Maine Coons are magnificent magnificent creatures, mesmerizing with their beauty, regardless of the color of their fur. But the most striking representatives of this breed in all senses are, of course, Maine Coons red. At the same time, redhead is a collective concept that combines animals of various shades, from cream to red, under its auspices.

Description of color, photo of red Maine Coon

The classic representatives of red Maine Coons are considered cats with a red solid color. This formulation implies a uniform color of animal hair - a beautiful brick or saturated orange color. For fur coats of this color, it is permissible to have inclusions of a white shade, stripes and stains that are localized on the body, tail, paws or head.

On this, the features of the color scheme of fire maines do not end there.

The following color varieties of these noble animals are distinguished:

  1. Tiger - the presence of dark clear stripes characteristic of large cats - tigers.
  2. Spotted - includes torn stripes and various forms of spots.
  3. Marble - stains reminiscent of marble come through red hair.

No less popular are red cats with smoky colors. In this case, it is understood that on the roots of the hairs of Maine wool white shade predominates, and on the tips - red.

Smoky giants also come in different colors:

  1. The standard is the ratio of 50/50 white and red.
  2. Chinchilla - only 8 parts of the hair are painted over in red, everything else is painted over in white.
  3. Shaded - only a quarter of its total length falls on the red shade of the hair.

There are frequent cases when a white color comes in a tandem with a red color on the body of the animal.

Depending on the combination of colors, two-color Maine Coons are distributed on:

  • Bicolor - white and red colors are distributed equally.
  • Van - only the ears and head of the cat remain red, sometimes its tail.
  • Harlequin - several red spots are visible on the body of the animal.
  • White medallion - the chest of a fiery animal is decorated with beautiful white spots.
  • White gloves - as if worn on the legs of a ginger pet.
  • White tuxedo - a red cat is decorated with a white collar and the same socks.

By the way. In some cases, cream red Maine Coons are also considered red. Usually their coat has a soft peach hue. Also on the wool of cream beauties almost always distinguish a pattern or pattern.

The nature and habits of the breed

These wonderful giants at first glance may seem harsh. However, according to the assurances of the owners, their character is simply excellent - they get along wonderfully with all family members and other pets. Often, Maine Coons are rarely aggressive, nevertheless, strictly distinguishing their boundaries - a stranger. These large cats are curious and at the same time calm. Most of all, Maine Coons like to take a sweet nap inside the house or in the fresh air. But the offer to play the four-legged strongman is unlikely to refuse.

People who decide to have a Maine Coon red kitten should know that these cats do not like loneliness. Animals adore their family and usually acutely experience separation from it. For this reason, leaving Maine Coon at home, you should make sure that he has something to do in the absence of the owner. To do this, it is worth buying several puzzles or interesting toys.

Some interesting facts about Maine Coon:

  1. Most owners say that cats of this breed have a very high level of intelligence. Animals perfectly distinguish the degree of permissible. They can rarely be caught stealing food from the table or spoiling furniture. Solid maine coons are unlikely to sink to a banal heart-rending cat scream. Most often, their behavior corresponds to appearance - the same imposing, calm and sedate. Maine Coons usually take into account the mood of the owners and capture the shades of their intonation.
  2. The Maine Coon cat, unlike its relatives, is not afraid of water and will always gladly dip a foot in a filled bath, and sometimes even splash in it. Thus, leaving the house will be useful to leave them a small bowl for water procedures.
  3. Maine Coons can communicate not only with meow. Surprisingly, these animals can make sounds similar to squeaks, trills and even tweets. In addition, their body language is remarkably developed, and a blow to their large head can sometimes mean a particularly tender and caring attitude of the pet.
  4. Maine Coons are usually unpretentious and do not require any specific climatic conditions. In general, they can live perfectly on the street, but it is better not to separate them from a loving family. The charming giant can easily endure even winter on the street. Nevertheless, you should not leave your pet unattended outside the house - magnificent creatures can be easy prey for other potential owners who are not too clean at hand.

Features of caring for red cats

In order for a little prankster to become a wonderful cat or cat over time, some points of their maintenance should be taken into account.

  1. Maine Coon should be fed with premium food. If preference is given to natural foods, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products should be included in the diet. Sometimes cats are treated to boiled fish (sea) and eggs.
  2. To make a fur coat healthy and beautiful, combing will help. They need to be carried out 2-3 times a week, during molting - daily. Bathing should be done no more than once every two months, using shampoo for long-haired animals.
  3. The animal needs timely vaccination.Any disturbing signs (digestive disorders, refusal of food, hesitant gait) are an occasion for visiting a veterinary clinic.
  4. Red pranksters need to lead an active lifestyle. Maine Coons should often walk in the fresh air, you can on a leash, and at home - frolic in the company of toy mice and balls or travel through the home maze.
  5. For charming saffron mushrooms, it is very important to swim in the daily attention of your family. Loneliness can change the nature of the animal and actively affect its appearance.

How to name a Maine Coon ginger kitten

What to call a redhead Maine Coon?

If the owners decided to associate the pet’s nickname with the color of its bright coat, it is useful to pay attention to such options of cat names:

  • Orange
  • Tiger
  • Leon, Lyon;
  • Flame
  • Goldie, Gold;
  • Apricot;
  • Peach;
  • Garfield
  • Azara
  • Fox
  • Spark;
  • Ruby;
  • Foxy.

The furry giants of Maine Coon are excellent companions that adorn any home. Sociable and friendly, affectionate and smart - these animals practically do not cause trouble to the owners. Careful care and proper feeding will help cats of this breed to remain in great shape and good mood.