Today, there is a lot of talk about slagging the body, incredible conglomerates of stool, stagnant in the intestines, and toxins that slowly poison each person from the inside. The opinion of doctors on this issue is far from unambiguous. Let's try to figure out what is true, what is a myth, and what benefits can flax seeds bring to cleanse the intestines. It’s worth mentioning right away that this product is far from being as harmless as it seems, and despite its effectiveness, it cannot be used internally for a long time and without control. But first things first.

Flax Seed Health Benefits

To many, flaxseed oil and seed seem to be some kind of exotic foods. Meanwhile, Russia is the 4th country in the world in terms of cultivation of this crop with lovely blue flowers. Many centuries ago it was brought to us from Asia - since then it has taken root. They began to make oil from flaxseed, add it raw to baking, salads and first dishes, and learned to weave clothes from flaxseed. In folk medicine, flaxseed oil was used to heal wounds and burns, and it was only much later found out that the spectrum of its use is much wider.

  1. Today it is reliably known that flaxseed is a record holder for the content of irreplaceable omega-3, -6 and -9 PUFAs. The human body does not know how to synthesize them, and therefore must receive in the required volume with food. In this regard, a teaspoon of flaxseed oil is equivalent to 100 grams of Atlantic salmon!
  2. High in flaxseed vitamin B1.It gives tone to the muscles of the digestive system, and also enhances brain activity and blood formation.
  3. In addition, tocopherol is present in the composition of flaxseed - the so-called vitamin E, which is the strongest antioxidant.
  4. Vitamin B9, better known to women as folic acid, is also found in brown seeds.
  5. In some quantities, flax contains magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorus and zinc.

Flaxseed contains many more vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, but in total their number is small.

The properties of brilliant brown seeds have been used for many centuries in folk medicine.

So, linseed oil, raw seed, decoctions and infusions can be used for such purposes:

  • lower cholesterol;
  • prevention of thrombosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • elimination of constipation and hemorrhoids due to intestinal atony or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • metabolic acceleration (finds application among athletes);
  • removal of inflammation in mastopathy, gout and lupus;
  • can be used as a concomitant for weight loss;
  • healing of burns, the fight against acne, psoriasis;
  • solution of "female" problems - infertility, algomenorrhea, ovarian dysfunction, etc.
  • actively used in cosmetology to improve the quality of hair, nails and skin.

In addition, flaxseed is used to cleanse the intestines, due to the high content of plant fiber in them. In the digestive tract, the seeds swell, stimulating intestinal motility, which accelerates the excretion of feces with constipation and atony.

A prerequisite for taking raw flax seeds is the use of a large volume of water in order to avoid the opposite effect - the occurrence of constipation.

Read also: how to take flax seeds for weight loss

Contraindications and side effects

Eating raw flaxseed is risky. Despite the huge amount of very useful omega acids, cyanogenic glycosides are present in beautiful brown seeds. This is very well known by veterinarians who never give animals raw seeds - only in the form of cereals, boiled to an unpleasant slimy state. These substances are present in a certain amount in the human body, and even participate in individual metabolic processes, but in large doses cause severe poisoning. During heat treatment, hazardous compounds are destroyed, therefore, flaxseed is better to use in the form of cereals. Broths, hot infusions and oils are safe. But it should be remembered that oil has its own subtleties of storage - only in dark dishes, away from light and hot foods. Omega are destroyed in the light, and when heated, the oil becomes carcinogenic.

Before drinking flax seeds to cleanse the intestines, make sure that you do not have direct contraindications to this procedure.

Among them:

  • any inflammatory processes in the stomach, liver and intestines (cholecystitis, colitis, etc.);
  • pancreatitis, the presence of stones or sand in the bile duct or its ducts (due to the powerful choleretic effect);
  • taking blood thinners because omega-3 has the same effect;
  • pregnancy and lactation, because phytoestrogens are present in the seed, the effects of which are dangerous in the indicated period.

Do not forget that flaxseed is very high in calories, and can also cause flatulence. If this happens, reduce the dosage so that the digestive system is accustomed to a new load.

Thus, in the absence of contraindications, flaxseed is allowed to be consumed in an amount of not more than 2 full spoons per day in short courses of up to 10-14 days. It is preferable to cook porridge from it, which, by the way, is very popular in Europe and, in particular, in England. A dish with honey and dried fruits is especially tasty and healthy.In this form, the mucus formed from the seed has an enveloping, calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the intestines.

Flaxseed Bowel Cleansing Recipes

Wanting to do the bowel cleansing fashionable today, first answer your question, what effect do you want to achieve? Get rid of toxins and toxins? Doctors confidently declare that there are no and cannot be any terrible fecal stones in the healthy intestines that poison the body with toxins. In a normal, normal mode of operation, the intestine calmly copes with the removal of its own contents and without reason to intervene in this process. If the intestines are not healthy, then the problem should be resolved immediately with medication. Perhaps even with the help of alternative medicine, but only after consulting a doctor. Do not self-medicate! After all, natural preparations are really strong and can do harm in inept hands.

If the intestines really need help, review your diet, excluding fried, fatty, spicy, pastry, and refer to the following recipes.

Whole Flax Seeds

Grind raw flaxseeds into powder. Use the finished product two tablespoons a day. You can just eat, you can add to the salad, porridge, morning cottage cheese. Do not prepare the medicine for the future; it is best to grind the seeds immediately before use. We take flax seeds with a course of up to two weeks, then take a break.

Flaxseed Cleansing with Kefir

Kefir maintains the normal intestinal microflora and in itself has some laxative effect. But only if the product is fresh! Already two-day kefir will take the opposite effect and "fix" the intestines.

Scheme of admission:

  • in the first week, drink bedtime 100 ml of kefir, seizing a dessert spoon of seeds;
  • in the second - with two spoons;
  • in the third - increase the amount of kefir to 150 ml, and seeds - up to three spoons.

Flaxseed decoction

Making linen decoction is the easiest, and heat treatment makes it safe in terms of the content of cyanogenic glycosides.

  1. Grind flaxseed into powder. You will need 2 full spoons of it.
  2. Boil 2 cups of water, pour powder into them and boil for another half hour.
  3. Divide the received dose into three doses and drink during the day before meals, for 30-40 minutes.

Flax seed infusion

Pour a spoonful of brown seeds with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to rest until evening. Drink the prepared liquid before going to bed, eat the seeds. In the morning, prepare a fresh serving for the night. The course of such therapy can last up to a month.

With sunflower oil

This method is strictly prohibited for people suffering from any liver disease or having excess weight.

  1. Grind 100 grams of seeds, pour into a dark bottle and pour a glass of sunflower oil.
  2. Insist a week without access to sunlight. Shake occasionally.
  3. You need to take the finished product in a spoon in the morning and in the evening before eating. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Shake the medicine before drinking so that both the oil and the crushed seed are in the spoon.

Flax seeds from worms - an effective remedy

Unfortunately, in our country the attitude to traditional medicine is not always positive. Suspecting some kind of ailment, our person first goes for a consultation with friends or on the Internet, and gets to the doctor when the situation gets out of control. This is especially true for the problems of "shameful" - diarrhea and constipation, genitourinary infections, infestation by worms ... In the latter case, the diagnosis is most often taken from the ceiling, but in fact it is worth approaching the diagnosis and treatment of this problem!

Before you start drinking anything against worms, make sure you have them at all. No abdominal pain, digestive upset, gnashing of teeth at night can not be the basis for a diagnosis. Detecting the presence of helminths is very simple through fecal analysis.The result will be on hand in a day. The most correct thing you can do after is to go to the doctor, who will prescribe a medicine for you and ask you to retake the analysis in a couple of weeks.

  1. Modern pharmaceuticals against parasites act quickly and for sure.
  2. There are even medicines approved for infants.
  3. Anthelminthic drugs of a new generation have almost no contraindications and are much safer than traditional medicine.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity (or do not want) to drink pills, keep in mind that the power of nature is certainly great, but the effectiveness of the treatment of helminthic infestation with herbal preparations may be zero. Helminths are sensitive to bitter wormwood, tansy, chanterelle mushrooms and some other plant products.

There is an opinion that flaxseed also effectively copes with the destruction of worms. Traditional medicine does not support him ...

But each person has the right to decide what and how to eat and drink.

Herbalists recommend preparing and eating flax seeds from worms in this way:

  1. Grind flaxseed and a little clove separately in a coffee grinder or mortar.
  2. Take 1 part clove, 10 parts flaxseed powder and mix.
  3. Eat a tablespoon of such a remedy per day.

The powder is taken in courses of three days with a two-day break. The duration of therapy is 1 month.

To solve the same problem, flaxseed jelly can be prepared. It is recommended to use it if inflammatory processes occur in the intestine, which is almost inevitable with prolonged helminthic invasion:

  1. Crush flaxseed into powder. To prepare a liter of jelly you will need 2 tablespoons with a slide.
  2. Pour the powder with two glasses of hot water and let simmer over low heat or even in a water bath.
  3. After an hour, remove from the stove and leave the finished jelly to cool.

This remedy is enough for the entire course of treatment. Drink jelly in the morning on an empty stomach in 100 ml.

Testimonials of those who underwent purification

“At least once a month I arrange unloading days for myself on kefir and flaxseed. For three or four days I eat only cereals and vegetables, and at night I use flax seed with kefir to cleanse my intestines. An excellent laxative, I tell you ... After such a cleaning, I don’t even want to start eating normally again - my stomach is flat, like at 16 years old. ”

Anna, 32 years old

“I ate flaxseed powder every morning. I repeat this procedure periodically and am always happy. Hair and nails are getting better, the skin takes on a healthy shade. The taste of the product is not too pleasant for some. In that case, I recommend just eating it with honey. ”

Elena, 37 years old

“All my conscious life I lose weight. There are a lot of all kinds of means in my arsenal, but there is always flaxseed in the diets. Flax porridge or jelly perfectly replace dinner or breakfast. Saturation comes quickly and then I don’t feel like eating for a long time. ”

Oksana, 28 years old