An evergreen shrub from the Heather family is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Buryatia. Rhododendron Adams, whose flowering occurs in the summer, does not take root in every garden, but many flower growers and gardeners fell in love with its healing qualities and beauty.
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Plant description
Rhododendron Adams, aka Sagan Dail, in the natural environment has chosen mountain forests and rocky slopes of the Far East and northeastern foothills of Tibet. The highly branched shrub is formed by hairy pubescent shoots up to 50 cm high. The elongated oval leafy plates are painted in an evil color on top and have a red tint from the bottom due to the scales. Pink corymbose inflorescences, consisting of small flowers, are observed throughout the summer.
The nuances of growing Adams rhododendron
Successful cultivation of Adams rhododendron provides for the observance of certain culture requirements in accordance with the natural conditions of plant growth:
- Lighting - the plant lives in nature in half-shaded places.
- Groundwater level - the need for landing on higher ground.
- Soil - if the acid-base reaction does not meet the necessary requirements, for the successful cultivation of rhododendron in the front garden, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance.
- Attitude to the wind - a plant is planted in areas protected from winds and drafts.
- Watering and humidity - Adams rhododendron does not tolerate soil and air drought.
- Dimensions - the compactness of the bush does not require large space.
Outdoor planting of an evergreen
The optimal planting dates for rhododendron are in the month of April. However, if an evergreen plant has a closed root system, then work can be carried out throughout the growing season.
When choosing a site for a Far Eastern guest, preference should be given to the northeast sides, protected from drafts and direct sunlight by various buildings. It is also worth avoiding lowlands where moisture stagnation can lead to the death of an ornamental shrub. Since Adams rhododendron needs acidic soil with a loose structure, it is recommended that the soil be prepared previously by digging it with the simultaneous introduction of peat, river sand and sulfur.
In order for the evergreen shrub to take root and delight the gardener with its unique flowering, it is necessary:
- At the selected site, dig out landing pits with dimensions of 50x50 cm.
- Place drainage layers of broken brick at the bottom.
- Then, fill the pits with a loose soil mixture prepared from the extracted earth, peat and sand.
- Place pre-moistened rhododendron seedlings with a spread root system on the substrate.
- Seal the trunks around the rhododendrons with the remaining soil mixture so that the root necks slightly rise above the ground.
- In the final, the planted specimens should be moistened so that the soil is donkey, and there are no air layers near the roots.
How to care for rhododendron
An exotic plant requires careful care and compliance with the basic agrotechnical rules of cultivation, which are dictated by the natural growing conditions of Adams rhododendron.
- Watering. It is recommended to water the rhododendron regularly at the rate of 2 liters for each bush so that the ground remains always moistened, but without stagnation of moisture in the roots. In a period of extreme heat, the plant responds well to sprinkling. After flowering is complete, hydration is gradually reduced and spraying is not required.
- Loosening, weeding and mulching. In order for the soil to maintain a loose structure, which will provide free air and water permeability, a near-stem circle should be systematically loosened with the simultaneous removal of weeds. To reduce the number and frequency of procedures, you can mulch the soil.
- Pruning. After flowering is completed, it is recommended to prune dried inflorescences. Evergreen shrub does not need crown formation. But sanitary and anti-aging haircuts should be carried out as necessary in the early spring.
- Transfer. If there is a need to transplant the culture is allowed throughout the growing season so that it has time to settle down before the onset of cold weather. When transplanting, the old earthen clod is sure to remain, which minimizes stress.
- Preparing for the winter. This variety is characterized by good frost resistance, so it tolerates winters easily. If there is a chance of a snowy winter season, then it is worth mulching the trunk circle, and cover the bush itself with fir spruce branches.
During the growing season, Adams rhododendron should be fed three times:
- The first feeding with a high nitrogen content should be carried out immediately after the snow cover has melted.
- In early summer, phosphoric agrochemicals are introduced under the bushes.
- At the end of the summer season - beginning of autumn, the immunity of rhododendron is enhanced by the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer complexes.
Protection against diseases and pests
Among the diseases that rhododendron is susceptible to, spotting, rust, stains and mosaics are distinguished, which appear, as a rule, on leaf blades and worsen the decorative qualities of the evergreen shrub.
As protective measures, it is recommended to carry out preventive spring treatment with copper sulfate. If the development of pathology is already noted, then the affected shoots are removed, and the remaining ones are sprayed with fungicide.
Of the pests on the Adams rhododendron, aphids, spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs are noted. Fight similar sucking insects with an insecticide.
Grass propagation methods
Despite the fact that Adams rhododendron can be propagated by seeds, the most productive and fastest are vegetative methods - dividing the bush and propagating by layering.
To propagate the plant by dividing the bush, during transplantation, when a developed, but not yet old bush is extracted, the following actions are performed:
- The roots are cleaned of soil and separated by a sharp tool.
- Places of cuts are treated with an antiseptic, after which the delenki are seated on prepared landing pits.
When propagating by layering in the spring, low-lying shoots are pinned into the grooves and dug in. The tops of the layering remain on the surface. Throughout the spring-summer period, the shoots are watered and fed for successful rooting. In the fall, cuttings are separated from the mother bush and landed in permanent places.
Rhododendron Adams in Landscaping
Given the shade tolerance and the long flowering period, the Adams rhododendron flower will look spectacular with:
- decoration of the slopes of the alpine hills;
- decorating the north side of the house or other buildings;
- creating flower and shrubby compositions in the front garden or on a green lawn.
Rhododendron Adams is a spectacular evergreen shrub that, despite its exactingness, gives beauty and wonderful aroma for a long time.