Rosamet in the instructions for use is presented as a safe active external pharmaceutical product that suppresses pathogenic bacteria and parasitic protozoa on the skin. The main targets of the medication are inflammatory skin diseases, acne and rosacea.

The composition of the drug

Rosamet is made in Croatia by the pharmaceutical company Jadran in the form of a gentle, odorless white cream. The cream base perfectly lays on the skin, softening the irritated foci, and is quickly absorbed without leaving greasy marks.

The therapeutic base of the cream is a highly effective antibiotic substance metronidazole. 1 gram of the product contains 10 mg of this active antimicrobial component.

Additionally, Rosamet contains substances that serve as emulsifiers, preserving and forming elements.
Rosamet cream can be purchased in a 25 mg tube, which is placed with a medical instruction in a paper bag.

What is Rosamet cream prescribed for?

The antiprotozoal (aimed at Trichomonas) and antimicrobial action of the cream are manifested due to the ability of the treating substance to affect the cellular DNA of microbes and protozoa, as well as inhibit the production of nucleic acids, which leads to the destruction of cells of harmful organisms. In addition, metronidazole actively reduces the formation of oxidants that cause tissue damage in the focus of inflammation.

The drug shows high efficiency in the destruction of such organisms as Propionibacterium acnes and Granulosum - pathogens that cause the formation of acne in an airless environment of pores clogged with sebaceous plugs. The cream is also active against bacteroids, fusobacteria, coccal flora, clostridia, Trichomonas, Zubakteriya, dysentery amoeba.


Rosameth helps with the following pathological conditions:

  • inflamed pustules (pustules), dense nodules (papules), swelling and redness with rosacea;
  • acne with acne;
  • acne vulgar, pink, poststeroid (after prolonged use of hormonal drugs);
  • pustular rashes not associated with inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • seborrheic eczema and dermatitis;
  • leg ulcers with varicose veins and diabetes;
  • pressure sores that do not heal wound and burn surfaces for a long time;
  • cracks, ulcerations of the mucous membrane and skin around the anus with hemorrhoids, proctitis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • vulvovaginitis, urogenital trichomoniasis.

With these diseases, the medication can relieve swelling and redness, eliminate itching, soreness and burning, and reduce the focus of inflammation.

It should be borne in mind that Rosamet:

  • does not eliminate telangiectasia - dilated capillaries in the form of "cobwebs" and "nets";
  • not effective enough for the correction of acne caused by hormonal disruptions and gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • does not affect tick-borne parasites with demodicosis.

In such cases, the use of the cream is supplemented with other local cutaneous agents according to indications, as well as with medicines that are taken orally.
It was found that after cutaneous application, the amount of metronidazole that penetrated into the bloodstream upon absorption was very low. The concentration of the treating substance at the cream processing site is many times higher than the scanty amounts recorded in the blood plasma; therefore, there is no general systemic effect on the body, subject to the rules for using the medication.

Instructions for use of the drug

Rosamet cream is used exclusively locally. First of all, the treatment area is wiped with a swab of warm water or a non-aggressive cleaning agent. Cream on the foci of inflammation is applied thinly, with superficial massaging movements, avoiding ingress into the mouth, eyes and nasal cavity. After cleansing the skin, it is advisable to wait 10-15 minutes and only then use the medication.

Inflamed acne, acne, redness with rosacea, acne are treated with a pharmaceutical agent 1-2 times a day with an interval of 8-12 hours. In severe skin manifestations, it is allowed to apply an airtight dressing with cream.

The therapeutic effect becomes noticeable from 4-5 days of use, reaching a maximum at 4-5 weeks of treatment. The approximate duration of therapy is from 1-2 to 3-4 months.
With vaginitis, balanoposthitis, urethritis 1-2 times a day, cream treats inflammatory foci on the male genital organ, in the area of ​​the female vaginal canal, its vestibule, the labia. You can apply the cream with your fingers, a cotton swab, but for intravaginal administration of the drug, it is advisable for women to use a special applicator.

The average duration of treatment with a pharmaceutical product in uncomplicated forms of the disease is up to 10 days. In case of a persistent course, it is advisable to connect antimicrobial agents taken orally to treatment.

Therapy features

To obtain the desired therapeutic result, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of treatment with an antimicrobial cream:

  1. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist or gynecologist before starting to use a pharmaceutical, and if during the treatment there are no signs of improvement or new pathological symptoms appear.
  2. With deep skin defects, if the treatment causes noticeable positive changes, the doctor can extend the use of the cream, assessing the degree of its positive effect.
  3. During therapy, Rosamet should not be allowed to enter the painful foci of sunlight, and you should also exclude a visit to the solarium. Under the action of ultraviolet light, the active substance loses its healing properties, and the effectiveness of the cream is significantly reduced.
  4. If the cream is used to eliminate the symptoms of vaginitis and urethritis caused by Trichomonas, both partners need to be treated for intimacy (against the background of sexual abstinence).
  5. If Rosamet gets into the eyes, mouth, or nose, burning sensation and redness may appear on the mucosa, which is eliminated by copious flushing with water.

These rules will help to avoid complications and fully show all the healing properties of the medicinal product.

During pregnancy and lactation

In the treatment of pregnant patients, the use of pharmaceuticals is limited, especially in the first 13 weeks of gestation. It is not allowed to process large fragments of the skin or close painful foci with an airtight dressing, as this helps to absorb more metronidazole, which means enhancing its overall effect on the body.

The treating substance penetrates into breast milk, giving it bitterness, but neither its amount in breast milk nor the effect on the body of the baby have been established. Therefore, at the time of therapy, it is desirable to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In addition, a nursing mother can not cream the area of ​​the mammary glands with cream.

Drug interaction

It has been proven that after topical application, the concentration of metronidazole in plasma is extremely low, and the likelihood of interaction with other drugs (topical or oral) is usually minimal.
Rarely, it is possible to enhance the action of blood-thinning drugs (for example, Warfarin).

With the parallel intake of alcohol-containing drinks, Rosamet can change the process of ethanol oxidation and provoke a teturam reaction (tachycardia, hot flashes, shortness of breath, heart pain, vomiting, pressure drop, panic fear of death).

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

An absolute contraindication for the use of the medication are:

  • intolerance to any components of the cream;
  • special sensitivity to other substances, as well as metronidazole, which are derivatives of nitroimidazole.

It is possible to use Rosamet carefully and briefly in small areas in pregnant and lactating patients, as well as in diseases such as:

  • leukopenia;
  • organic lesions of the nervous system, epilepsy;
  • insufficiency of liver function.

Side effects after local treatment with cream with metronidazole are rare.

2-9 people out of 100 may experience:

  • urticaria, rashes, redness, peeling, tingling, burning
  • lacrimation and soreness in the eyes (if the cream is applied around the eyes);
  • with intravaginal treatment - itching, light discharge, burning, frequent urination, irritation of the genital organs of a male partner, with prolonged use - vaginal “thrush” (candidiasis).

In single patients (frequency not established), rosacea symptoms may intensify, dermatitis, swelling on the face, nausea, and a taste of metal in the mouth may develop.

If any of the described adverse reactions intensifies, skin inflammation occurs, or other unpleasant manifestations develop, you need to immediately reduce the frequency of application of the cream or temporarily stop treatment and consult your healthcare professional for treatment correction.

Antimicrobial Cream Analogs

Possible analogues of Rosamet containing metronidazole, which can replace the pharmaceutical product: Rosex, Metronidazole, Flagil, Metrozole, Metrogil, Klion, Trichopol.