Without any doubt, Compared to ancient times, our life is much better arranged. People no longer die at a young age from those diseases that in the past claimed hundreds of lives. Technology has made our daily routine much easier. What was given to the inhabitants of bygone ages with blood and sweat, we do almost effortlessly.
However, there are still many problems in society. There are still people on the planet who are dying of hunger. There are still illiterate and impoverished people. And the meaning of many things - such as freedom, choice, truth - is distorted.

Let's start with this illustration depicting a sleeping baby. Maybe this is a baby whose parents are constantly at work. Or just an orphan. But the desire to receive love and warmth cannot be taken away from any child.

Insatiable sadness

The endless desert of big cities.

It looks like a real desert

Man creates idols for himself. He forgets about the laws in nature and prays to the gods for mercy.

I created an idol for myself

Which is better - to bathe in dreams, or live by what reality offers today? The truth may be unsightly. But in what you possess today, you can find joyful moments.

The dream is beautiful, but it's better to live reality

We do not notice how our parents are aging.

Time goes fast

Even with a natural ability to run fast, hares cannot catch a turtle gliding on a skateboard. To achieve career goals, today is not enough hard work and ability. After all, even they will not allow it to be done as quickly as money and communications.

Easy way

What about the notorious respect for elders? Alas, many "old people" are now inclined to manipulate the credulity of others.

“Respect the elders!”

Parents repeat to children: only with higher education can success be achieved.But is it really so? Perhaps after spending five years to get a diploma, you have to work as a cashier in fast food? Unfortunately, this is exactly the reality. Graduates grab onto any job. And a diploma is by no means a “ticket” to the land of prosperity and career growth.

Higher education is the key to success

The romance of the upcoming trip breaks into control reefs at the airport.

Airport Control

In difficult times, safety is only possible for an elite handful.

Who can be calm in any weather?

A paper book is a thing of the past.

The book is doomed

The difference in perception of the poor and rich.

The poor and rich acquaint sons with how cars appear

Should I turn a blind eye to all this?

Do not pay attention to the face of the world

What problems in the illustrations seemed to you the most painful? Share in the comments.