Everyone who has ever cut their long hair knows: at first it’s very scary to decide on this step, and then there comes a moment of relief and joy. Of course, there are exceptions - but most often they occur due to the unprofessionalism of the hairdresser. And if you decide to make drastic changes, trusting a good master (or even completely embodying them with scissors and hair dye yourself), then the results can be impressive!

In principle, she is doing well, and so and so. But the courage of a girl can be envied

This guy obviously made the right choice.

Rapunzel turned into a sporty girl

From a long-haired blonde to a short-haired brunette

“I wanted to get a shorter haircut”

Super changes!

Pixie Haircut

"New me"

“From brunette to blonde, then to metallic, and now to all the colors of the rainbow!”

It's time to grow up

“Better short but healthy hair than long and damaged by dyeing”

From a cute girl to a rocker

“All these changes have been happening to me for 6 months”

Before and after

“I decided to give my hair to charity!”

Sometimes for striking transformations you do not need a haircut - just change the color of your hair

“I grew my hair for 6 years. And today I sold them to a wig-selling firm! ”

This is a change!

Sometimes guys go for drastic measures

Face cut

Now - no worries, no hassle with hair

When fashion color color

Extreme metamorphoses. Would you decide on this?

The girl shaved her hair and donated her hair to sick children

And would you decide on this kind of transformation with hair? What could make you take such a step? Share in the comments.