This amazing flower deserves a detailed description and requires careful care. Rosa Red Intuition conquers the heart with her hard work. It blooms continuously in the heat and heat, during prolonged summer rains, without losing the beauty of bright, large flowers.
Material Content:
Description and features of the variety
Hybrid tea rose Red Intuition appeared at the end of the ⅩⅩ century in France in the Delbar nursery. It has not lost its popularity for the second decade due to its unusually beautiful color and shape of flowers.
This variety is resistant to frost and disease. The height of the bush is about 120 cm. The shape of terry flowers located on peduncles singly is cup-shaped.
The color of the petals is “tiger” in red-pink tones, the diameter of each flower is from 10 to 12 cm.
The aroma is unobtrusive, light. Flowering is long and plentiful.
Outdoor landing
In August, container roses are actively planted until mid-September. At this time, the plants take root well, and then successfully winter. In spring, cuttings are planted in April or May (it all depends on the region of residence), when the weather is stable and stable.
Description of the landing process:
- It is advisable to soak seedlings with an open root system before planting for a day in water with the addition of sodium humate, Kornevin, or another root growth stimulator.
- A place for a rose is chosen sunny, without stagnation of moisture in the soil.
- The landing pit can be made according to the size of the root system, if the land on the site is fertile. If the soil is poor in nutrients, they make a large hole 60 by 60 cm in order to lay rotted organic matter in it interspersed with the ground.
- The roots of the seedling are shortened by 1 cm. This will allow the formation of a branched root system. The roots should be light in color.
- The grafting site when planting needs to be deepened by 5-10 cm. This will help the rose to take its own roots.
- The roots in the hole are straightened, sprinkled on top of the ground and watered with a rooting agent solution in which the seedling was soaked. Still dry earth is poured into the hole above.
Freshly planted roses are covered with a spanbond from the sun, actively watered, and the root system should develop well. To stimulate growth, they are sprayed on the leaf with Epin.
Red Intuition Rose Care
This flower cannot be called easy to grow. Red Intuition rose care includes watering, top dressing, pruning, pest and disease control, shelter for the winter. The first nitrogen fertilizers are applied in April, immediately after removing the winter shelter. Before flowering plants are fed complex fertilizers for roses.
During flowering, fertilizer is not necessary. Flowers quickly fade from this.
The main task of August is to prepare plants for a good wintering.
Description of rose care activities at the end of summer:
- Stop all nitrogen top dressing from July 20.
- From August 15, they begin to apply phosphorus-potassium and magnesium-potassium fertilizer. They will contribute to the ripening of shoots, and the preparation of roses for wintering.
- In August, flower stalks are not cut to stop the growth of new shoots that will freeze in winter and become a source of fungal infections.
- At the ripened shoots, pinch the top so that the plant accumulates nutrients.
From mid-September, roses begin to remove lower leaves and stop loosening the soil under the bushes. Experienced gardeners do not recommend pruning roses before wintering, so as not to open the way for various infections. Cut only those branches that are sick, broken or knocked out of the general shelter. All flowers and buds are cut.
The most popular material for sheltering roses is lapnik or coniferous litter. It is undesirable to use the earth, sand, sawdust for such purposes - they absorb moisture well and the roses beneath them. For tall bushes, a frame is installed, over which a spanbond is pulled. The ends of the shelter are left ajar for ventilation and closed completely only when cold weather occurs, when the air temperature is below -5 ℃.
Breeding methods
Hybrid tea roses propagated by grafting, cuttings, dividing the bush.
Description of the simplest method of propagation by cuttings will help to independently grow rare seedlings:
- Cut shoots for cuttings in July. They must be fully matured, with a thickness of not more than 1 cm.
- Spikes are removed on the cut shoot.
- Each stalk must have a minimum of two buds. The lower sheet is removed, the upper one is cut in half to reduce the area of moisture evaporation.
- Stick cuttings into the substrate. For these purposes, it is better to use neutral peat mixed with sand. The lower kidney should be buried in the soil.
- Moisturize the cuttings from the spray gun, cover with a bag and put in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight.
- Water the seedlings as needed.
- When the cuttings take root, the package is removed.
For better root formation, before planting the lower cut of the cuttings can be treated with a root stimulant.
Pest and Disease Control
A mandatory measure for the care of the rose is its regular inspection, during which you can notice insect pests or the onset of the disease. Pests use insecticides. Fungal diseases can be treated with fungicides. Viral spotting is incurable; experienced gardeners advise digging up infected plants and burning them.
Common fungal diseases of the rose are:
- powdery mildew;
- black spotting;
- rust.
Heavily affected leaves and shoots are cut and burned. For treatment, fungicide treatment is used (Skor, Topaz). Variety Red Intuition is resistant to powdery mildew and black spotting, but in wet weather, preventive treatment will not hurt.
To prevent fungal diseases, intensive pruning is carried out in the spring, in the autumn, all fallen and cut leaves are removed from under the bush. Resistance to diseases is enhanced by fertilizing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers.
Before shelter for the winter, cut the leaves from the bushes, treat with any copper-containing preparation, if there were pests also sprayed with an insecticide or insect-acaricide.
Use in landscape design
Description of roses Red Intuition allows you to understand what makes it attractive in a single landing or mixborder.
She creates a beautiful accent, attracts attention with a bright color of flowers.
It is undesirable to plant several bushes of this variety next to a flower bed. The color merges into a plain bright spot, the individuality of the rose is lost. To better see the unusual color of the petals, Red Intuition is placed in the foreground, next to garden paths, a gazebo or the entrance to the house.