Since Soviet times, the phrase “Thursday is a fish day” was firmly entrenched in the minds of the people. Nowadays, there is no tradition in families not to eat meat dishes on this day, although earlier this was the rule for many. Let's see why they chose Thursday and fish.
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Fish Day - Historical Background
During the union on Thursday, visitors were fed only fish dishes at all establishments. She was fried, cooked, stewed and steamed. But the story began back in 1932, when they decided to make up for the lack of meat products with fish. It was decided one day a week to eat only fish dishes, and a specific day was not named. The tradition lasted only four years. And then revived in 1976. Moreover, the decision already pursued its goal not only to restore the lack of protein in the diet of the population, but also the desire to develop the fishing industry.
Who was the author of the fish day
Due to the shortage of meat, Anastas Mikoyan, who served as the People’s Commissar for Procurement, signed the decree “On the introduction of fish day at public catering enterprises”. An event occurred in September 1932. This was due to best intentions. To prevent people from starving, it was ordered to eat at least once a week, which was obtained in the sea or river.
But the war violated the plans and prevented the entrenchment of tradition. After the war, the decree was not canceled, but they were not in a hurry to comply. However, there was a tension in the country with meat products, so this idea was remembered in 1976 and a day was chosen to execute the decision - Thursday.
Why Thursday was considered a fish day in the USSR
Why is Thursday a fish day? The bulk of the catering is simple hard workers, whose lean dishes did not cause delight. And discontent influenced the result of the work. Therefore, the choice fell on Thursday - the calmest day. After all, the weekend is ahead, and Friday was “half-working,” many hard workers began to celebrate the coming weekend in advance and did not visit the canteens on that day.
Statistics and calculations boiled down to the fact that the sale of fish products on this day has the highest rates.
The benefits of fish day in the USSR were actively promoted to the masses. In magazines, newspapers, on the radio and on television, seafood was praised, its taste, nutrition and content of useful elements. Constantly published recipes for various seafood dishes.
This tradition lasted a little more than 10 years. And then it somehow quietly disappeared during the deficit of the 80-90s.
To get out of the situation and prepare a delicious dish, on this day, people in the Soviet Union, who received an average salary, could afford to cook sturgeon skewers. Thus, observing the decree and not eating dubious catering dishes.
Although the tradition of fish day has sunk into oblivion, many nutritionists suggest returning it, explaining that eating fish dishes regularly is good for the body.
Fish Days in Lent
There are only three days when it is allowed to eat fish dishes at Lent. They became an exception because these are important church events.
- The first and second day - Lazarev Saturday and Palm Sunday. These events are celebrated at the end of the sixth week of fasting (date rolling).
- The third day is the annunciation. Unlike previous days, this holiday is celebrated only on April 7, regardless of the year.
In addition, unlike the other days of fasting, these holidays you can eat twice a day. The rest of the days they eat only once.
In Orthodoxy, besides fasting days, it is traditionally forbidden to eat meat on Wednesday and Friday. Only lean foods, including fish, are allowed.
Diet "Fish Day": the basic rules
If you want to lose weight tasty and easy and at the same time not harm your health, then a fish diet is what you need.
Often opt for this diet due to the fact that you can eat on this system constantly. Even many famous Hollywood people include vegetables and fish in their diets. Thanks to which they keep themselves in perfect shape. Diet helps the body become healthier and stronger, and leave extra pounds.
To achieve the desired result, follow simple rules:
- It is necessary to cook steamed fish products. If you decide to use a frying pan, then choose a non-stick coating and fry without using oil.
- For garnish, use vegetables: cucumber, zucchini, beetroot, carrot, cabbage. You can use rice, but only unprocessed. Exclude potatoes, radishes and mushrooms from the diet.
- During the diet, it is forbidden to eat animal fats, pastries, alcohol and caffeine.
- Try not to add salt. To improve the taste, use lemon juice, herbs and mild spices.
- For cooking, opt for varieties of fish that are lean (pollock, hake, cod, etc.).
- As soon as you wake up, drink water, and also before each meal for a quarter of an hour. The total volume of water without gases per day should be at least 1.5 liters.
To lose weight, you can use the proposed nutritional option.
- During breakfast, drink a couple cups of tea, eat a couple of boiled eggs and a glass of yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese.
- For lunch, it is recommended to eat seafood in an amount of 270 g. Use vegetables as a side dish. You can either raw or boiled. Dress with low-fat yogurt and lemon juice. For dessert, use a couple cups of yogurt that can be replaced with low fat cottage cheese.
- Dinner is exactly the same as the lunch menu.For a change, alternate dishes that are steamed with baked.
Such food can become full and constant. After achieving the desired result, include cereals, nuts, fruits in the diet.
Fasting day on fish
If you like fish, take advantage of a great option for a fasting day. You can select any day of the week.
To do this, boil the fish. The result should be 420 g of fish pulp without bone. Divide into six meals. You can combine with vegetables, the daily norm of which is 750 grams.
Varieties of fish from which you can cook: pike perch, hake, pollock, bream, capelin, crucian carp, pike and perch. From vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage and cucumbers are suitable. As a drink, use non-sweet tea in the amount of half a liter per day.
If you don’t like the taste of boiled fish, you can steam it or bake it in the oven. On this day, you can’t salt and use spices, oil and seasonings.
The value of fish day in modern Russia
In the modern world, tradition continues to exist. On Thursday, many canteens and cafes offer fish specialties to attract more visitors. You can try various meals at a cost, starting with boiled pollock and ending with gourmet grilled salmon dishes. But at the same time, meat products are not excluded from the menu.
At many restaurants, to attract customers, fish day is a "trick" due to which the flow of visitors increases.
Even fast food chains include special fish dishes on their menus that are only available on Thursdays.
The other side of the resumption of the fish day is the Orthodox tradition. Most restaurants have a fasting menu on the menu, which is offered on certain days or during the fasting period. Moreover, meat is replaced not only with fish, but also with lean dishes in total.