Drew Presta was born into an ordinary American family from Nevada. The only feature of the girl was dwarfism. When Drew grew up, her growth was still no more than 1 m. But she describes herself as a “proponent of body-positive,” whose goal is to show everyone: in any body you can feel confident.
Presta explains: “I wanted to become a model to prove: regardless of height, weight or other characteristics, a person can express himself as he sees fit. My photos show that with any height you can be attractive. Your height can be two meters, or not reach one. But each person is beautiful in his own way. ”
At age 21, Drew decided to move from her hometown of Reno in Nevada to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, due to her small stature, Drew became a victim of bullying. For 15 years in Reno, she had to endure humiliation from almost anywhere.
“Renault is a very small town with a small population. It is rarely possible to meet something unusual here. I stood out sharply against the general background. And it was hard for people to accept that there might be someone other than their standards. There will always be people or phenomena in the world that go beyond ordinary perception, but not everyone wants to understand it. ”
Now these difficult times are behind. After the girl built a modeling career, the number of her subscribers in instagram is more than 30 thousand. Drew studied at the Institute of Arts in California at the Department of Fashion Marketing and Management. She attracted the attention of several modeling agencies. And, most likely, she will have enough work for a long time.