Patter-tongue twisters are the easiest and most affordable way to improve your own articulation without the financial expense of practicing with a speech therapist or a public speaking specialist. But if there was such a tongue twister, having learned to pronounce which, one could broadcast no worse than the presenter on television ... The Russian language can boast of such! "Liguria" is the longest tongue twister, having learned which you can masterfully master your speech apparatus.
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How to improve diction and speech clarity
According to various estimates of specialists, from 15 to 30% of the population have problems with speech.
The most common problems:
- “Ghe” barking is the easiest defect of diction, which can be acquired or congenital. You can get such a “gift” in your speech after prolonged communication with residents of southern Russia or eastern Ukraine.
- A croaking or unpronunciation of the pounding sound. This is the most difficult sound to pronounce, so there are more than thirty options for its distortion. Sometimes the reason for this is a shortened sublingual ligament, but most often it is a consequence of muscle weakness of the tongue and a habit that can be easily overcome.
- Lisp. Its cause may be a malocclusion, lack of teeth or tongue piercing, but more often the weak muscles of the tongue are again to blame.
- Fuzzy pronunciation of consonants. People often exaggerate the meaning of vowels, and therefore, as it were, they “consume” consonants, which makes “porridge in the mouth”. In a figurative, of course, sense.
There are three main ways that can help you cope on your own with the most common defects of diction:
- Listening to your voice on a voice recording. Often people themselves do not notice their flaws in speech.And if parents make remarks to children in order to correct pronunciation, then it is customary to keep silent tactfully about the incorrect diction of adults. Therefore, it is useful to turn on the recorder and read the page of your favorite book loudly, and then listen to the recording.
- Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening and developing weak muscles of the tongue for clarity of diction and correct pronunciation. Each sound has its own exercises, therefore, identifying its shortcomings after listening to your own voice, you can determine the necessary training complex.
- Pronunciation of tongue twisters. Small phrases designed to make it difficult to read aloud fast are a great way to get rid of tongue-tied tongues. As well as any exercise that improves pronunciation, they are designed to develop a clear pronunciation of sound combinations or some individual sounds.
The longest tongue twister in the world
“On Thursday, the fourth day at four and a quarter hours ...” in the province of Italy, called Liguria, the events of the longest tongue twister in all languages begin to develop, bringing together more than four hundred words of more than two thousand Russian letters in a funny story.
Even a professional announcer will have to spend at least two and a half minutes reading it. Often people in this profession use this tongue twister as a pre-air workout, but it is not necessary to be an announcer in order to improve the beauty of their speech and diction through Liguria.
To do this, you just need to perform simple steps:
- divide the “reader” into separate fragments;
- print and hang them in front of your eyes in a place where you are usually relatively free to take time for speech gymnastics;
- read Liguria three times a day, doing it slowly, without chewing the endings and following the correctness of the stress in the words;
- gradually increase the rate of pronunciation and periodically listen to the recording of your own pronunciation tongue twisters.
After a short time, it will be possible to complicate the training of diction with nuts in the mouth, following the example of Diogenes.
Following these simple recommendations, after 4 - 5 weeks you will be able to boast of a clear pronunciation of the longest "reader" in the world, reading it to friends and relatives from memory.
Challenging tests for adult diction
Not only children, as this most often happens, but adults can also utter slurred or incorrect words. Working with complex texts to improve diction will help to cope with this shortcoming.
The text of the longest tongue twister is also an example of just such a complex text.
Of course, it’s not necessary to try to master it immediately in full, but you can break it into separate fragments, for example:
- “... the angry widow removed firewood into the barn: once firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood did not fit, and two lumberjacks, two woodcutter-woodcutters ...” is a convenient fragment for improving the sound “p”;
- “... Sonya - Sasha’s girlfriend - walked along the highway and sucked the dryer, and besides, Sonya-turntable also had three cheesecakes in her mouth ...”, - from a young age, a familiar passage with hard-to-pronounce hissing;
- “... the heron is withering, the heron is dry, the heron is dead; the heron’s chicken clung tenaciously to the chain ... ”
In order for the training to give a greater effect, you should adhere to these rules:
- Give pronunciation of difficult-to-pronounce phrases at least 10 to 15 minutes, 5 to 10 times a day.
- Change the repertoire of clean-outs every ten days.
- To complicate the exercise by practicing in conditions where breathing may be lost, for example, in jogging or other physical exercises.
For the development of speech in children
The division of tongue twisters into children and adults is very arbitrary. The last group includes phrases consisting of words whose meaning is not yet known to children. But from three to eight years old, it’s still better to work with passages and rhymes aimed at developing automatism in pronouncing consonants in different combinations with vowels.
With three-year-olds, you can begin to work out the whistling sounds c-c and s-z, for example:
- Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa — Sonya has a long braid;
- As-as-as, as-as-as - drank delicious kvass in the evening.
With four-, five-year-olds you can work out hissing (w, w, h, u) and sound l, taking as a basis the following phrases:
- Chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi - bricks in the bazaar;
- Already as much - we lost our luggage.
And starting from reaching the age of five to eight years, you need to teach your child to pronounce the most complex sound of the Russian language - "p".
Similar tongue twisters can be invented independently with the child, simultaneously developing his writing skills, or use ready-made phrases.
Long but funny tongue twisters
The longest tongue twister contains a lot of illogical and funny facts, so it can also be called the funniest. But tongue twisters are one of the types of folk art that have been invented for centuries to improve diction, and just for fun. After all, unpronounceable phrases can oh how to make laugh if you try to pronounce them quickly and without preliminary training.
Often ridiculous tongue twisters formed in funny poems:
Poplar stomped along the road.
Poplar stomped to Sevastopol,
Well, Seva was stomping nearby.
Poplar on the right, Seva on the left.
Where is Seva with poplar?
Already near Sevastopol.
Well, if you try to compile a top list of the funniest and long tongue twisters, you can distinguish the following three, ranging from longer to less:
- Liguria is the longest tongue twister.
- “Watermelon” is a rhymed rhyme-patter in which in each line there is a phrase for one of the letters of the Russian alphabet in alphabetical order.
- Pure phrase about round dance and dance experts, which if inferior in length to the two previous ones, it certainly will not concede in complexity.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that exercises with tongue twisters will be useful to those who study a foreign language. In this case, by training in the fast pronunciation of tongue twisters in the target language, you can completely get rid of the Russian accent. This effect, achieved once, will remain even after the termination of classes.