In popular dream books, sex from sleep has a different meaning. The interpretation of such a plot will depend on many factors: with whom the sleeping person made love, what emotions he felt, his sexual games turned out to be traditional or unusual, etc. Details about each of the options are described below.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Most information about dreams with sexual games can be found in Freud's dream book.
- The specialist notes that such a plot of night dreams symbolizes many unrealized hidden desires in a person in reality. Most likely, a man or woman behaves in bed modestly and even constrained. But in reality, he dreams of something completely different. It is time to throw out the accumulated erotic energy and decide to admit to the partner about their fantasies.
- If a woman dreams of very gentle romantic sex with a certain young man, then she really likes him in reality. A girl often fantasizes about physical intimacy with a guy, so her wishes are realized in dreams. Such a dream is quite capable of becoming a reality if the sleeper takes the initiative in a relationship with a man who has attracted her.
- Scenarios with violence, loss of virginity, painful unpleasant sex suggest that someone around puts strong pressure on the dreamer. Also, a similar plot may indicate a sexual disorder in a person, manifested as a result of strong emotional experiences, overwork at work or other similar reasons.
Miller suggests that observing the sex of strangers from the outside indicates intimate problems in the sleeping person.He is too critical and picky about his second half, as a result of which the couple has frequent conflicts, does not get along well, has no opportunity and desire to fulfill each other's intimate fantasies.
But the enjoyment of making love in a dream is a great sign for a man or woman. Such a plot suggests that a person has accumulated enough strength and energy to implement his most ambitious plans.
If, in a dream, the sleeper is ashamed of the intimacy that has taken place, in reality the case for which he undertakes will most likely prove to be a failure. It is very important not to tell your colleagues, bosses and anyone even from your immediate environment in advance.
Why have sex with an ex-boyfriend, husband
If a girl often dreams of having sex with her ex-lover, and she receives real pleasure from the process, most likely, she still has not been able to let go of the person. The sleeping woman continues to think about the guy or husband and hopes to get him back.
A similar plot may suggest that vain nostalgia interferes with the current life of a woman. She constantly idealizes the past, refusing to think about the present and future.
With ex-girlfriend, wife
If you had sex with a girl from a past man, then this dream has a slightly different meaning. The representative of the stronger sex needs to be prepared for the fact that some people from the past will soon remind themselves. These are not necessarily beautiful ladies with whom the sleeper had an intimate relationship. They may also be friends who once lent a dreamer a large sum of money.
Make love with your loved one
If you dreamed of having sex in a dream with your soulmate, the meanings of such a plot can be very different:
- A boring intimate relationship with the current spouse in a dream indicates a relationship problem. Even a quick divorce is possible.
- If sex was very bright, passionate, pleasant, then in reality you can expect great luck and luck for yourself. The process of achieving your goals will significantly accelerate.
- An intimate relationship with a close relative in a dream is a hint that a person in reality needs the help of his relatives. You need to stop hiding this and expressly declare the need for support from them.
Sex with a stranger
If you had sex with a stranger, most likely, this story portends a man or woman a major conflict with others in reality. The reason for the scandal will not be the sleeping person, but a completely unfamiliar person. To resolve and end the conflict, it will take a lot of effort.
Intimate games with several partners from sleep immediately promise the sleeper a fun pastime in reality.
Perhaps he will be invited to a noisy large-scale holiday or there will be an opportunity to go on a long-awaited vacation with friends.
Sometimes sex with a stranger in a dream reflects the dreamer's real desires. A man or woman really wants to experiment in the intimacy with an unfamiliar partner in reality.
Dream of dissatisfaction with desire
Often in a dream, a person feels dissatisfaction with his sexual desires and tries to realize old intimate fantasies. Such a plot does not require special interpretation. He really points out that the sleeping person has sex problems. Such a plot will allow you to pay special attention to them, analyze and resolve. The main thing is to enlist the support of your second half.
Alternative sex in a dream
If a person dreamed of unconventional sex, such a plot can have several meanings at once:
- Group intimate games suggest that the sleeper is unstable to all kinds of life temptations. For the sake of pleasure, he is ready even for breaking the law.
- Sex with a representative of the same sex indicates the need to find a faithful faithful friend. This interpretation of the plot is relevant for both men and women.
- Had to take part in a sexual orgy in a dream? This means that in real life a person wastes his potential and his forces in vain.
Dreaming about sex may indicate a dissatisfaction with a person’s intimate fantasies in real life or portend to him changes that have nothing to do with this area. If you can’t correctly interpret the plot yourself, you should seek help from dream books and specialists.