The nature of our planet is very rich in various plants that benefit people. This includes chamomile, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are widely used by traditional healers. You can meet this beautiful flower at the side of the road, in the meadows and in your own garden. What plant is useful and to whom, we will tell in today's material.
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The healing properties of chamomile
The flowers of the chamomile pharmacy, namely it has healing properties, contain coumarins and phytosterols, polysaccharides and polyene compounds, apigenin, luteolin and quercetin (their derivatives), as well as:
- caprylic, antemis and isovalerianic organic acids;
- vitamin C, carotene and nicotinic acid;
- bitterness, mucus and gum;
- squirrels and tannins.
In dry baskets there is up to 1% of essential chamomile oil with a blue tint. The most valuable component in the composition of the plant is considered to be azulene chamazulen, and it contains from 1 to 9%. The value of the substance is explained by pronounced anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic properties.
Important: boiled water destroys chamazulen.
In this regard, we can distinguish 3 main therapeutic properties of chamomile pharmacy - hemostatic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Astringent and disinfectant properties are also inherent in it, which is successfully used in the treatment of intestinal ailments and colds. Cholagogue quality is used to restore the liver.
Another camomile relieves pain, cramps and cramps.According to studies at the University of Nottingham, the property of a plant to relax blood vessels and smooth muscles of internal organs has been proven.
The plant helps eliminate and depressive states with excessive anxiety. Experimentally (the University of Texas - the Faculty of Medicine) has proved the ability of chamomile tea to reduce mortality among people who have crossed the 65-year-old limit.
Another medicinal type of chamomile is odorous, which is endowed with the ability to relieve inflammation and spasms. Its use extends to diseases such as colitis, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, flatulence.
It is used externally as compresses, rinses, enemas and rinses. This type of chamomile is considered a substitute for a pharmacy, but without the presence of azulene in the composition of essential oil.
The use of chamomile and its dosage forms
Chamomile in traditional medicine is used in various forms, which will be discussed in detail later.
Chamomile tea
The benefits of chamomile tea are based on the unique composition of the plant, which allows it to be used for the following problems:
- Sleep disturbances, panic attacks and excessive anxiety.
- Gastrointestinal ailments - ulcers and gastritis.
- Increased gas formation.
- Frequent colds, diseases of the oral cavity, as well as other ENT diseases.
- Pain during menstruation.
- Skin ailments in the form of additional therapy or primary.
- Increased glucose in people with diabetes.
Regular consumption of 1 cup of chamomile tea will daily fill your skin with health and strengthen immunity.
Preparing a drink will not leave work for anyone. To do this, you need to combine 3 parts of flowers with 5 parts of caraway seeds and 2 valerian roots. From this mass, scoop 2 large spoons and pour two cups of boiling water, letting it stand for 20 minutes, then strain and drink 100 ml in the morning and evening.
Read also: chamomile: useful properties and contraindications
For weight loss, prepare another composition - 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. During the day you will need to drink 5 such glasses in a course of up to 2 weeks.
Chamomile decoction
The use of chamomile decoction has been known since 5-4 centuries BC, as Hippocrates, Galen, and other scientists, physicians and pharmacists of ancient times wrote about. The composition is prepared as follows - dried flowers (1 tbsp. L.) Are poured with water in a volume of 1 liter and put on fire until boiling, after which the drink still boils for 4 minutes. Remove from the stove and insist, then strain thoroughly with sterile gauze.
Ready broth is not stored for a long time - a maximum of 10 hours in the room and 72 hours in the cold. If these terms are not respected, then the healing properties are lost.
The benefits of chamomile tincture
Chamomile tincture is very effective in combating skin problems, the cause of which is harmful microorganisms (staphylococci with streptococci). Alcohol tincture helps to quickly heal abrasions, cracks, scratches and other wounds, and it also eliminates acne and boils.
For 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, 4 large spoons of the plant's flowers will be required. Place the ingredients in a glass jar and leave alone for 3 weeks. Then it remains to strain the composition and use as intended, rubbing the skin, cauterizing acne, and making lotions with boils.
Chamomile oil
Such a product is endowed with bactericidal and antiseptic properties, which is indicated for the treatment of many ailments of the digestive sphere, including the stomach, and gynecological. Oil is used in the complex treatment of ENT diseases and the nervous system.
Essential oil is prepared from inflorescences of various varieties of chamomile, but the most useful of them is the blue pharmacy. The finished product is sold in pharmacies and costs about 200 rubles.The shade of the oil is blue or brown, which depends on how much it is stored and what quality.
The consistency of chamomile oil is thick, and the aroma is light herbal with a slight hint of fruit, tobacco and spices. Permissible shelf life is 5 years.
What diseases can be treated with chamomile
The plant successfully copes with many problems in human health.
Treatment with chamomile in combination with other therapeutic options lends itself to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as:
- gastritis, eneterocolitis and stomach ulcers;
- colitis and pancreatic pathology;
- flatulence.
Internal use of the plant is also indicated for other diseases, for example, gynecological, liver and biliary tract. Chamomile is used externally for allergic itchy dermatosis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and toothache, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, vulvitis, colpitis and endocervicitis.
With a cold, chamomile helps to recover faster and improve appetite, while improving the process of digestion and assimilation of food. At the same time, the product relieves the intestines of harmful elements, normalizing weight and accelerating metabolic processes.
The effect of the plant will increase if it is used together with herbs such as yarrow and calendula.
The healing properties of chamomile for women and children
As mentioned above, chamomile copes with many female diseases. During the bearing of a child, she is also able to help with certain problems, especially external ones.
Chamomile during pregnancy
The plant during pregnancy can be used in the form of compresses, douching, baths and inhalations.
Chamomile also solves internal problems during this difficult period for women, eliminating bloating, gas, constipation and stressful conditions. But you can take it only after consulting a gynecologist and under his supervision.
Children and camomile.
Plants is a universal remedy against inflammation, and the strongest antiseptic qualities give reason to use it for various colds in children.
They rinse the nasopharynx with the oral cavity for diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and adenoids.
When there is a period of epidemic of flu and colds, it is recommended to give babies water with chamomile tea. As an additional tool to the main treatment, chamomile is effective for bronchitis in the form of inhalation.
Due to the ability to establish the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the plant is used for dysbiosis, bloating, and if the child has no appetite.
The product perfectly relaxes the nervous system, which is why before going to bed, give tea from chamomile herb with the addition of honey. The effect will increase if you mix peppermint, lemon balm, linden and / or calendula into the drink.
It is forbidden to combine chamomile with herbs of a tonic effect such as aloe, ginger or ginseng.
Plant oil effectively heals various wounds, insect bites and sunburn.
The use of chamomile in cosmetology
As a cosmetic, chamomile is one of the available and useful plants, being a real elixir of youth and health. At the same time, it is suitable for any type of skin, nourishing and softening dry, drying and healing oily. And the preparation of tonics, oils and lotions does not require much time.
The plant has the following actions regarding facial skin:
- Moisturizing and nourishing for dry.
- Whitening and lightening age spots.
- Skin softening and restoration.
- Getting rid of acne and acne in adolescence.
- Smoothing the effects of acne and fine wrinkles.
- Giving your face freshness, tone and youth.
- Normalization of the sebaceous glands with improved microcirculation.
The plant is very effective in combating dry and sensitive skin, allowing it to be used for all sorts of irritations, up to eczema. Dark circles and bags under the eyes are also “within the power” of the daisy.
The basis of all cosmetics from chamomile is an infusion or decoction, for the preparation of which there are 2 ways - hot and cold:
- at the first pour a glass of water 1 large spoon of the dry composition, put in a water bath for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and insist. As soon as the drink has cooled, squeeze and strain, bringing the remaining volume to the original;
- for the second recipe, with the same amounts of liquid and plants, bring to a boil in a saucepan and simmer for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Now the composition should be infused and further manipulations are repeated similarly to the last time.
Any of the prepared compounds can be made compresses, lotions, used as a lotion and so on. You can freeze the prepared liquid in a freezer in convenient molds and use it every morning to revitalize the skin.
Chamomile can be called one of the safest medicinal plants, since there are very few contraindications to its use. This refers to the individual intolerance of the components in the composition and an allergic reaction, while having the ability to reduce them.
Caution must be observed during pregnancy due to an increase in estrogen levels, which is undesirable during this period. Therefore, ingestion of chamomile grass should be only on the recommendation of a doctor.
Herbal remedies are not recommended during lactation, since the baby's reaction to their intake is unknown. And, of course, do not use chamomile immensely. Otherwise, you may feel nausea, headache, jumps in blood pressure and a negative reaction from the nervous system.
Now you just have to start using this beautiful plant to solve your problems, because it is with great benefit for our body and appearance, it is quite affordable for each of us. Health to you and your loved ones!
- Tatyana