Mechanical injuries of the cortex on trunks and branches should be treated immediately. You can prepare a garden var yourself or buy a putty for trees. Timely processing of the damage site is a protection against excessive evaporation, infection, and cold.
Material Content:
Description and composition of the garden var
A special putty for trees consists of a set of ingredients that "cement" the hole, preventing the penetration of insects and germs. Experienced gardeners try to do a garden var themselves. But many people prefer to buy a finished product to protect trees, safe for people, beneficial insects and birds.
Garden var - a mixture of 3 - 4 or more substances for processing saw cuts when pruning trees, treating injuries and areas infected with a parasitic fungus.
Description of the most commonly used ingredients:
- Natural oils, such as linseed, are natural antiseptics and healing substances.
- Beeswax is a complex mixture of natural alcohols, esters, fatty acids, useful for healing wounds.
- Propolis is a powerful antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal product of a honey bee.
- Wood resin is a predominantly solid or air-hardening mixture of essential oils, gums, alcohols, aromatic acids, which has a variety of properties.
- Rosin is a resinous substance obtained from resin, which coniferous trees produce when damaged.
It is interesting: bee pollen: useful properties, how to take
Wax, resin, paraffin are the basis of garden putty.To enhance the disinfecting properties and frost resistance, alcohol is added to the mixture (not in all recipes). Before mixing the components, soften the solids. Heating leads to the melting of wax, paraffin, resin and rosin. As a result, the ingredients dissolve better, the putty is more uniform.
Previously, mineral oils and various oil products were widely used. Now these components are not recommended to be included in the garden var. Solidol, nigrol or drying oil can cause chemical burns to wood and long-healing wounds.
Advantages and disadvantages
A stem and a tree trunk are a support, an intermediary between the root system and the crown.
Mechanical injuries, burns, consequences of pruning, damage by rodents weaken the conductive functions, often cause a decrease in yield, disease and death of a perennial plant.
Advantages of a garden varn for processing trees:
- prevents evaporation of moisture in the wound area, sunburn or frostbite;
- helps to heal damage, cracks that occur during temperature extremes;
- disinfects tissues at the site of damage, cut, kills pathogens;
- provides quick swimming wounds and the formation of a new bark.
The disadvantages of garden putty appear in specific conditions. Sealing too large damage does not always lead to the desired result. The wood is getting wet and rotting, the tree is sick. The substances in the garden varnish change their properties at high and low temperatures. As a result, in the hot summers the putty melts, in the winter - it crackes.
How to make a garden var DIY
There are many recipes for putty for trees, which differ in composition, the high cost of the ingredients. Before using any product, it is necessary to clean the edges of the wound in spring or summer, to slightly update the saw cut remaining after winter pruning.
Paraffin-based Garden Variety Recipe
Putty contains three ingredients: paraffin, rosin and vegetable oil. The ratio of the components is 6: 3: 2.
DIY garden vare preparation:
- Paraffin and rosin are melted with gentle heating.
- Pour in vegetable oil, mix and warm for another 10 minutes.
- When cooling, knead before turning into a viscous mass.
- Store the rest of the product in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.
This putty ingredient has many beneficial properties. Use wax in combination with propolis, turpentine. The resulting ointment can be applied when pruning trees.
- Vegetable oil - 6 parts.
- Beeswax - 3 parts.
- Propolis - 2 parts.
- Turpentine - 1 part.
The components in the solid state of aggregation are heated until soft. Add oil and turpentine. Chilled product can be stored in oiled paper.
Cold alcohol-based garden var
This putty for trees requires more complex preparation than the previous ones. For the production of the product, 400 g of rosin, 200 g of beeswax, 100 g of beef or lamb fat, 50 ml of alcohol 96 ° are used.
Solid components must be melted on low heat. Then the mixture is cooled a little and alcohol is added. Ready garden var stored in a sealed container.
Detailed instructions for use
It is recommended to treat the wound immediately when pruning the trees when the young cambium is still wet.
In this case, the damage swims faster, the bark is restored.
There are differences in the instructions for the use of putty for trees when healing old sections, as well as areas affected by fungus, lichen.
- The wound edges are updated with a sharp garden knife to a healthy bark, if necessary, cut the affected wood.
- Disinfect the wood tissue with a solution of copper sulfate (1%).
- Apply garden putty to the wound with a continuous, fairly thick layer.
- It is recommended to cover the treated area on the trunk with a mat and tie it with twine.
- If the dressing and putty are destroyed, then you need to clean the wound from the remnants of the product. Then the bark is treated with a solution of copper sulfate, a layer of a garden var is applied, and another dressing is applied.
Also, updating the putty layer is required in those cases when it is washed off by rain, cracked from the sun or frost.
It happens that rotting develops under the dressing. Then the protective layers are removed, the wood is again treated. Perhaps in such situations it is better to try another garden var.
How to replace a garden var
Clay talker is considered the easiest putty for trees.
- Clay - 5 kg.
- Cow dung - 2 - 2 ½ kg.
- Copper sulfate 1% - 10 g per 1 liter of water.
Manure is added to the suspension to increase viscosity and adherence; copper sulfate is needed to protect against fungus.
- Clay and manure are mixed.
- Dilute the base with a pre-prepared solution of copper sulfate.
- Add the liquid as much as is required to obtain the density of sour cream.
- The tool is applied with a brush to damage, injuries on the trunk and branches.
Replacing a garden var with a chatterbox follows for a number of reasons.
The advantages of the tool are the simplicity of manufacture and use, natural composition, safety.
There are many opponents of using clay to protect trees. The material dries quickly and becomes cracked. In addition, clay can absorb moisture from wood, which is undesirable.
There is another simple recipe for a garden var. Powder containing 60 g of ash and 10 g of chalk can be applied to narrow cracks in the crust. During rain, the product is washed off, but it is easy to prepare and apply again.
It is recommended to protect the trees in the garden from injuries, burns. Frostbite is prevented by tying with a vine or other suitable material. To protect the stem from pathogens, lime whitewashing is performed in early spring.
Pruning of trees can be done from the end of February, when the threat of severe frosts has passed. You can do this work in the fall, but not in the summer. It is advisable to prune the branches in dry weather.