The medicinal properties of chamomile pharmacy are as well known as the plant itself is widespread throughout the globe.
Nevertheless, one can only guess about the true healing potential of the flower. Its healing power seems omnipotent, and the range of applications is amazing with its limitlessness.
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The healing properties of chamomile pharmacy
Medicinal chamomile is an annual wild plant, whose yellow baskets, framed by white petals, revive not only meadows and field landscapes, but also roadside ditches. Finding chamomile grass is not difficult, but it is even easier to grow it in your garden or summer cottage, away from the harmful effects of industry and exhaust gases.
According to pharmacists, medicinal chamomile refers to those medicinal herbs that should always be in a home medicine cabinet, and preferably in large quantities. Because the amazing properties of chamomile pharmacy are applicable for a variety of ailments and often provide a lasting therapeutic effect even in the absence of medications.
The healing power of pharmacy chamomile flowers provides several types of exposure at the same time:
- antibacterial;
- anti-inflammatory;
- hemostatic;
- soothing;
- antihistamine;
- painkiller;
- choleretic;
- anticonvulsant;
- astringent.
Such a comprehensive spectrum of the plant is due to the presence in its composition of a huge amount of chemicals and compounds. Moreover the maximum concentration of elements providing the healing properties of chamomile is in its flowers. The rest of the plant is considered less suitable for treatment and recovery.
Composition of plant flowers
The most medicinally effective compounds found in the flowers of a plant are:
- vitamins C and B;
- chamazulen with anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic activity;
- carotenes that increase the immune potential and stop the production of free radicals;
- bioflavonoids - quercetin, apigenin, luteolin. These substances provide anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic and antioxidant effects. In particular, apigenin inhibits the spread of cancer cells and restores the destroyed genetic formula in RNA molecules;
- coumarins - anticoagulants with antitumor and antispasmodic effects;
- organic acids - salicylic, caprylic, noilic, isovalerianic, antimis;
- polysaccharides - a source of cellular energy;
- phytosterol, normalizing blood cholesterol;
- essential oils;
- gum - a carbohydrate that improves digestion and lowers blood cholesterol;
- bitterness and tannins.
Due to such an abundance of valuable substances and compounds, chamomile is used not only in pharmaceuticals, but also in cosmetology. Many well-known manufacturers of soaps, shampoos, as well as face care products have created assortment lines based on extracts or essential oils of pharmacy chamomile.
It is interesting:medicinal properties and contraindications of mint
Chamomile pharmacy - instructions for use
Harvest begins in May and lasts until the end of summer. To collect inflorescences, it is better to choose dry and warm weather in order to preserve all the valuable components in the composition of the plant.
In order to make maximum use of the medicinal properties of the plant, inflorescences are collected, and only those in which the petals are located horizontally.
If the chamomile petals went down to the stem, this means that the plant is already fading and its healing power has declined. For long-term storage, the collected inflorescences are dried in the open air, then laid out on glass jars.
Clinical indications for the use of pharmacy chamomile
According to the instructions for the use of chamomile pharmacy, plant baskets are used for making teas, decoctions, tinctures and infusions, which, like essential oil, are used both externally and internally.
People's advice: chamomile: useful properties and contraindications
It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that the plant brings when:
- colds and viral infections;
- cramping and pain in the stomach and intestines due to gastritis, colitis or diarrhea, as well as to improve digestion and eliminate flatulence;
- thyroid dysfunctions;
- heart and vascular diseases;
- gynecological problems;
- lesions of the gums and teeth;
- spasms of the bile ducts and liver dysfunctions;
- inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctivitis;
- prostate;
- pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary sphere;
- cough and upper respiratory tract diseases;
- cramps
- insomnia and nervous irritability;
- bleeding.
In ancient times, chamomile was used as an antidote to snakebites.
Chamomile tea
To prepare chamomile tea, it is enough to pour boiling water on a teaspoon of dried inflorescences, insist for several minutes and strain.
If you drink this tea during the day, its effect will be expressed in relaxation, elimination of headache, menstrual and climacteric syndromes, and improvement of appetite.
It is recommended to drink evening chamomile tea with honey - this is the best way to relieve overwork and cope with insomnia.
Chamomile decoction
Chamomile baskets are poured with non-hot boiled water and put in a water bath for half an hour. The number of inflorescences is regulated independently - the more there are, the stronger the broth will turn out. As the water evaporates, it is refilled to the previous level.
Decoctions can be used not only for oral administration, but also in the form of compresses, baths, lotions and healing baths.
The main rule for the preparation of medicinal products from chamomile is the use of a water bath. When boiling, a pharmacy chamomile almost completely loses its healing power.
Chamomile tincture
Preparation of tincture of chamomile involves the addition of alcohol or vodka. Part of the crushed chamomile inflorescences is poured with alcohol and kept in the dark for a week.
Upon completion of the infusion process, the liquid is filtered, the alcohol is added to the previous level and kept for another week in the dark.
If the tincture is prepared correctly, it becomes completely transparent with a characteristic chamomile aroma.
The action of such a tincture is intense. Therefore, its use should first be agreed with the doctor.
Chamomile oil
Chamomile essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of inflorescences. The finished product has a bluish color and a characteristic aroma. The biological activity of the essential oil is much higher than that of teas and decoctions, since the concentration of valuable components increases several times.
In order for the chamomile essential oil to maintain its healing power for as long as possible, it must be stored in a dark bowl. Exposure to light is detrimental to the healing properties of the product.
The use of chamomile pharmacy
The healing properties of medicinal chamomile are confirmed by the results of scientific research and experiments. Therefore, in many countries of the world, the plant is officially recognized as a medicinal raw material for the preparation of medicines necessary for the effective healing of humans.
For colds
In the treatment of colds, the diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile are used. Ordinary chamomile tea with honey is appropriate for headache, weakness, high temperature. A good result is provided by herbal preparations with chamomile, mint or lemon balm, St. John's wort and linden.
Warm broth or infusion of herbs several times a day gargle with angina and pharyngitis. To enhance the therapeutic effect in the broth, you can add a little sage, oak bark or baking soda.
Compresses from chamomile infusion in the nose bridge will help get rid of a cold.
In addition, hot chamomile decoction is an excellent tool for inhalation. It is enough to breathe healing steam for several minutes, wrapping your head in a towel.
With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Chamomile herb is a reliable assistant to the gastroenterologist. Chamomile tea with mint helps with stomach pains or intestinal cramps. Herbal decoctions contribute to the healing of wounds and erosion, therefore, they are recommended for use in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, as well as ulcerative formations.
In addition, chamomile eliminates the fermentation processes in the intestines, normalizes digestion and eliminates the effects of increased gas formation.
In pancreatitis, diseases of the liver and bile ducts, chamomile decoction should be taken on an empty stomach or before each meal to stimulate the withdrawal of bile.
For chronic constipation, an integrated approach is more effective - along with tea treatment, microclysters of chamomile broth should be made within two weeks.
Cleansing enemas restore the natural processes of defecation, relieve soreness in the intestines and disinfect its tissues. But to recover, this is not enough - it is necessary to eliminate the cause, the disease that contributes to the occurrence of constipation. Otherwise, after a certain time, the problem will return again.
Therapeutic properties in gynecology
The use of chamomile is also relevant in the presence of gynecological diseases - thrush, cervical erosion, cystitis. The most effective treatments are treatments such as douching and warm sitting baths.
Chamomile infusion will eliminate discomfort, relieve soreness from irritation and inflammation, provide an antiseptic and disinfectant effect.
With rheumatism and gout
The healing properties of pharmacy chamomile help to eliminate the consequences of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system - rheumatism, gout, joint pain. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, decoctions of chamomile added to the bath, not only help relieve pain, but also contribute to the restoration of affected tissues.
For attacks of arthritis and gout, it is appropriate to take chamomile tea additionally - its sedative and diuretic properties provide a quick improvement in well-being. In addition, with joint pathologies, hot compresses on the affected areas are recommended.
Chamomile pharmaceutical for babies
Adding chamomile decoctions to the bathtub while taking care of babies allows you to gently and carefully eliminate prickly heat and diaper rash. And the use of chamomile tea is relevant for colds, sour eyes in babies, runny nose, ear diseases and painful teething.
Application in cosmetology
Most of the useful qualities of medicinal chamomile have found application in cosmetology:
- photoprotective efficiency - in the manufacture of lipsticks, oils for tanning and skin care for the body, as well as in shampoos and baby products;
- antioxidant complex - the basis of many types of modern decorative cosmetics;
- anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect provides protection when caring for sensitive skin;
- the ability to absorb improves the effect of anti-cellulite agents.
In the food industry, chamomile essential oil is used to improve the taste of wine products.
The healing properties of chamomile for women
Most women know the healing potential of medicinal chamomile. Their use at home allows you to maintain not only health, but also the beauty of the female body.
For skin
If you wipe your face every morning with chamomile infusion, you can eliminate acne and blackheads, remove inflammation, tone the skin, improve complexion and prevent the development of wrinkles.
And lotions with chamomile broth relieve fatigue and circles under the eyes, eliminate swelling of the eyelids.
For hair
Rinsing hair with chamomile broth is an ideal way to enhance their growth, improve scalp, eliminate dandruff and restore shine and volume to hair. Chamomile is also used to lightly lighten hair.
For body
Baths with chamomile decoction strengthen the nail plate. Adding a herbal remedy to the bath promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenation of aging skin, provides a relaxing effect, getting rid of toxins and strengthening immunity.
Contraindications for use of the plant
Doctors do not recommend the use of chamomile for pregnant and lactating, during the menstrual cycle, as well as for people with anacid gastritis.
To avoid possible adverse reactions, it is better to consult a doctor about the advisability of using chamomile.