Rosa Cordana refers to miniature flowers, reminiscent of a spectacular bouquet with medium-sized buds rather than an independent plant. Unlike their tall relatives, they are not so capricious and feel great both indoors and in the flowerbed.
Material Content:
Grade description
The rose of Cordana Mix is obtained artificially and is a herbaceous plant with shoots up to 30 cm high.
In addition to miniature varieties of indoor roses is characterized by:
- long (up to six months) and plentiful flowering;
- the formation of small diameter buds of 4 colors: white, pink, yellow and red:
- lack of aroma;
- ease of cultivation.
Over time, it became clear that Cordana roses can be grown in open ground. They are especially good for decorating borders, for which they received another, no less common, name - border roses.
Proper plant care after purchase
The potted rose is very effective. It is difficult to refrain from acquiring it. Here the coveted flower is brought into the house and after a few days, with its appearance, it begins to “say” that he does not like everything. The owner of the plant inevitably raises the question of how to care for the Cordana Mix rose after the purchase.
After acquiring and transporting the flower, you must:
- Release the flower from the packaging and carefully inspect, paying particular attention to the bottom of the shoots. For a healthy rose, they should be green or gray-green. The black color of the base of the shoots indicates that a diseased flower has been acquired, it will have to be saved, which is not always possible even for experienced gardeners.
- Trim the lower leaves, exposing the base of the shoots by about 1/3. So we will help the flower to save energy on adaptation and provide ventilation of the lower, often very thickened part, which is a good prevention of the development of fungal infections.
- Transplant the plant, after trimming the shoots. If you are interested in the rose taking root, then you will have to put up with the thought of the need for pruning and transplanting.
The most significant in the list of obligatory measures for caring for the rose of Cordan after the purchase is a transplant.
Need for transplant
It is difficult for many to decide to conduct a rose transplant immediately after its acquisition, however, this is necessary.
Cordana Mix roses are sold in small transport pots for 2–4 bushes, giving the impression of a single volumetric plant. Landing is carried out in a special earthen mixture literally “stuffed” with fertilizers. Very soon, such a number of shoots in one small container will become crowded, and the supply of nutrients will run out.
If the rose is not transplanted in time, then the plant will at best lose its decorative appearance, discard foliage and flowers, and at worst it will die.
How to transplant a Cordana rose
When planning a transplant, prepare everything you need in advance:
- containers: for growing indoor roses, plastic pots with a good drainage compartment and openings for water drainage of 1.5–2 l are suitable;
- drainage, which is suitable expanded clay;
- soil specialized purchased or composed independently of garden soil, sand, compost or peat in a ratio of 2: 2: 3: 1;
- any fungicide (Fitosporin, Vitaros, Maxim) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
- well-maintained warm (26-30 ° C) water for irrigation.
The technology for transplantation is simple and consists in performing several actions:
- Flowering shoots are cut from the plant. Put them in water, and they will please you with their colors.
- The remaining stems are shortened by 1/3.
- An earthen lump is removed from the shipping container. The roots are inspected, removing all rotten and suspicious. Slices are disinfected with crushed coal or brilliant green.
- Hands, if necessary, helping with a sharp object, the bushes are divided into parts.
- Each part is planted in an individual pot and watered with a fungicide solution.
For 2-3 days, the transplanted plants are closed from the light, after which they carry out the usual care.
Outdoor cultivation and propagation
Rosa Cordana in the open ground for a long time (first of June to September) and blooms profusely, winters well without shelter and is undemanding in care.
Flowers are planted on flower beds in spring, after the topsoil warms up to 10 ° C. Landing is carried out in well-lit areas with nutrient moisture-permeable and slightly acidic or neutral soil.
With the right choice of planting location, caring for a rose in the garden is simple and consists of watering, weeding, loosening and mulching the soil, as well as top dressing:
- The soil is moistened at least once a week, especially in the first month after planting, using water heated for a day in the sun.
- Weeding, as well as loosening and mulching of trunks after irrigation will help to retain moisture and nutrients, provide access to the roots of oxygen.
- Several times during the season, before and after flowering, Kordan roses are fed using specialized fertilizers for roses or complex additives for flowering plants.
Border roses are not only easy to care for, but also easily propagated vegetatively, using cuttings:
- As cuttings, the shoots remaining after trimming the tops, having a diameter of about 3 mm and 3-4 leaves, are used.
- Before rooting, the lower section is treated with any drug that stimulates root growth (Epin, Kornevin) according to the instructions for the composition.
- Rooting is carried out in standing water with a temperature of 2-3 degrees above room temperature.
Roots will appear in 2–2.5 weeks. After their appearance, the cuttings are planted in small containers, having built an impromptu greenhouse. Protection is removed during the growth of new leaves - evidence of a complete rooting of the rose.
How to prune flowers
Roses, including miniature ones, bloom only on new shoots, the active growth of which can be achieved by pruning or pinching.
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For this:
- the tops of the shoots constantly pinch;
- faded buds are removed along with part of the shoot.
Regular carrying out of these simple manipulations will allow you to "wake up" the sleeping kidneys, from which new shoots will grow. This is the only way to obtain and maintain the decorative form of the bush and its long flowering.
The roses of Cordana, growing indoors, are given a rest in the winter.
For this:
- from the first days of September they gradually reduce watering and stop feeding;
- with yellowing and falling leaves, shoots are trimmed, leaving 5-6 buds on each;
- after pruning, the plant is transferred to a cool (18–20 ° C) place.
The appearance of new leaves indicates that the rose has rested. The flower can be rearranged on a well-lit window and gradually resume full care.
Disease and Pest Prevention
Miniature roses are susceptible to pest attacks and often get sick.
The reasons for this are:
- the use of planting soil without prior disinfection;
- gross violations in care;
- nearby located affected plants.
Most often, indoor roses suffer from fungal infections that develop in conditions of high soil moisture in combination with very warm indoor air and thickened shoots.
Fungal diseases are manifested:
- darkening of the bottom of the shoot (black rot);
- the formation of dark spots on the surface of the leaves (spotting);
- the appearance of white or gray plaque on the leaves (powdery mildew and downy mildew).
Preventive tillage of the soil and the ground part with biological fungicides (Fitosporin, Mikosan-V, Trichoderm) and immunomodulators (Epin, Zircon, Novosil) will reduce the risk of developing fungal infections.
Indoor roses suffer from invasions of the spider mite, which is rapidly developing in conditions of dry and stagnant air.
It is not easy to save the infected plant, therefore preventive measures are so important:
- increase in air humidity;
- frequent airing of the room, eliminating the formation of drafts;
- competent pedantic flower care;
- preventive treatment of plants with acaricides (Fitoverm, Akarin, Agravertin) and drugs that increase immunity.
With proper care, started immediately after purchase, the Cordana rose will delight you with flowering for a long time, decorating your interior or flower garden with its presence.
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