Charming, cute dogs of the Russian Longhair Toy Terrier breed are distinguished by their energy and good nature. They are excellent companions, quickly becoming attached to all members of the family, including the other four-legged inhabitants of the house.

Origin history

At the beginning of the last century, it was considered fashionable for the nobility to keep small English toy terriers as decorative dogs that accompanied the young ladies constantly. After the revolution, the livestock of dogs whose breeding was handled by a layer of intelligentsia was practically exterminated.

Breeding work resumed only in the 50s. XX century. The year 1958 was marked by the appearance in Moscow of a group of dogs, known as long-haired Moscow toy terriers. The animal traits gradually improved, and over time a separate breed was singled out - the Russian Toy. Two varieties were identified - long-haired and smooth-haired.

Description of the breed

Russian long-haired toy is the result of crossing individuals from the almost exterminated population of aristocratic toy terriers and various mongrels. Representatives of this breed, despite their miniature, possess exorbitant self-confidence and the ability to manipulate the owners.

Interestingly, long-haired representatives are born in litter of smooth-haired. But the opposite situation is extremely rare.

Small pets quickly find contact with children. But do not leave them alone with the latter for a long time.Because with unceremonious handling the nature of the hunting terrier can prevail.

Companion dogs are attached to humans. You can not leave them unattended, otherwise miniature pets can turn into obsessive, rather embittered (as far as the sizes allow) animals.

On a note. An official description of the breed can give general ideas about the animal, however, each individual has its own character, temperament and appearance.

Life span

Russian toy long-haired on average lives 12-15 years. If the owner wants the pet to live a long and happy life, he needs to adhere to the rules of keeping the dog, grooming and feeding.

Compliance with all requirements, as well as contact with the toy, are the main factors that can extend or shorten the age of a fourth friend.

The purpose and nature of the dog

The nature and application of the Russian Toy Dog does not depend on the breed variety. A pet with both long and short hair is distinguished by energy, vitality, which literally “infects” everyone around. Due to their compactness and quite loyal attitude to the baskets in which they can be transported, they accompany the owner everywhere. Whether it is a hotel, cafe, supermarket or other establishments where other dogs are not allowed.

Due to its temperament, which is characterized by liveliness and sociability, Russian toi are perfect for people who do not have experience living together with other dogs.

The main positive character traits that appear in a pet with proper upbringing are as follows:

  • mobility and devotion - the pet expresses a comprehensive love, which is enough for everyone;
  • obedience - with the timely establishment of the hierarchy "owner - dog" that will never demand the fulfillment of his whims;
  • goodwill - the dog has no signs of aggression;
  • sociability - an excellent companion dog;
  • good learning ability - he loves to be in the spotlight, so training him only for joy.

However, with the wrong approach to raising a Russian long-haired toy or its complete absence, the dog can cause great grief and trouble.

Breed standard and puppy selection

High-breed Russian long-haired toy should fully comply with the following standards:

  1. The head is small in size and wedge-shaped.
  2. The eyes are small and dark.
  3. The long neck bends gracefully.
  4. The nose can be either black or dark brown.
  5. On the top of the head are erect, pointed ears of a triangular shape.
  6. The body is characterized by a sinewy body with an implicit sternum and thin bones.
  7. The narrowed muzzle is characterized by a pronounced transition to the forehead.
  8. Acceptable tail docking.
  9. The high, straight legs of the representative of the breed are set in parallel.
  10. Coat with dense undercoat and hairline 3 to 5 cm long over the body, with longer vegetation on the extremities.
  11. The color is quite diverse: black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan, lilac and tan, fawn, as well as red any shade with black or brown “spraying” (the absence of the latter is permissible).

What to consider when choosing Russian toy puppies?

There are several important recommendations:

  1. Go for a thoroughbred puppy to a specialized nursery or to a trusted breeder who can give recommendations and instructions for further maintenance and feeding.
  2. The baby's coat should shine, be soft and without tangles.
  3. Depending on the experience of the future owner, the optimal age of the acquired puppy may be 1.5-3 months. Inexperienced dog breeders are better off getting a vaccinated dog.
  4. Pedigree puppies have a metric.
  5. Important points when choosing a puppy are his mental state and health, this will allow him to evaluate communication with the baby and his examination.

Important! Before buying a show-class pet, you need to consult a specialist, and it is better to invite him to the nursery. On the spot, he will be able to assess the puppy's compliance with the breed standard.

Maintenance, care and feeding

In order for adaptation to the new habitat to proceed quickly and painlessly, the newly minted owner must equip:

  1. A place to relax - give preference to quiet corners, away from drafts and children, which, through negligence, can harm the baby. But be sure to basket or blanket should be located near the owner.
  2. Game space - you should purchase toys in advance, this will help subsequently preserve the interior of the apartment and make the puppy's life bright and fun.
  3. Toilet - near the front door you can place a tray or diaper, which a miniature dog quickly gets used to. However, if you do not remove the carpets in a timely manner, then a specific smell cannot be avoided.
  4. Walking - to socialize and maintain physical fitness, and ultimately health, they need regular walking. Moreover, the long-haired variety can go without clothes until the colds.

The content also provides for systematic care, the main activities of which are the following procedures:

  • combing - a long-haired dog, in order to keep the coat clean, it is recommended to comb it daily;
  • bathing - a small toy should be bathed every two months, which will preserve the beauty and health of the pet. During water procedures, it is necessary to use special hygiene products, as well as to plug your ears so that liquid does not get there;
  • cleaning of eyes and ears - since the visual organs are the weak point of the toy, they should be systematically cleaned with cotton pads soaked in a special solution. Auricles are also subject to regular cleaning with cotton buds;
  • claw trimming - when the horn formations begin to twist, they should be shortened using a clipper, which can be purchased at the pet store;
  • dental hygiene - small breeds of dogs are susceptible to diseases such as caries and stone formation. To avoid such problems, the teeth of the animal should be cleaned systematically.

Another important point in the maintenance is feeding. Although the toy terrier is small, this does not mean that it can be fed “poor” food. Feed must be balanced. The best option is a ready-made premium composition. If you have time and desire, you can create a menu yourself by introducing meat and sour-milk products, as well as cereals and vegetables.

Training Russian long-haired toy terrier

Despite the fact that the character of a dog is characterized by such a feature as goodwill, in the absence of education a small pet can turn into a real tyrant. He is able to attack household members, spoil furniture and other decorative elements.

The process of training should begin from the first days after the appearance of the dog in the house. You need to start with easy teams. It is worth moving on to more complex training from six months of age. At the same time, it is imperative to alternate teams with entertainment. We must not forget about encouraging goodies for properly completed tasks.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Small dog breeds have positive and negative characteristics.

The Russian long-haired toy has the following features:

  • loyalty and devotion;
  • activity and playfulness;
  • high intellectual abilities;
  • love for all household members;
  • vigilance and responsiveness.

The decorative breed also has disadvantages, namely:

  • rather short life span;
  • compactness and fragility, due to which the dog can be easily injured;
  • willfulness and ability to manipulate.

Russian long-haired toy is an excellent choice for people who are looking for a companion dog. After all, the pet will give a sea of ​​joy and positive in response to the care and love of its owner.