The healing properties and contraindications of rosemary have been described by many ancient civilizations. Some peoples considered the plant sacred. He was credited with mystical abilities to influence emotions, spirit and mentality.
The popularity of rosemary is tied to modern times. The plant is among the classic seasonings. It is used in recipes of traditional medicine, protects the beauty and health of the beautiful half of humanity.
Material Content:
Rosemary: healing and beneficial properties
Rosemary is famous for its antioxidant properties. It helps cells protect themselves from adverse environmental factors. It has the ability to repair damaged integument. Enhances the effect of immunity. Helps resist infectious diseases.
It has strong antiseptic properties. Able to disinfect air. Destroy viruses and molds. Effective against streptococci and staphylococci. In ancient times it was considered one of the effective means against the plague.
Rosemary is called "heart grass." It stimulates coronary circulation. It attenuates the effect of ischemia. Improves myocardial function.
Relieves cramping, muscle and joint pain. It provokes the outflow of bile. Stimulates digestion. It enhances the production of gastric juice and at the same time protects the mucosa from the action of acid. Corrupts gall bladder stones. It supports the intestines.
Effective with mental overwork. Restores memory, helps to concentrate. Increases efficiency.
The plant induces vigorous activity, strengthens the nervous system. Fights fears and indecision.Able to curb strong emotions. Resists mood swings. Gives a sense of vitality and balance.
Ideal for oily skin, contributing to its cleansing and rejuvenation. Stimulates hair growth, eliminates dandruff. Enriches cosmetic creams and shampoos.
What diseases does it help?
Rosemary is taken in the form of infusions and decoctions of herbs. Essential oil is used for grinding, bathing, enriching cosmetics, mixing masks on natural ingredients.
The plant is indicated for decreased performance, stress and high psycho-emotional stress. It is used to stimulate brain activity, strengthen immunity.
Grass strengthens heart contractions. It is indicated for hypotension, coronary heart disease. Used in recovery procedures after a stroke.
Rosemary essential oil in baths relieves muscle and joint pain. The plant is useful for rheumatism and neuralgia. It relieves menstrual and headaches. Eliminates malaise in diseases of the spine.
Indications for use are digestive disorders, intestinal colic, bloating, loss of appetite. Rosemary is drunk with stagnation of bile and gallstones.
One of its beneficial properties is its ability to thin out sputum. Medications are indicated for bronchial asthma, lung diseases, accompanied by a dry cough.
The grass fights well with the effects of influenza and SARS. It is used to suppress infection and lower fever.
Essential oil is subject to fungal skin diseases. The tool successfully treats acne. Copes with excessive hair loss.
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Rosemary in traditional medicine: application
Essential oil
Rosemary oil is part of cosmetics and therapeutic baths. It is used for massages, compresses, rubbing. In minimal quantities is taken orally.
Ways of application:
- to alleviate the symptoms of the common cold, with mental fatigue and headaches, add 3-6 drops of the drug to the aroma lamp;
- when treating cough in the morning, inhalations are made with 1-2 drops of aromatic oil;
- to maintain good spirits, relieve fatigue, headache, joint and menstrual pain in the evening before going to bed, add 5-7 drops of aromatic oil to the bath;
- for the preparation of therapeutic massage oil, 5-7 drops of the product are mixed with 10 ml of any cosmetic base; the resulting mixture is rubbed in sore spots with neuralgia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism and arthritis;
- for wounds, burns and local external inflammations, a compress is prepared from a glass of hot water and 10 drops of essential oil, the agent moistens the warming material, which is subsequently applied to the affected area for 30 minutes;
- foot baths with 2 drops of rosemary, 3 drops of tea tree oil and a spoonful of bath salts remove swelling, fatigue, pain and unpleasant odor from the feet;
- for growth and strengthening of hair, essential oil is added to the shampoo at the rate of 2-3 drops per 10 g of base;
- skin inflammation removes the usual cream with the addition of rosemary oil (3 drops per 10 ml of the base);
- intestinal disorders are treated with one drop of the drug added to juice or tea; such a drink is consumed 2 times a day before meals.
To obtain a tonic effect with oil, you can gently rub whiskey or wrists.
Sprigs of rosemary or its individual chopped leaves are placed in dishes. The same herb is used to make healthy teas.
A teaspoon of dried vegetable powder is poured into a glass of boiling water. The remedy is insisted 15 minutes. Filtered. Take in the morning before meals and at lunch for 3-5 days as an invigorating, stimulating drink. The same drink helps with intestinal disorders. It is used for hypotension and to restore strength after an illness.
Dry stimulating bath rosemary is used to prepare skin inflammations. In a liter of boiling water brew 50 g of herb. The tool is allowed to stand an hour. After it is filtered and poured into a warm bath. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
How to brew for weight loss?
Spice rosemary removes toxins from the body and speeds up the metabolism. In addition, it stimulates the production of bile, which means it improves the digestion of food. That is why rosemary goes so well with fatty and heavy dishes.
In addition to the fact that you can simply add it to food, it is worthwhile to prepare special tea for weight loss with it. This will help get rid of toxins and normalize weight.
Tea is brewed in hot but not boiling water. 400 ml take a tablespoon of crushed dry product. Drink insist during the night. In the morning it is passed through a strainer.
The volume is divided into three doses. Each serving is drunk 20 minutes before a meal. The treatment course is designed for 20 days. To achieve the correct effect, it is necessary to increase physical activity, refrain from fatty foods and foods containing simple sugars.
The use of rosemary in cosmetology
Rosemary is very often used in the preparation of industrial cosmetics for hair. Shampoos, balms and masks are prepared with it. At home, you can add 1-2 drops of essential oil per serving of shampoo on your own while washing your hair.
To combat dandruff, strengthen the roots, stimulate the growth of sleeping hair follicles, a mixture of rosemary, lavender and bergamot oils is prepared. Each agent is taken in the amount of one drop. Add to a decoction of nettle, burdock or nasturtium. The mask is rubbed into the scalp. Stand for 20-30 minutes under a warming cap.
The cosmetics industry produces creams, lotions and tonics for the face with the addition of aromatic oil. The benefits of rosemary are the ability to rejuvenate and restore the skin, heal small wounds.
With the daily use of such funds, redness, irritation, inflammation pass. Acne pustules are reduced in size. Suppuration dissolves. Centers of skin infection are scarred.
Normal daily creams can be enriched by adding a drop of essential oil to a serving right before application.
Rosemary, in no form is given to children under 6 years old. It has a strong stimulating blood circulation effect, is able to increase pressure, and therefore is contraindicated in pregnant women and patients with hypertension. Rosemary oil can not be used for epilepsy and a tendency to cramps.
Rosemary is useful in many ways. It is very convenient to use. With it you can cook baths, compresses, rubbing agents. It is recommended to use inside and make in the form of tea. Rosemary allows you to choose for yourself the most comfortable way of healing.