An antimicrobial agent is used externally for acne, for the treatment of rosacea, balanoposthitis. Rosamet has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The same effect is exerted by analogues containing metronidazole.
Material Content:
The composition of the antibacterial cream
The composition of the drug includes metronidazole, which in the first years after creation was used as an antiprotozoal agent. Then the researchers found that the active substance suppresses the activity of both protozoa and bacteria. This valuable property allows the use of metronidazole as a strong antimicrobial agent.
Composition of Rosamet (in 100 g soft dosage form):
- metronidazole - 1 g.
- glycerin - 1.3 g;
- other hydrocarbons - 21 g;
- purified water - 76.6 g.
Sometimes in reviews about Rosamet cream they write that this remedy does not contain an antibiotic. Metronidazole refers to antibacterial chemotherapy, is not a natural substance. In recent years, the replacement of "traditional" antibiotics obtained from fungi and bacteria has increasingly come from chemical synthesis products. Metronidazole is a synthetic antibacterial agent.
What helps Rosamet
Metronidazole in the cream penetrates the epidermis, reaches the bacterial cell and interacts with its enzymes. An active compound appears that incorporates and destroys microbial DNA. Metabolism stops, so the bacteria die or are more easily destroyed by the cells of the immune system.
Many pathogens are sensitive to the active substance of the cream:
- vaginal trichomonads;
- vaginal gardnerella;
- peptostreptococcus;
- clostridia;
- vailonella;
- eubacteria.
Rosameth helps against infections caused by bacteria living in an oxygen-free environment. Propionibacteria and actinomycetes show moderate sensitivity. Metronidazole is practically useless when infected with aerobic microbes.
The tool is used for external treatment:
- chronic inflammation of the skin of the face (rosacea);
- erythema with acne (acne);
- red acne (papules);
- pustules (pustules);
- balanoposthitis and vulvovaginitis of infectious origin (chlamydial, trichomonas, gonorrhea and other etiologies).
The drug is used for skin diseases, which are characterized by the appearance of red spots, purulent rashes.
Researchers suggest that the anti-inflammatory effect of metronidazole is due not only to antibacterial action. Perhaps an antimicrobial agent has antioxidant properties. Metronidazole reduces the amount of active oxygen and other particles that are able to oxidize substances in the composition of cell membranes, cause tissue damage and inflammation.
The anti-acne effect of Rosamet is not manifested in all cases. The cream is effective against bacteria, but does not help with infection with a Demodex tick. Rosamet does not affect the internal causes of various types of acne: hormonal imbalance, disruption of the digestive tract, decreased immune defense. An external agent does not eliminate the expansion of small vessels, which manifests itself in the form of "spiders", "stars", "nets".
Instructions for use of the drug
The skin before applying the cream is cleaned with cosmetic milk, lotion to remove dust, excess sebum. Wash or take a shower. Use a pH neutral detergent.
After the water procedure, take a break for about 20 minutes. A pause is needed to evaporate residual moisture, which can reduce the absorption of the cream. Apply the product and massage it lightly so that a thin film remains on the skin.
Lubricate areas of the face affected by rosacea, inflamed papules (nodules, acne), pustules. These abdominal rash elements in the home are called pustules. They differ in the presence of a white or yellowish top against a red base.
The cream is used 1-2 times a day, in the morning and / or in the evening. The duration of the therapeutic course is from 3 to 8 weeks. You can use Rosamet 3-4 months with intervals of 10-12 days.
When applied topically, metronidazole has a weak systemic effect, as it slightly penetrates the blood through the skin.
Treatment of bacterial vulvovaginitis consists in applying the product with the pads of the fingers of the fingers or using a cotton swab on the surface of the labia minora, the vestibule of the vagina. The drug is used 1 or 2 times a day for 8-10 days.
The instructions for use indicate the following method of treatment of balanoposthitis. A small amount of the product is applied with your fingers or a cotton swab to the glans penis, the foreskin is gently rubbed. The frequency of use and the course of treatment are the same as with bacterial vaginitis.
During pregnancy and lactation
Rosamet is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the next 6 months, the cream can be used, but this must be done with caution. The same condition must be observed during breastfeeding. A small amount of metronidazole, which is absorbed into the blood, gives a bitter taste to breast milk. The baby is nauseous and may begin vomiting. Pediatricians recommend to stop breastfeeding during the use of metronidazole.
Drug interaction
After application of Rosamet to the skin, systemic absorption is low. The concentration of metronidazole in the blood is negligible. Almost excluded the possibility of interaction with drugs taken orally. When prescribed together with warfarin, metronidazole is able to enhance the anticoagulant effect.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Metronidazole in the composition of an external agent sometimes causes allergic reactions. If the patient has observed such cases, then the use of Rosamet is contraindicated. The drug is not recommended for the treatment of children.
Side effects of the cream are local in nature. After application, itching, tingling, burning sensation may occur. Less commonly, symptoms of an allergic reaction appear. The risk of side effects increases with prolonged and uncontrolled use of an antimicrobial agent on large areas of the skin.
Do not allow the cream to get on the mucous membrane of the eye. If this happens, immediately rinse your eyes with water.
When local reactions occur, you should reduce the amount of the drug or temporarily cancel the treatment. Cases of overdose with external use are unknown.
Metronidazole is part of several drugs for the external treatment of acne, rosacea, and vaginal infections. Structural analogues of Rosamet are Rosex cream, Metroseptol and Metrogil gels. The content of the antibacterial substance is the same, the list of indications is different. Rosex is indicated for the treatment of rosacea. Metrogil gel is used against bacterial vaginosis.
For which diseases is Metroseptol used:
- trophic ulcers, bedsores;
- pink and vulgar eels;
- poorly healing wounds;
- perioral dermatitis;
- seborrheic dermatitis;
- hemorrhoids;
- burns.
The effectiveness of Rosamet cream depends on the sensitivity of pathogens to metronidazole. The active substance acts on bacteria living in an oxygen-free environment. Improving the condition of the skin is observed after two weeks of applying the cream. The greatest effect is achieved with single acne, a small area of inflamed skin with rosacea. After applying Rosamet, new rashes occur less.
Purulent acne, furunculosis can be treated with drugs containing chloramphenicol, tetracycline. Antibiotics give quick results, but addictive. Bacteria become resistant to "old" drugs. Newer treatments for infectious skin lesions contain fusidic acid. Trade names for creams: Fusiderm, Futsidin.
A modern treatment for acne is Dalacin Gel. The drug contains the antibiotic clindamycin. A vaginal cream with the same name and the same active substance is used for bacterial vaginosis.
Releases that contain an antibiotic and a retinoid or glucocorticoid. Combined drugs have a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, but they have more contraindications and side effects.