The market for nail services is growing every year. According to preliminary estimates, the global turnover in this area by 2024 will amount to 15.5 billion dollars. From these figures it can be judged that thinking about the beauty of nails has become very fashionable. Fortunately, among all the variety of design and materials, every woman can choose what most reflects her personality.

But sometimes adherents of professional manicure go too far. And the following photos confirm this.

Who ever thought of combining teeth and nails?

Strangest Nail Design
Crazy tooth idea

Pieces of fluff (or hair) on the nails look at least strange.

Strangest Nail Design
Nails in fluff? It's too much

Pierced nails. Only for real loafers. They are not that salad cannot be shredded - any simplest action with such a manicure is difficult.

Strangest Nail Design
Pierced nails, which are also stitched together by a chain

Corkscrew nails. Another crazy trend.

Strangest Nail Design
It is unlikely that you will open a bottle of wine with this “corkscrew”

And the following nails in shape resemble talismans from the evil eye. Only their color is different. Perhaps this ridiculous design was just inspired by amulets. It is only unclear why paint them on the nails, if you can just wear a pendant or bracelet? Although, perhaps, the designer wanted to say something else with this.

Strangest Nail Design
Be these blue nails, at least they look like talismans from the evil eye

Huge nails resembling tips drum sticks.

Strangest Nail Design
Another nail madness

They say this design should resemble chewing gum. We hope that such a trend will never take root. There is only one thing beautiful here - color. Yes, and then an amateur.

Strangest Nail Design
Can I use such a manicure to play drum instruments?

Eyes on nails with huge eyelashes. What could be better?

Strangest Nail Design
To create the effect of real eyes, the designer decided to attach eyelashes to the picture

Madly in love with herself, an Asian woman decided to make a manicure with an image of her own face. Also with hair. The main thing is not to cook dinner with such nails. And then family members or guests will get angry.

Strangest Nail Design
Mini copies of herself on her nails

And here are two more crazy design ideas. Yes, compared to previous nails, it looks relatively good. But such a design is completely impractical. Therefore, fashionistas who prefer him will have to die from doing nothing. Or just watch TV all day - so as not to damage the work of art on your nails.

Strangest Nail Design
More aesthetic, but no more comfortable nails