Rose "Benjamin Britten" will certainly become the queen of the infield, and even beginner gardeners will cope with its cultivation, so she is unpretentious.
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Description and features of the variety
English roses have inherited many valuable qualities.
If you make a brief description of the variety, then we can say that:
- roses grow very quickly;
- resistant to weather extremes;
- bloom stably and for a long time;
- have immunity to many diseases.
These roses are very winter-hardy, which allows them to be grown even in regions with harsh climates. They bloom profusely and luxuriantly and have a pleasant aroma. The bushes look very decorative and after flowering.
The only drawback of the variety is that the flowers grow quite impressive sizes, but many gardeners on the contrary, like it.
"Benjamin Britten" is often used in landscape design. The bushes bloom colorfully and have a very wide color gamut.
For the first time, Benjamin britten was introduced in the UK in 2001, and since then, David Austin's roses have firmly taken pride of place in gardens.
Practical tips for growing
Despite all the beauty of flowering, park English roses are very easy to grow. The main thing is the competent choice of a place for landing and the implementation of the basic rules of care. Preparation for winter is also important, since these roses, although frost-resistant, can still be damaged by severe cold.
It is desirable that the soil be neutral acidity. Park roses love drained soil. If the site is low acidity, lime should be added. If the soil is too acidic, add peat or coniferous litter. You can also correct clay or sandy soil.
If there is too much clay in the soil, then river sand should be added to it. If the earth contains a lot of sand, then add, on the contrary, clay.
Outdoor landing
The variety is sunny, so it is important to choose a lighted area. Suitable place on the south side of the house. Even light partial shade can cause the bush to bloom poorly. The place must be well protected from the north wind and drafts.
It is advisable to plant Benjamin Britten in the spring so that the rose has time to take root and gain strength before the onset of cold weather. In the case of autumn planting, bushes can simply disappear.
The selected site can begin to be prepared already in the fall. First, the flowerbed is dug up on a bayonet, and then compounds rich in humus are introduced. Already in the spring, immediately before planting, seedlings should be soaked for a day in a growth stimulator.
Landing technology:
- Dig holes with a depth of about 50 cm. The width of the hole should be at least 60 cm. When planting several seedlings, a pitch of at least 70 cm is left between them.
- A bucket of water is poured into the pit.
- During planting, the bush is evenly lowered and sprinkled with garden soil, which is pre-mixed with bone meal and a bucket of humus. It is very important that the vaccine remains underground at a depth of about 6 - 7 cm.
- Only the next day the sapling is spilled plentifully and spud.
How to care for the Benjamin Britten Rose
This variety does not like high soil moisture. Therefore, watering should be given special attention, since dampness can cause rotting of the root system and the spread of diseases in rose bushes.
- Water the plants very well, but only as the soil dries. If the summer is rainy, then after the completion of precipitation, water should be removed from each bush. It is advisable to brush off even morning dew.
- English roses are grateful for the application of fertilizing. The first time the bushes are fertilized after hibernation in early spring, introducing special fertilizers. Already in June, when the plants are actively growing, they make nitrogen. During bud formation, roses urgently need phosphorus and potassium. Already at the end of the season, flowers are fertilized with potash fertilizers, which help them gain strength before winter.
- The formation of beautiful bushes at Benjamin Britten is inherent in nature, so the plant does not need radical pruning. But if you want the flowers to become especially large, the shoots should be shortened by half each spring. Preventive pruning is carried out throughout the season, removing weak and diseased shoots and wilted flowers.
Breeding methods
The easiest way to propagate park roses by vaccination. But first you need to grow a stock for which they use the Rose Loxa variety.
Vaccination Technology:
- Seeds are sown first.
- Then the seedlings are taken.
- After that, shoots with kidneys are chosen.
- Clean the root neck of the stock.
- Make a cut on the shoot.
- Connect the stock and the shoot.
- Fix with a film.
The results of the procedure can be seen only after a couple of weeks.
Protection against diseases and pests
The variety is very resistant to various diseases and pests, but still some problems can happen. Most often, “Benjamin Britten” suffers from black spotting - a fungal disease that affects the leaves.
The fungus appears due to increased humidity and begins to spread from the bottom of the bush. It is usually found in mid-summer. For treatment using drugs "Topaz" and "Skor". The procedure is carried out three times.
For preventive purposes, the bushes are sprayed with copper sulfate in early spring and before wintering.
Of the pests, thrips and aphids can attack the plant. To protect against parasites, the bushes are sprayed with insecticides.
The English rose "Benjamin Britten" will become the main decoration of the infield, and its luxurious flowering of various shades will not leave anyone indifferent.