Rhododendrons are considered the most beautiful ornamental shrubs. They surprise not only with their spectacular colors of various sizes and colors, but their leaves are very decorative. They can change color with the onset of autumn. Rhododendron "Nova Zembla" refers to hybrid varieties of the Dutch collection.
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Description of the type of rhododendron "Nova Zembla"
Description of the variety: perennial evergreen shrub of the heather family, ornamental and winter-hardy. In height it can reach 2 meters, the same in diameter.
The leaves are elongated, narrow, rather large leathery, the top is dark green, the bottom is gray. The flowers are large with a diameter of 6-10 cm. They are similar in shape to bells. Collected in spherical inflorescences of several pieces each. Their color is bright ruby with chocolate strokes in the center. Golden anthers are clearly visible. The red-flowered hybrid rhododendron looks very impressive. The flower is odorless.
The barrel is gray, strong and powerful. The root system is located in the upper soil layer.
Outdoor landing
The best time to plant a rhododendron is spring. For active growth and abundant flowering, you need to choose the right place. Loves partial shade, although it normally tolerates heat, as well as direct rays of the sun. You can plant next to trees, better conifers. He does not like understated areas blown by the wind. But next to poplar, linden, elm and willow, which have a superficial root system, rhododendron is not placed. They will be competitors in the struggle for food and moisture.
It is better to plant in the spring - from April to the second decade of May. You can do this in the fall - from September to November.If necessary, the plant can be transplanted at any time, except for the flowering phase and one, two weeks after it.
The soil prefers light, loose, nutritious, with moderate humidity. In a place with a high level of groundwater or waterlogging will not grow.
Before planting, improper soil is improved - soil prepared for this, made up of the following components, is introduced:
- humus;
- sand;
- charcoal;
- compost;
- peat;
- turf land;
- perlite.
All components are used in equal shares, except for coal.
It is added a little last. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and the nutrient mixture is ready.
The landing hole should be shallow - 40 cm, but wide. A drainage is laid at the bottom, a 1-2 cm layer of needles and a prepared mixture are laid on it. A seedling is placed in the center so that the root neck is at the level of the soil. After that, the roots are straightened and covered with the remaining mixture. Gently ram, watered. The soil around the seedling is mulched.
Evergreen Shrub Care
After planting, if necessary, the tree is shaded. Nova Zembla care includes weed control, cultivation, watering, pruning and top dressing.
Loosen the soil around the bush constantly. Do this carefully because the roots of the plant are close to the surface.
If groundwater is deep in your area, watering is recommended twice a week. With close occurrence of soil water is watered less frequently and less significantly.
On a note! Rhododendron with a lack of moisture lowers the leaves, which become dull.
It is better to use rain or settled water for irrigation. For acidification a day before use, add 2-3 handfuls of peat to the tank with water. In the summer heat, the bushes can be sprayed only in the evening.
They are fed with preparations not containing lime and chlorine. Acidic mineral additives and rotted manure are suitable, they are used in turn. Fertilizers are applied from the beginning of spring to the end of July.
There are other ways of feeding:
- in the spring contribute to 1 square. m 50 g of ammonium sulfate and the same amount of magnesium sulfate;
- immediately after flowering, in early June, use per 1 square. m of 20 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate plus 40 g of ammonium sulfate;
- the third time they make mineral fertilizers in July, take on 1 square. m of 20 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
Rhododendrons do not need shaping pruning. They grow themselves, while the bush looks very beautiful. For rejuvenation cut old and weak shoots. The procedure is performed before the sap flow begins.
When trimming thick branches, the place of cut is covered with garden var.
Old plants are rejuvenated as follows:
- in the first year, cut all shoots 30 cm from one half of the bush;
- for another season, the second part is cut in exactly the same way.
Winter hardiness and shelter for the winter
The variety is winter-hardy, because not without reason its name in translation sounds like “New Earth”.
Wintering is feared in cold regions - in Siberia and the Urals. Young plants need to be covered. Between the shoots spruce branches of spruce or pine. The bush is slightly tied and covered with burlap. It is cleaned after the snow melts on a cloudy day. Adult bushes calmly tolerate -32 degrees. In regions with warmer winters, shelter is not required.
Pest and Disease Control
The most common diseases are rust, chlorosis, spotting and leaf mosaic. The decorativeness of the leaves is deteriorating. Without treatment, the bush may die. Use the Confidor solution according to the instructions. Copper-containing preparations, such as Bordeaux mixture, help get rid of spotting and rust. It is also used in the spring for the prevention of fungal diseases.
Sometimes pests appear on the plant: spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, weevils, rhododendron flies and bedbugs. To combat them, you must first adjust the watering and spray the bush with “Aktara”. The slugs and snails are harvested by hand.For prevention, plants can be treated with tank mixtures of fungicides and insecticides.
Rhododendron Nova Zembla is very beautiful. It is often used in landscape design. With proper care, the shrub will delight others with its beautiful flowers for a long time.