Every tenth inhabitant of the planet suffers from diabetes. At the same time, many people have been unaware of the disease for quite some time, writing off its symptoms as a general malaise. But such a violation requires qualified therapy, otherwise it can lead to irreversible disorders and death. For healing, not only medicines for type 2 diabetes are needed, diet and treatment with folk remedies will also be required.
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Causes of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes develops against a background of pancreatic dysfunction, which stops producing insulin in the right amount. It is necessary for the breakdown of glucose, and as a result of its lack, the level of this substance in the blood rises.
Moreover, the body is not able to remove glucose in such a situation, and its excess continues to circulate through the cells. Due to this, disorders in the tissues of various organs develop, the pancreas is gradually depleted.
Such a disorder does not occur on its own.
Its development provokes the presence of:
- overweight and obesity;
- accumulation of glucose in the tissues of the liver, arising due to violations in the functioning of this organ;
- metabolic syndrome, which develops against the background of cardiovascular disorders, metabolic and hormonal disorders, as well as gynecological diseases;
- pathological processes in the pancreas;
- drug intoxications due to prolonged use of certain types of drugs;
- genetic predisposition.
On a note.According to studies, in cases where one parent has diabetes, the likelihood that he will develop in a child is almost 40%. And if both mother and father suffer from the disease, the risk of such a violation in children approaches 70%.
How does the disease manifest
The insidiousness of type 2 diabetes lies in the fact that at the initial stage it manifests itself as signs that patients do not associate with this disease. They complain of headaches, fatigue, decreased vision, and often do not go to the doctors. And if this happens, diabetes in its infancy can only be detected by chance.
But there are other symptoms that indicate the development of the disease.
Patients have all or several of the following symptoms:
- the urge to urinate increases;
- unbearable thirst appears;
- immunity decreases, infringement of an infectious, viral or fungal nature occurs more and more;
- impaired concentration, the ability to remember information;
- due to the loss of fluid, the skin dries and itches;
- the patient feels constant fatigue, and from a small load gets tired very quickly;
- fainting is not uncommon, and in severe cases, a diabetic coma may occur.
As the disease progresses, the symptoms are aggravated, and problems appear on the part of the vessels, since an excess of glucose leads to their destruction.
Which doctor will I contact, diagnosis
If you suspect diabetes, you cannot postpone a visit to the clinic. And first, you should contact a therapist, who, having assessed the patient’s condition, will refer him to an endocrinologist and nutritionist.
To confirm the diagnosis, a number of measures are carried out:
- blood test to establish the concentration of glucose;
- urinalysis on ketone bodies;
- determination of lipids and cholesterol in the blood;
- assessment of thyroid function;
- consultation of an ophthalmologist and a neurologist.
After the diagnosis is made, therapy is prescribed, which includes taking medication and a diet. It is also permissible to treat diabetes with folk remedies, but only with the permission of a specialist.
Treatment with folk remedies at home
In the treatment of diabetes, medications are prescribed to help cope with the disease. But the main drawback of all synthetic drugs is the mass of side effects affecting different organs and systems. As a result, what is popularly called "one is cured, the other is crippled."
To reduce the toxicity of medicines and accelerate recovery, various folk remedies are used.
Consider the most popular products to improve the patient's condition:
- White Beans. It can be consumed in boiled form or soaked fruits in water. It is enough to fill with liquid 10-15 beans at night, and in the morning eat them on an empty stomach.
- Golden mustache. The second name of this plant is fragrant calissia. Based on it, you can prepare a decoction, tincture or medicinal tea. For these purposes, leaves are required, the length of which is at least 15 cm. They must be crushed and brewed in 3-4 tablespoons in 500 ml of boiling water. It is better to insist a remedy in a thermos, and then take it in small portions twice a day.
- Earthen pear or Jerusalem artichoke. This plant contains inulin, which helps break down excess glucose. It can be consumed on its own, raw or added to vegetable salads.
- Cinnamon. This seasoning helps lower glucose levels and normalize weight. It can be put in herbal tea or salad in small quantities. At the same time, it is worth remembering that cinnamon added to a dish will retain its usefulness for no longer than 5 hours. Ginger root has similar properties. The method of its application is the same.
- Bay leaves. Based on them, you can make a decoction, pour 10 leaves of 400 ml of boiling water. After this, you need to insist the product for a couple of hours, and then strain. Drink it three times a day, 30 ml for 10 days.After this, take a break for 3-5 days, and then repeat the treatment. It is important to remember that this remedy is forbidden for diabetes, which occurs in severe form, against the background of complications.
- Flax seeds. This product has a beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole, strengthening the immune system, and also helps to reduce glucose levels. To prepare the drink you will need seeds and water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 glass of water. You need to boil the composition for about a quarter of an hour, and then insist for about 60 minutes. You can take the drug 100 ml three times a day for a month.
- Linden flowers. For 3 tablespoons of inflorescences, 400 ml of boiling water will be required, after which the remedy must be infused for about 10 hours. Drinking it is allowed a teaspoon before meals for 3 weeks. In the same way, you can make a remedy of 2 bulbs.
Attention! In no case should you substitute folk remedies for medicines prescribed by your doctor. Decoctions and infusions only help accelerate recovery and support the body, but are not able to completely eliminate a dangerous disease.
Type 2 diabetes diet
Diet for type 2 diabetes involves many limitations.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet:
- semi-finished meat products and sausages;
- fried, spicy, salty, smoked food;
- rich meat soups;
- soft wheat pasta;
- rice and semolina;
- dairy and sour milk products of high fat content;
- butter, margarine and mayonnaise sauces;
- spices and hot seasonings;
- baking and sweets.
You need to make a diabetic diet from these products:
- low-fat varieties of meat and poultry;
- sea fish;
- viscous cereals;
- dairy and sour milk products with zero fat content;
- fresh vegetables and herbs;
- berries and fruits, with the exception of grapes and bananas;
- whole grain bread or bran.
In addition, a healthy diet with such a disease implies compliance with the following rules:
- low-calorie food intake;
- reduction in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet;
- crushing food into 5-6 small portions per day;
- boiling, stewing or steaming;
- eating vegetables and fruits raw;
- exclusion of sugar from the diet and its replacement with xylitol or sorbitol;
- decrease in salt volume;
- complete rejection of alcohol.
In this case, overeating should be avoided, but also not a strong feeling of hunger. In addition, it is necessary to consume enough fluid to improve digestion and metabolism.
Therapeutic exercises at home
Gymnastics is important in diabetes no less than a healthy diet or timely treatment. Physical activity can reduce blood sugar and improve its circulation, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
A specialist selects the right exercises.
But with confidence we can say that diabetics are allowed to do the following:
- climb on toes;
- squat;
- walk with alternating fast and slow steps;
- bend your knees while in a sitting position;
- lie on the floor with the lower limbs raised up.
The main thing is to dose the loads, increasing them gradually. A day is no more than 25-30 minutes.
How to avoid the development of the disease
Diabetes prevention is divided into primary and secondary. In the first case, it implies measures to avoid the occurrence of this dangerous disease.
To prevent the disease, it is necessary to exclude the causes that can cause it, namely, do the following:
- monitor weight indicators;
- practice moderate physical activity;
- to refuse from bad habits;
- eat right;
- take medications in accordance with the scheme proposed by the specialist;
- timely treat diseases related to digestion, metabolism, metabolic processes or hormone levels;
- if diabetes is suspected, seek medical attention immediately.
Secondary prevention is a set of measures that will help prevent the development of complications and the further progression of the disease.
To do this, do the following:
- Properly organize meals.
- Regularly engage in therapeutic exercises.
- Drink medicines prescribed by your doctor.
- Take vitamin complexes.
- Avoid the appearance of extra pounds.
- Normalize blood pressure and lipid metabolism.
- If the condition worsens, notify the doctor immediately.
In conclusion, it should be said that preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes, even in people who are predisposed to this. And when such a problem already exists, timely treatment and compliance with all prescriptions helps, if you do not completely get rid of the disease, then you can significantly improve the patient's quality of life and prevent complications.
- Olya M
- Katerina
- Olya M
- Oksana D
- Zhanna Kozachuk
- Oksana D