Haddock fish is quite common on the shelves of our stores. This inhabitant of salt ponds has unique taste and healthy qualities. Due to the variety of recipes for its preparation, such fish can be consumed daily and thereby nourish the body with vitamins and other useful substances.
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Haddock: what is this fish?
Many inexperienced anglers cannot give an unambiguous answer, whether haddock is a sea or freshwater fish. Meanwhile, there can be no two truths here - haddock feels comfortable only in salty waters and lives exclusively in the open spaces of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.
Since haddock belongs to the cod family, some cannot distinguish it from cod, but there are signs by which one can easily recognize who is who. So what was a haddock fish?
- There are no dark spots on her body behind her gills.
- She has very small scales, and the lateral lines are light.
- Such a fish is capable of growing up to one meter in length, but, as a rule, individuals most often found are up to half a meter in length and weighing up to five kilograms.
- Haddock meat is light and very dense, even after heat treatment it is able to maintain its elasticity.
Haddock can be consumed both fresh and dried, and smoked. Its meat is perfectly combined with various ingredients and spices, which makes this fish an ideal product for the preparation of a wide variety of fish dishes.
What is the benefit of haddock for the human body
Many gourmets prefer to buy haddock, not only because of its excellent taste, but also because its meat is much healthier than other types of fish.It has a lot of vitamins and minerals, but the dishes prepared from it are easily absorbed by our body, since it does not have much protein and heavy fats.
Of particular value is the haddock liver, which includes omega 3. And as you know, such an element has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision and the nervous system, and also helps to lower cholesterol.
Regular consumption of haddock meat will help improve the condition of nails, hair and skin. It is especially recommended for pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems.
How to deliciously fry in a pan
Haddock is a cod fish with tender meat and a huge selection of vitamins. We will not again dwell on the usefulness of haddock fish, but note that such a fish will be especially appreciated by those who care about their figure.
Tasty it is possible to fry it with onions or in batter. If you do not know how to fry haddock fish in a pan, then write down two methods at once.
Ingredients for haddock with onions:
- haddock;
- four onions;
- two garlic cloves;
- Bell pepper;
- two glasses of fish stock;
- two spoons of flour breading;
- spices, frying oil.
Cooking method:
- We cut the haddock into steaks, salt, pepper and fry in oil until golden brown. Spread on a plate.
- In the same oil, we begin to passer the onion rings, then put the pepper, cut into strips, and pour the broth in five minutes.
- As soon as the broth with vegetables boils, we put in it the fish preparations and chopped garlic, cover and simmer the dish until cooked.
- Put fish on a plate with vegetables and sauce, decorate with parsley leaves and lemon slices.
Ingredients for frying in batter:
- 600 g haddock fillet;
- two tablespoons of sour cream and flour;
- two raw eggs;
- spices to taste.
Cooking method:
- We cut fish fillet in portions, add, pepper and set aside.
- For batter, mix sour cream, flour and eggs.
- Dip the fish slices in batter and fry until lush golden crust.
Oven baking recipe
Haddock is a tasty, not fatty and healthy fish. If you do not know how to cook haddock fish in the oven, remember the recipe.
- haddock steaks (number of persons);
- three garlic cloves;
- Bay leaf,
- peas of white and dark pepper;
- three tablespoons of soya seasoning;
- two tablespoons of mayonnaise and ketchup.
Cooking method:
- The first step is to steak the fish. To do this, mix soya seasoning with minced garlic and put the fish pieces in the prepared marinade for 20 minutes.
- Pour some water and oil into the mold, put the bay leaf and lay out the pickled haddock. Sprinkle it with flakes of freshly grated pepper and put in the oven for 30 minutes.
- Ten minutes before cooking, water the fish with ketchup and mayonnaise sauce.
Haddock fish soup
From haddock you can cook a delicious rich soup. For cooking, you can use not only fish fillets, but also fins, ridge and head.
- haddock;
- half a glass of millet;
- two carrots and an onion;
- three potato tubers;
- dill, parsley, spices;
- oil.
Cooking method:
- In a pan with water, lay the pieces of fish along with one carrot and half an onion. Do not forget to salt and remove the foam.
- As soon as the fish broth boils for three minutes, remove it from the fire, remove the fish pieces, discard the vegetables, filter the broth and return to the stove.
- We put in it the cubes of potatoes, fish bone cleaned from bones, and also millet.
- In oil, we pass the remaining onions with carrots and lay the vegetables along with herbs and bay leaves at the very end of the preparation.
- Ready fish soup give time to brew. When serving, we recommend putting a piece of ghee in a plate with a hot dish.
In tomato sauce
It is difficult to find a definite answer to the question of how to cook haddock fish, because there are many ways. One of the delicious and original dishes is fish baked in tomato sauce with aromatic basil.
- 7 haddock steaks;
- kilo of tomatoes;
- two tablespoons of ketchup (tomato puree);
- seven strips of bacon;
- bulb;
- three garlic cloves;
- salt, pepper, oil;
- three sprigs of basil.
Cooking method:
- Pieces of fish pepper and salt, but do not overload, as the bacon used in the recipe is already salty.
- Next, soak the fish slices with ketchup (tomato puree), put bacon and three rings of tomato on top.
- Pass the grated garlic and chopped onions in oil.
- We spread the vegetable frying into the form, distribute the rings of tomatoes on top, sprinkle everything with chopped basil and spices. Here we lay out the fish, “surround” it with the remaining tomatoes, once again a little pepper and send it to the oven for 50 minutes (temperature 160 ° C).
Haddock stewed in sour cream
Haddock is a dietary and not difficult to prepare product, which any housewife can handle.
We offer a recipe for stewed fish in sour cream sauce, which can be garnished with boiled potatoes or stewed with haddock.
- haddock;
- two large potato tubers;
- bulb;
- sour cream;
- spice.
Cooking method:
- We cut fish into identical pieces, chop potatoes and onions arbitrarily.
- Pour oil into the stewpan and start frying the ingredients. First, fry the potatoes until crisp, then continue to cook it with onions.
- We put pieces of fish to vegetables, salt, pepper, add sour cream and pour water almost to the top of the dishes.
- Stew the dish for an hour, serve with fresh herbs.
Under the vegetable marinade
Preparing a delicious fish and vegetable dinner is quite simple. Haddock is very tender, but dense fish, so even after baking or stewing its meat does not fall apart, but it becomes very juicy and tasty.
- fish;
- two onions and carrots;
- three red (sweet) peppers;
- salt, pepper and other seasonings for fish.
Cooking method:
- Cut the cleaned fish in portions, season with spices.
- In a bowl we put half rings of onion, grated carrots and bell pepper with straws. Slightly add vegetables and mix.
- In the form we put the pieces of fish, cover them with vegetables, pour a little water and bake in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.
There are practically no small bones in haddock meat, so you can make cutlets, meatballs and even stuffing for dumplings out of it. By the way, in Finland it is from haddock that they prepare the filling for pies, in Norway there is a national dish of dried haddock, and America smokes the smoked fillet of such fish.