A cute and energetic dog of miniature size, known as the Russian Toy Terrier, is assigned to the decorative breeds, which are designed to delight the owners with their presence constantly. Due to their compactness, graceful toy animals are allowed into hotels, allowed to be transported in their public transport and even shops can go with them.
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Description of the Russian Toy Terrier breed and its characteristics
In the latest edition of the Breed Standard, the playful dog is officially called the Russian Toy. The breed combines two species that previously stood out as separate - smooth-haired and long-haired. The first is characterized by a short hairline without undercoat, due to which the silhouette of the animal seems more elegant, compared with the long-haired variety. The latter is characterized by the presence of a long hairline on the limbs, including the uncropped tail.
There are practically no external differences between girls and boys. However, when deciding who is better to have, one should take into account the fact that bitches are more jealous of the owner and much more touchy than the cables. They can behave rather arrogantly, without failing to demonstrate their temper, as soon as they have something to their liking.
Origin history
At the beginning of the last century, the English toy terrier was the most popular decorative breed in Russia.His breeding was discontinued due to the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, who did not approve of these dogs, which, in their opinion, were associated with the aristocracy. The number has been reduced to a critical limit.
In the second half of the 50s. the result of mixing by Soviet breeders of small dogs was the breeding of a smooth-haired representative with a phenotype different from the English toy terrier. A few years later, on the basis of shorthair species, the Moscow long-haired toy terrier was bred.
In 2006, the ICF Commission recognized the Russian breed as one that includes two varieties, which stand out separately until the last.
However, due to conditionally recognized status, the Russian one could not claim the title of candidate for international champion until 2017, when it was decided to provide the breed with recognition on an ongoing basis.
Breed standard and puppy selection
The exhibition Russian toy terrier, which is allowed for breeding, must meet the following pedigree standards:
- The head is small, wedge-shaped.
- Eyes are small, dark in color.
- The neck is long and gracefully curved.
- Nose - black or brown lobe.
- Ears - erect, pointed ears of a triangular shape.
- The body is a sinewy body with not too pronounced chest and thin bones.
- Muzzle - slightly narrowed, dry with a pronounced transition to the forehead.
- Tail - can be stopped.
- Paws - high, straight, parallel spaced.
- Wool. The short-haired variety does not have an undercoat, and a tight-fitting hairline shines. Long-haired toi are distinguished by stuffed hair with a length of 3 to 5 cm over the body, and on the extremities the hairline is slightly longer.
- Color - black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan, lilac and tan, fawn, as well as red of any shade with or without black or brown dusting.
How to choose a puppy
When choosing a thoroughbred puppy, the future owner, in addition to meeting the breed standards, must follow several important rules:
- The puppy must be purchased from trusted breeders or in kennels specializing in breeding Russian Toy.
- The baby must be older than 1.5 months and have all the necessary documents (metric, veterinary passport).
- If the dog is acquired by an inexperienced dog breeder, then the purchase should be carried out after the baby reaches 3 months, when he will be given the main vaccinations.
- It is necessary to observe the future pet in order to verify its activity, good appetite, which testify to the mental and physical health of the four-legged friend.
- Longhaired representatives of the breed should be the owners of a soft, shiny coat without tangles.
When buying puppies of a show class, you should go to the nursery accompanied by a specialist.
Features of keeping a dog
When purchasing a Russian toy, the newly-made owner should be ready to provide the necessary conditions for a comfortable living of a four-legged pet in a new family:
- Resting-place. For toy, well-lit rooms where there are no drafts are suitable. It is better to choose a place isolated from children who can injure a small puppy. However, it should be next to the owner, to which miniature dogs are very attached.
- Toys In order for the playful kid to throw out accumulated energy not to damage property and ride on wires, he should organize a playground with a lot of toys.
- Restroom. For representatives of the miniature breed, you can equip a special place to meet your needs, using a tray or diaper. The dog gets used to the toilet quickly enough. However, to avoid unpleasant odors, it is recommended to remove carpets and paths from the floor in the first weeks.
- Walks. Russian Toys need regular walks, where they can frolic and get to know the world around them.Since smooth-haired dogs do not have an undercoat, with the advent of colds they need special clothing.
Care and Feeding
Proper care is the key to good health and longevity of a decorative dog.
- Walking. Toy loves to be outdoors. But to overdo it with the duration of the walks is not worth it. It is enough to organize daily outings in the summertime lasting 1 hour. Walk the graceful dog should be on the harness, and then carefully examine the four-legged pet for ticks. You can release the toy terrier only in territories isolated from other animals and cars. In frosty weather, it is advisable to refuse walking.
- Combing. Longhair requires daily combing, which allows you to maintain the purity and beauty of the coat. Smooth-haired procedure should be carried out weekly. Due to the lack of undercoat, it is not necessary to turn to specialists for professional grooming.
- Bathing. To maintain the beauty and health of the little toy terrier, the dog should be bathed every 2 months using special shampoos. During water procedures, the ears are plugged so that no liquid gets there. Since the skin of the pet is quite thin, it is not worth carrying out such procedures too often.
- Eye and ear care. Eyes are a weak point due to susceptibility to various infections, as evidenced by frequent discharge in the form of mucous lumps. If the dog is healthy, then crusts can be observed in the corners of the eyes only after sleep. As a prophylaxis, it is recommended to remove such secretions with cotton pads moistened with a special solution. The auricles are regularly cleaned with ear sticks around the edge so as not to damage the membrane. Accumulation of sulfur cannot be allowed, a large amount of which can lead to a serious inflammatory process - otitis media.
- Care for teeth and claws. The claws of the toy are trimmed monthly with a special tool that can be purchased at the pet store. Only the rounded part of the horn formation is shortened. Teeth require careful care. The change of milk incisors and fangs should take place under the supervision of a veterinarian so that the jaw does not deform in the pet, which will subsequently affect the chewing ability of the four companion. It is recommended to carry out brushing systematically, accustoming the toy terrier to the procedure from early childhood.
Despite its miniature size, the Russian toy needs a balanced diet, which can be offered by manufacturers of prepared premium feeds. You can cook your own food by choosing high-quality white poultry meat or beef, as well as cereals, vegetables, eggs and sour-milk products. It is recommended that you grind meat products carefully before serving.
The frequency of meals depends on the age of the baby:
- up to 4 months - five meals a day;
- up to 6 months - four meals a day;
- up to a year - three times a day.
Two meals are enough for adult dogs.
Education and training of the Russian toy terrier
To begin raising a puppy follows from the first days of its appearance in a new home.
This is required by the wayward character of the Russian toy, which without proper attention can turn into a fairly aggressive dog trying to attack even family members, not to mention damage to furniture. After the stage of socialization is completed, until six months of age, the toy terrier should be trained in a game form with alternating teams and rewards for their correct execution. A more serious and lengthy training can be started after the dog reaches 6 months.
Pros and cons of the breed
Among the positive features of the Russian toy can be distinguished:
- fidelity;
- high intellectual abilities;
- love for all family members;
- vigilance and sensitivity.
The decorative breed also has negative qualities:
- fairly short life cycle;
- small sizes that cause injury to the dog;
- waywardness.
How much does a Russian dog cost
Depending on the compliance with the pedigree standards and the titularity of the parents, the cost of Russian toy puppies can vary from $ 100 for pet dogs that are forbidden to breed, to $ 1000 for representatives of the show class from the eminent nursery.
Russian toy is a wonderful companion who, with proper care and training, will become a true friend for many years.