp aroma of caraway seeds + orange peel. There are also terpenes, in particular D-limonene, which have a citrus odor. Monoterpenes: peppermint alpha fellandren and pine aroma alpha pinen.
Composition of ripe dill seeds:
- essential oil (2.5 to 5%);
- protein substances;
- fatty oil;
- coumarins;
- phenol carboxylic acids;
- flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, kempferol);
- vitamins B1, B2, nicotinic and folic acids;
- salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
Milk fruits contain the volatile substance carvone, tannin, mucus, resins, fatty acids, vitamins, and mineral salts.
Indications for use
The healing properties of dill seeds are useful in many diseases. The most famous use of the decoction is the elimination of intestinal colic in infants. The tool is effective for cramping, heartburn, flatulence (bloating).
A variety of indications for the use of dill seed preparations:
- inflammatory diseases of the digestive system;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- respiratory diseases;
- inflammation of the skin;
- urinary tract diseases;
- disorders of bile secretion;
- colic in infants;
- atherosclerosis;
- eye diseases;
- insomnia;
- flatulence;
- constipation.
The bacteriostatic properties of dill seeds make them useful for the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems. The improving effect of the agent on the gastrointestinal tract is manifested in the suppression of decay and fermentation in the intestine.
The use of dill seeds in folk medicine
Summer residents, rural residents harvest whole stems or tops with unripe fruits for pickling the crop, for medicinal use. Cut dill is left to dry in a dry and warm place for a week. Then the seeds are threshed, stored in a glass jar under a lid.
The powder from the fruits of dill is used in cooking as a food supplement. Since ancient times, people have noticed that seasoning facilitates digestion, relieves stomach pain in the stomach and liver. An antispasmodic effect is manifested in a decrease in bloating. The listed symptoms are characteristic of gastritis, inflammatory processes in the intestine, gall bladder and liver.
Infusion for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is prepared from 4-8 g of seeds and 1 liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos and take 200 ml after meals 3 times a day. This is a good carminative, a drug to improve digestion and urination. You can grind dill in a coffee grinder, chew 3 g of powder three times a day, add it to food for symptoms of dyspepsia (nausea, upset stool, vomiting).
A decoction of dill seeds is used in folk medicine to treat respiratory diseases. The tool helps thinning and sputum discharge. To enhance the effect, the seeds are brewed with milk and honey is added.
Since ancient times, lactating women have been advised to drink seed infusion to enhance lactation. If the mammary glands swell, then compresses can be made from this solution.
Pustular skin lesions are treated with lotions with a dill broth. Use a tool for washing badly healing abrasions, scratches. Traditional medicine also recommends flushing eyes with dill water for inflammatory diseases. Rinse the seeds with a mouthwash in order to deal with an unpleasant odor.
Benefits for newborns and infants
Parents in the first months of a child's life are faced with the problem of intestinal colic in a baby. Children are born with an imperfect digestive system, its formation lasts up to 7 years and longer. Increased flatulence in the newborn and the baby is accompanied by pain.
The air that has accumulated in the intestines can be vented using a gas vent. However, it is better to prevent colic. The pharmacy herbal tea “Dill Water”, containing fennel and anise, helps.
A similar carminative effect has an infusion of dill seeds. Prepare a solution of 1 tsp.raw materials and 250 ml of boiling water. Insist the liquid for an hour under the lid, filter and give the solution to the baby 15 minutes before the next feeding. Dosage - from ½ to 1 tsp. infusion.
The healing properties of dill tinctures
Inflammation of the walls of blood vessels occurs with phlebitis and varicose veins, patency worsens with atherosclerosis and thrombosis. These processes lead to hypertension, tinnitus, and insomnia.
People's advice:dill: medicinal properties and contraindications
Dill tincture relieves inflammation, helps cleanse blood vessels. Prepare a tool of 3 tbsp. l seeds and 0.5 l of good wine from red grape varieties. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and heat slightly for 15 minutes. The liquid is passed through a strainer or gauze, poured into a bottle of dark glass. Take in the evening 50 ml of the drug.
"Dill" wine for the treatment of sleep disorders is prepared from 10 g of dill seeds and 250 ml of white wine. Prepare the product in the same way as tincture on red wine. Drink 50-100 ml before bedtime.
To treat bronchitis, tincture of crushed dill seeds (50 g), juniper berries (2 tbsp.), Ground pepper (2 g), horseradish root (1 tbsp.) In 1 liter of vodka is used. All ingredients are mixed in a jar or bottle. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. After filtering the tinctures, a solution of 15–20 drops in half a glass of water is consumed daily.
The use of seeds for weight loss
Dill preparations normalize the digestive tract, which is an essential condition for improving metabolism. Infusion of seeds helps regulate the secretion of digestive juices and the absorption of nutrients. The diuretic action helps to eliminate excess fluid, reduce swelling of the abdomen and legs.
The use of dill and its main advantage for getting rid of extra pounds is the natural course of this process, the healing effect.
Fresh and dried dill greens are also used by slimming women as a seasoning for dishes. However, seed recipes are the most popular. Take 2 tbsp. l seeds per 0.5 l of boiling water, brewed in a thermos and left to infuse for 2 hours. Then filter and take 100 ml of the solution half an hour before breakfast and dinner.
Another effective way is to chew the seeds before eating. The feeling of hunger is “interrupted”, so less food is eaten at the meal. In the reviews, many girls and women note that this is a simple and effective method of losing weight.
Dill occasionally causes allergic reactions in people whose body reacts unusually to ordinary foods or medicines. There is a cross allergy to related plants: dill, fennel, carrots, celery, coriander.
You can not take dill oil for pregnant and lactating women, give this remedy to children under the age of one year. With caution, a remedy is prescribed for low blood pressure.
Dill is a folk remedy against bloating and other digestive problems. More recently, studies have been conducted that prove the antimicrobial properties of leaves, seeds, and plant essential oils. This opens up new horizons for the use of dill powder and liquid extracts in medicine.