Lose weight deliciously and effortlessly - is this not the dream of all overweight people? In the struggle for the right to be slim, the “brush” salad for weight loss helps. It restores the intestines, removes toxins, toxins and improves skin condition.

The use of brush salad for the body

The dish is prepared from fresh vegetables, fruits or herbs. Sometimes they are combined with each other. The salad is purely dietary, contains a minimum of calories and contributes to the healing of the body.

IMPORTANT! The secret of salad in its main ingredients is carrots, cabbage, apples, beets, citruses. These foods have a “negative” and very low calorie content. For their digestion and complete processing, the human body spends more energy than it acquires.

Especially women loved him for a lot of useful properties:

  • Fiber contained in raw foods allows you to cleanse the intestines from the accumulation of toxins, toxins and residues of undigested masses.
  • Vitamins and trace elements nourish all organs and systems, add vitality.
  • Vitamins A, B, C contribute to the healing of skin, hair and nails.
  • The microflora in the intestine is restored. The growth of pathogenic microflora is suppressed.
  • Due to the activation of peristalsis, unpleasant phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract disappear: constipation, flatulence, dyspeptic disorders, bloating.
  • There is an internal “lightness” of the whole body (those who have tried on themselves the action of salad, claim that after it the heaviness in the intestines disappears).
  • Obvious and latent edema disappears.
  • The weight is normalized, and the skin restores its former elasticity.

How to eat salad?

Do not think that since the salad is dietary, it can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Raw vegetables and fruits have their own specifics, so you need to use them properly. A dietitian or other specialist can advise on the right diet after some diagnosis. It is possible that a person losing weight will be prescribed a complex of trace elements. The therapist will tell you how to take such supplements correctly.

How to use a slimming dish?

Those wishing to lose extra pounds, you must adhere to a diet of one week or more. The maximum duration of diet therapy is 1 month. And throughout the entire period, various salad options, protein foods, mineral water and herbal teas are used.

To lose weight, you should pay attention to two salad recipes:

  1. Traditional recipe. This includes beets, carrots and green apples. All ingredients are grated, mixed and seasoned with a tablespoon of lemon juice. The dish does not salt and does not pepper. This salad is suitable for a fasting day. Prepared for 7-8 servings that are consumed throughout the day;
  2. Carrot salad, beetroot and cabbage. This recipe is also popular, but not suitable for people who have problems with the intestines (flatulence, constipation, bloating), since cabbage increases gas formation. The dish is prepared in the same way as the first option.

IMPORTANT! If the weight loss program lasts several days, you can not limit yourself to one salad recipe.

Use fruit, vegetable variations. Add bran, classic yogurt, nuts and dried fruits. Such a variety will help to avoid problems in the future (ulcers, anemia, weakness, headaches, loss of visual acuity).

How to use a dish to cleanse?

To simply clean the body of toxins and accumulations of undigested food residues, it is enough to do a brushing out on a salad once a week. Salad for cleansing the intestines can be consumed for several days, as if observing a short diet.

During the cleansing period, drink only mineral water or herbal tea without sugar. After unloading, a surge of strength appears, the skin is cleansed and, as a bonus, weight is reduced.

Salad "brush" from fresh beets to cleanse the intestines

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • beets - 1 kg (rich in fiber and vitamins);
  • parsley - 1 bunch (essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is useful for digestive disorders);
  • cilantro - 1 bunch (has an antimicrobial effect);
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil (olive, linseed or sunflower).


  1. Beets are peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  2. The greens are finely cut.
  3. All components are mixed, seasoned with oil and juice.

Salad is consumed throughout the day. In between meals, it is advisable to drink herbal decoctions (chamomile, linden, lemongrass, lingonberry). Unloading period - no more than 1 day.

Cooking from beets and cabbage for weight loss


  • beets - 400 grams;
  • white cabbage - 400 grams;
  • greens (dill, parsley) to taste;
  • lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. All vegetables and greens are pre-prepared.
  2. Beets rubs on a coarse grater.
  3. Cabbage is chopped into thin strips.
  4. The greens are cut finely.
  5. All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with juice and oil.
  6. Some advise to add in a salad, finely chopped or pressed clove of garlic. This gives the dish a piquancy.

Raw Carrot Brush for Weight Loss

Carrots are a source of carotenes and lycopene. These substances help slow down the aging of the body and improve the condition of many organs.

Salad Ingredients:

  • carrots - 500 grams;
  • ripe pumpkin - 500 grams;
  • dried apricots - 100 grams;
  • lemon juice (grapefruit juice can be used).


  1. Dried apricots are pre-soaked overnight in boiling water.
  2. Carrots and pumpkins are washed and peeled.
  3. Dried apricots are cut into thin strips, and pumpkin and carrots are rubbed on a grater.
  4. The salad is seasoned with citrus juice.

This dish option is suitable for the sweet tooth, as optimal. Here are sweet ingredients that do not harm the figure. Grapefruit juice burns excess calories, dried apricots saturates with minerals, and vegetables act as a cleansing component.

Raw Beetroot and Carrot Recipe

The classic brush recipe provides carrots, beets and cabbage or just carrots with beets. Dressing for a dish consists of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Greens are added at will.

Experienced losing weight are advised to add walnuts to this salad. They can be chopped, or cut into quarters. Nuts will give the dish an interesting flavor and saturate the body with unsaturated fats.

1 walnut is taken per serving of ready-made salad. In this case, the oil is not used, enough lemon juice.

Salad "brush" for fasting days

For fasting days, traditional salad options are suitable. Salad is prepared in the morning for the whole day. During the day, the dish is divided into portions. In between meals (you need to eat a little, but often), you must drink clean water. On a day, its amount should not be less than 2 liters.

Such a fasting day should be spent every week for a month. A one-day diet will not harm the metabolism, and will have time to clear the digestive tract from the accumulation of toxins and toxins. After a month of such unloading, the result is obvious: weight decreases by several kilograms, acne disappears, hair and nails acquire a healthy shine.

Option with apples, celery and herbs


  • green apples - 500 grams;
  • cabbage - 200 grams;
  • carrots - 200 grams;
  • celery stalks - 200 grams;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • some linseed oil.


  1. All ingredients are washed and cleaned.
  2. Carrots and apples rub on a grater.
  3. Cabbage is chopped, and celery is cut into small pieces.
  4. The greens are cut finely.
  5. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with a few drops of oil.

Fiber from apples, carrots and cabbage combined with the fat-burning effect of greens and celery give an amazing result. This is not only a real vacuum cleaner for the intestines, but also a vitamin bomb. A wealth of useful properties of these components gives an amazing healing effect for the whole body.

How to cook with prunes and dried apricots?

The recipe for a salad with dried apricots and prunes is suitable for lovers of sweets and just for those who want to diversify a cleansing diet.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • beets - 500 grams;
  • dried apricots - 100 grams;
  • prunes - 100 grams;
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pinecones, cashews) - 50 grams;
  • lemon juice;
  • lettuce for decoration.


  1. Dried apricots and prunes are soaked in hot water at night.
  2. Beets are cleaned and washed.
  3. Nuts are very finely chopped.
  4. Beets are rubbed on a fine grater, dried apricots and prunes are cut into small cubes.
  5. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with juice.
  6. The dish is served on lettuce leaves.

Ready salad looks quite impressive. It is suitable for a special lunch or dinner. He is not ashamed to serve a festive table for adherents of a healthy diet.

Chicken Diet Recipe

Not everyone can eat only plant foods. Sometimes you want to treat yourself to something tasty. A brush salad with chicken meat comes to the rescue.


  • sour apples of any kind - 200 grams;
  • celery stalks - 200 grams;
  • grapefruit - 200 grams;
  • greens to taste;
  • boiled chicken breast - 200 grams;
  • vegetable oil for dressing.


  1. Apples are washed and peeled.
  2. Grapefruit is peeled and peeled.
  3. Celery and herbs are washed thoroughly.
  4. Apples, celery, grapefruit and breast are diced.
  5. Greens are cut large. It is preferable to take parsley and watercress. They will give the dish an unusual aftertaste.
  6. Ready salad is dressed with oil. Alternatively, you can use natural yogurt as a dressing.

This is a great alternative to mayonnaise salads. It looks appetizing, satisfying and festive. Minimum calories and maximum benefits.