Small sized rose bushes grow not only in flowerbeds and borders. They feel great in a room on the windowsills, and therefore florists like it. A welcome purchase for lovers is the Cordana Mix rose, how to care for after purchase, which you will soon find out.
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Description and features of the variety
Cordana Mix does not exceed 30 cm in height. She has beautiful, dark green leaves and small double flowers.
The color of the petals is diverse - usually it is represented by one of four options:
- scarlet;
- yellow;
- pink
- snow-white.
Flowering is long, lasting from May to mid-autumn. A distinctive feature of the variety is that it is odorless.
How to care after purchase at home
It is advisable to transplant the purchased rose immediately into a new fertile soil. In the store, plants are sold in pots filled with peat. For a long time in such a substrate the flower will not survive. If there are several plants in one pot, you need to plant them in separate containers. Before transplanting a flower, it is useful to spray it with Epin's solution. This growth stimulator will help the plant more easily transfer the stress of relocation to unusual conditions.
After buying a rose in a store, it must be treated with a fungicide. You can pour Fitosporin with an interval of several days and spray on the leaves.
During the acquisition, it is important to pay attention so that there is no blackness on the stems - a sign of damage to a fungal infection, even fungicides will not help sick plants.
Fertilizing room roses:
- Indoor roses are fed during flowering once a week with complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.
- When there are no flowers on the plant, top dressing is applied 1 time in 2 weeks.
- Closer to winter, in November, they reduce watering and stop feeding.
Before the winter dormant period, a miniature bush is cut off above the fifth or fourth kidney (leaf) from the soil surface. The kidney over which the cropping is done should look out. The plant is carried out in a cool place where the air temperature is from +5 to +12 ° C.
Every year in the spring, a room rose is transplanted into a larger pot. Expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the pot with a layer of 1 cm for drainage. Land is bought specifically for roses. After transplanting, the rose is not fertilized for 2 or 3 weeks. From May to September, it is useful to take the plant to the balcony, protecting it from direct sunlight and overheating.
Agriculture cultivation and care roses Cordana Mix in the garden
The rose of Cordana Mix in the garden grows beautifully, blooms and hibernates safely under air-dry shelter. Transplanted flower after purchase from the pot into the open ground by transshipment. If the bush is not divided, the rose will hurt less and take root in the new place faster.
Roses of Kordan are root, they have no place for vaccination. This means that over time they will not degenerate into a dogrose.
In the open ground, plants need enhanced dressing. The first two weeks after planting, they are given time to root, and then they begin to feed them with specialized fertilizer for roses.
Cut off faded flowers, giving the rose a bush. The shoot that has bloomed will no longer give flowers, so the rose needs constant pruning in order to grow new shoots with beautiful buds.
Problems that flower growers may encounter
Many negative factors can affect a room rose, which is why many flower growers consider home care for a flower a troublesome task.
For the normal growth of the rose of Cordan, such conditions of detention are necessary:
- good lighting;
- regular watering;
- pruning
- top dressing.
A plant that has just relocated from store shelves to the windowsill of a room or to the garden is especially vulnerable. After purchase, it is advisable to trim the leaves from the bottom of the stems in order to improve the ventilation of the bush and reduce the area of moisture evaporation.
Before the sale, the rose received abundant nutrition in the form of mineral fertilizing in the greenhouse, and grew in conditions of high humidity. In the apartment for her the air is too dry, so the leaves and showered. Daily spraying with warm water (38 ° C) can help.
If the leaves continue to fall off, cut flowers and buds, cover the remaining stems with a plastic bag or a cut plastic bottle. Do not forget to water and feed. So they keep the rose long enough until new leaves begin to grow on it.
When a spider mite appears on a rose, the leaves will begin to dry out and fall off. Upon careful examination, a thin web will be visible on them. To destroy the pest, spraying with Fitoverm helps. After processing, it is advisable to cover the rose for a day with a package.
Fulfilling simple recommendations for caring for the miniature rose of Cordana Mix, you can enjoy its blooming annually for several decades. It is easy to propagate a beautiful plant by cuttings for yourself or to present to friends for a holiday.