Peace animals for real captures and impressiveif you look closely at him. Animals often behave very interesting and even weird. Maybe you in a new way look at the animals after reading this article.
Material Content:
- 1 Pigeons
- 1.1 Sheeps
- 1.2 Elephants
- 1.3 Otters
- 1.4 Monkey
- 1.5 Horned lizards
- 1.6 Goats
- 1.7 Crows
- 1.8 Moles
- 1.9 Ants
- 1.10 Elephants
- 1.11 Whales
- 1.12 Cows
- 1.13 Huts
- 1.14 Zebra Amadins
- 1.15 Brown trout females
- 1.16 Dung beetles
- 1.17 Insectivorous plants
- 1.18 Kamikaze birds
- 1.19 Flatworms
- 1.20 Collar Pika
- 1.21 Garter Snakes
- 1.22 Nutcracker Crayfish
- 1.23 Ichoidoid Riders
Such a bird certainly would not have won the contest "mother of the year"Because she throws their chicks right after of birth.
These giants attract the opposite sex, managing together well, I'm waiting (at the same time).
They are able to predict upcoming earthquake a week before they happen.
These animals dancing every time they prepare for the battle or simply agitated.
Older individuals of this breed are trained of their children hunting first on dead to the victim.
They are omnivorous by nature. Being relatives of the bears, they are capable of recycle any food. However, they prefer to eat bamboo.
Almost all animals fight each other, but monkeys do it in a special way. They cook in advance tacticsarrange ambush, take over territory.
Like humans, these birds love procrastinate. Often they literally fly away from of problems and small tasksso as not to solve them immediately.
They are leaving their pastures and go to other sheep if food suddenly became tasteless or it lacks the right ones minerals and vitamins.
For several decades, elephants for no apparent reason destroyed rhinos. To rectify the situation, to the young elephants addicted adult brothers. And it worked. The older generation favorably influenced the younger elephants.
These animals are truly cruel. They often confuse babies with females and rape them to death.
Many species of monkeys, like humans, love drink and smoke. This is one of the few species on earth that can become a hostage. bad habits.
Horned lizards
These reptiles are splashing blood from the eyes if they are coming dangerous predator.
Kozlov can be called pseudo-suicides for what they love pretend the dead. These animals that way are saved from predators. Simply are falling at the sight of a threat. Who needs dead prey?
These birds remember faces people. Researchers found this out by conducting a simple experiment. They launched strangers to the caged birds, and the crows reacted more calmly to them than to those who caught them.
Being completely blind, they can run both forward and backward at the same speed.
There is a breed of ants that oriented smell only. If the individuals leading tribe forwardlose their sense of smell, then they start walk around, and after them all rest. So they form ban endless circle of death and roam to complete exhaustion.
They belong to the deceasedlike people. Arrange the funeralare honored memory.
In these mammals, as in humans, with age breaks the "voice".
These artiodactyls eat together, looking one way. Either north or south as a group.
These birds love to equip and decorate their dwellings. Sometimes they even crush strangers houses to to draw attention to their buildings.
Zebra Amadins
They carry larger eggs, if it was conceived with sexually unattractive partner.
Brown trout females
Like many people, this type of trout able to imitate an orgasm. Fish does this to trick a partner into ejaculating ahead of time.
Dung beetles
Whole life of these insects passes in manure. They are in it live, eat it, carry their children in manure. As a result, the offspring go through the same difficult life path.
Insectivorous plants
From the name it is clear that these colors are not enough sunlight and water. They need insect meatand they are having fun eat flies and beetles flying by.
Kamikaze birds
These birds resemble Japanese suicide bombers crashed to death to hit the target during the war. The difference is that animals do this not for the sake of honor and courage, but simply because they lose their orientation in the dark and with all their might fly into the houses of local tribesliving in india.
And although this type of worms is hermaphrodite creature (he has both male and female genital organs), they continue be measured by your dignity. But they do this not for the sake of idle interest and self-praise, but to find out which of the worms will be “male” during sexual intercourse, and which “female”
Collar Pika
A tiny animal from Alaska spends the whole summer in search of flowers. He collects several kilograms of plants in warm weather, to survive the winter by eating their stocks.
Garter Snakes
The males of these snakes gather in crowds of 30,000 pieces and expect females. As soon as they find snakes of the opposite sex, they begin a partyduring which several hundred males can “seduce” one female.
Nutcracker Crayfish
Claws this cancer is so powerful and quickwhat is he capable of kill with their help even on distance. is he clicks clawshe creates energy flow, which the stuns and kills goal, reaching her.
Ichoidoid Riders
Insect introduces his eggs as a victim, paralyzes her and begins to eat while she is still alive.
And you struck these facts about animals and birds?