Twenty years ago, the Rottweiler was stably among the three most popular dog breeds in Russia. Now the interest in these serious and powerful dogs among the townspeople has fallen significantly. However, the owners of country houses still often opt for rottweilers. A detailed description of this breed, as well as basic information about the care and education are given in the material below.
Material Content:
- 1 Description and characteristics of the breed
- 2 Origin history
- 3 Life span
- 4 Rottweiler Breed Standard
- 5 Puppy selection criteria
- 6 The purpose and nature of the dog
- 7 Maintenance, care and feeding
- 8 How to train and educate a rottweiler
- 9 Pros and cons of the breed
- 10 How much are the dogs
- 11 How do rottweilers relate to children?
Description and characteristics of the breed
Rottweiler is a large and strong dog, well-knit and very hardy. Due to their massive physique, these dogs often look clumsy, but this impression is deceptive. With sufficient walks and training, the Rottweiler can demonstrate good dexterity. In recent years, representatives of this breed are increasingly seen in agility and even flyball competitions, where they quite successfully pass the standards.
Rottweiler dog has a stable nervous system, an outstanding mind and observation.
She is not suitable for companions to timid and indecisive people. Only a person with leadership qualities and great willpower can be a good master for such a dog.
Origin history
The Rottweiler breed was bred more than two hundred years ago in Germany. Her homeland is the small town of Rottweil, located in Baden-Württemberg. The ancestors of the Rottweilers were European Molossians - a group of dogs with a large body and massive jaws.
Rottweilers - dogs of national selection.
The Swabian peasants who were engaged in the cultivation of meat cows annually drove cattle for slaughter along the Neckar River. To accompany the herd, they needed strong, hardy and brave dogs that could subdue even ferocious bulls. Puppies that did not meet these qualities were ruthlessly rejected.
Of course, the appearance of the dogs did not bother the village breeders too much. The emphasis was on working qualities. Nevertheless, over time, a characteristic stable exterior was fixed, which allowed Rottweil dogs to be separated into a separate breed.
Life span
It is generally accepted that Rottweilers do not live long - on average, about 8-10 years. Indeed, impressive weight and a tendency to obesity make these dogs susceptible to heart disease, diabetes and early death.
However, three factors significantly affect how many rottweilers live:
- heredity;
- diet;
- physical exercise.
A dog with good genetics, which is properly fed and forced to move, can survive up to 14 years.
Of course, by the age of ten, he still becomes unhurried, preferring to eat and lie down, but if you brake him more often, walk him and not let him overeat, such a sedate old age at the Rottweiler can last quite a long time.
Rottweiler Breed Standard
Almost 100 years ago, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Rottweiler turned from a folk to a cultural breed, the purity of which is closely monitored by dog handlers. The characteristics of the breed are now described by a standard adopted by the International Cynological Federation in 2000.
It regulates in detail all the qualities of the exterior:
- The body is moderately elongated, muscular, with a straight strong back, a short deep lower back, a wide croup, a voluminous rib cage, not tucked up groin.
- The head is large, with a moderately convex forehead, an expressive transition between it and the muzzle, a wide black nose, almond-shaped dark brown non-convex eyes, strong cheekbones, hanging high and wide-set triangular ears.
- The forelimbs are straight, widely set, with shoulders tightly attached to the body, powerful elastic wrists and round paws.
- Hind limbs in profile with a blunt angle between the thigh and lower leg, wide muscular thighs.
- Male height - from 61 to 68 cm, weight - 50 kg.
- The height of females is from 56 to 63 cm, weight - 42 kg.
- The skin tightly fit on the forehead can be collected in small facial folds.
- The coat is thick, stiff, of medium length throughout the body and slightly longer on the hind limbs, the undercoat is short, dense.
- Color - black. The tan is reddish-brown, spots are located under the eyes, below the neck, on the cheeks, face, chest, limbs and under the tail.
Modern requirements for the color of Rottweilers are very strict. At the end of the 19th century, different colors were still acceptable - red, brindle, gray, etc. Therefore, in various dog breeders' forums, the question of the existence of light-colored individuals still arises from time to time. Golden Rottweiler excites the minds of dog lovers of rare stripes. However, the current standard does not provide for any other color options other than black and tan.
There is no consensus among breeders about stopping the tail.
The standard allows two options: uncropped tail or docked to a length of 2 vertebrae.
In Europe, puppies don’t stop tails now, but in Russia this procedure is still practiced.
Puppy selection criteria
Choosing a puppy, you need to rely, first of all, on the above standard.
If an exhibition or breeding career is planned for the animal in the future, it is necessary to pay attention to possible deviations from the norms or disqualifying defects:
- a narrow, elongated, light skeleton with weak muscles;
- light head with irregular proportions;
- narrow jaws;
- malocclusion, lack of teeth, yellowness of enamel;
- light nose;
- light eyes of irregular shape;
- pink or spotted lips;
- the presence of skin folds on the head, sagging skin on the neck;
- soft or long coat, waviness, weak undercoat;
- wrong color, white spots, too light tan;
- long limbs with the wrong set.
It is also important to look at the behavior of the puppy. Shy, sluggish or too aggressive individuals should be immediately rejected. The baby should not itch, have fallen hair, bald spots, discharge from the ears or eyes.
The breeder needs to inquire about the presence of the mark or microchip, as well as the documents - a puppy card and a veterinary passport with marks on vaccinations and deworming.
The purpose and nature of the dog
From the very beginning of the official stage of the breed, the slogan was posted in the German Rottweiler Club: "The Rottweiler was, is and will remain a working dog." Of course, these dogs can be good companions, but all the qualities of their character are tailored precisely for the job.
In recent years, there is an idea of the viciousness of the Rottweilers. It is not entirely fair. This is a dog, self-confident, fearless, somewhat stubborn, dominant, with a developed protective instinct, but balanced and peaceful. Cases of aggressive behavior are usually associated with flaws in education.
The Rottweilers need strict discipline without cruelty and a matter that they can do.
Dogs of this breed are often used as guards. Protection and protection is their natural, genetically embedded vocation.
Maintenance, care and feeding
When deciding to buy a Rottweiler puppy, you need to decide on the conditions of its maintenance. These dogs can live in a city apartment, but there they will be bored and idle, which will negatively affect their character, health and working qualities.
Therefore, for rottweilers, an open-air cage with regular walking and physical activity on the sites is preferable.
In the aviary, the dog has the ability to observe the territory and realize his protective instinct. And walking and training with the owner support his physical tone, socialize the animal, make him contact and complaisant.
It is also important to have at least a general idea of how to care for a puppy so that it does not hurt and develop correctly.
Rottweiler care includes the following essential elements:
- Feeding. For all large dogs, the need for batteries is very high. It is very difficult to independently compose a diet balanced in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is preferable to immediately find a good prepared food for the puppy. It should have at least 50% meat and as many vegetables, as well as cereals. Fillers and chemical additives are excluded.
- Combing. Shedding of these dogs occurs twice a year and lasts for a month. During these periods, the Rottweilers need to be brushed twice a day. Their hair is smooth, it is not going to be wound, therefore, the rest of the time, caring for it is less time-consuming.
- Bathing. Rottweilers love water, but it’s better to wash them with shampoos no more than 1 time per month. If the dog is kept in the house, from an early age it is necessary to train him to wash his paws after walking.
- Deworming. For preventive purposes, once a year (preferably in the fall) the dog is given anthelmintic.
- Vaccination. Once a year, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian and given preventive routine vaccinations.
Periodically, the dog needs to clean his ears and eyes, as well as give special bones so that tartar does not form.
How to train and educate a rottweiler
Rottweiler training is best left to a specialist right away. These dogs are highly intelligent and easy to learn, but their character is complex and requires a professional approach. In addition, Rottweilers grow up late. Practically up to one and a half, and even up to two years, they demonstrate puppy obstinacy, and without a special skill they are easy to “miss”.
In the family, the Rottweiler needs to immediately show who is in charge and adhere to one line of behavior. Conflicting teams or the tactics “today is impossible, but tomorrow is possible” spoil the character of this dog. From the owner required balance and stability.
Rottweilers love and appreciate affection. In case of disobedience, it is allowed to restrain the dog with a strict voice, but hysterical screams and beating from a dog of this breed can only be achieved aggression in response.
Pros and cons of the breed
Summarizing the above, we can distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of this breed:
Advantages | disadvantages |
• calm temperament; • high intelligence; • devotion to the owner; • good working qualities; • easy care. | • long growing up; • the need for training; • with improper upbringing - aggression and uncontrollability; • tendency to heart disease and obesity. |
Rottweiler is not a fashionable city dog, but a serious service dog. Therefore, before buying a puppy of this breed, it is necessary to objectively evaluate its capabilities.
How much are the dogs
An important criterion when choosing a puppy is how much a rottweiler costs.
In a good breeding nursery, you can purchase it from 12 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the class.
A puppy of a pet class will cost less, a show class will be more expensive.
According to the ads, you can find a pet for a lower price - 5-8 thousand rubles. But it will be a rather risky purchase. So you can get on hand a "product" of closely related crosses with poor health.
How do rottweilers relate to children?
This is not to say that the Rottweiler and the children are completely incompatible, but you need to carefully buy such a dog in the family with the child. Rottweiler is not a nanny or a toy. A family where the children are very small and unreasonable should not have a dog of this breed. Even a well-mannered dog will not be able to long and dutifully endure the brakes of the "human cub" - not because of natural aggressiveness, but because of pride and independence.
For older children, a Rottweiler can become a true companion and advocate. Of course, if the dog is learned, and the child knows how to manage it correctly.
Rottweiler is an old breed worthy of attention and respect. This is a dog for active, smart, strong-willed people with a stable psyche. If a person is ready to devote time and strength to raising a pet, he will receive a reliable, calm and devoted friend.