The healing properties and contraindications of Rhodiola rosea began to be actively studied by official medicine only in the late 1960s. Until that time, scientists were not given the opportunity to examine the mysterious exhibit in more detail. The golden root has a wide habitat, but in natural conditions it occurs mainly in single copies. The history of the study of Rhodiola rosea began with the discovery of large clusters of a miraculous plant in the Altai mountains. In the same area, researchers received from the indigenous people the first information about the healing power of the golden root.
Material Content:
The healing properties of Rhodiola rosea for women
The beneficial properties of the Altai bush are supported by a powerful chemical composition, including more than 140 active components. There are: phenolic compounds, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, anthracene derivatives, essential oils, organic acids, plant sterols and 10 inorganic compounds with a high concentration of manganese.
The biological role of Rhodiola rosea is to stimulate the central nervous system. The plant is a natural nootropic. Its chemical components build broken bonds in the brain. From the center, the action descends lower on all the controlled organs.
The positive influence of the medicinal root extends to the thyroid gland, on the activity of which the state of the entire reproductive system depends.
The benefits of Rhodiola rosea have been proven experimentally.After a course of drugs, representatives of the fair sex noted a restoration of the level of sex hormones and the disappearance of symptoms associated with the identified disorders.
Golden root replaces synthetic hormones with early menopause. He is able to get rid of such unpleasant sensations as flushing, nervousness, insomnia, emotional instability.
The tool is used at an earlier age. On its basis, painful periods are treated, and the cycle is restored. Rhodiola is taken for ovarian cystosis and benign breast formations.
The plant has a unique quality. It is able to rejuvenate the body.
Rhodiola literally slows down the aging process, allowing for a long time to maintain good spirits and physical attractiveness.
This is a natural adaptogen that protects the body from the effects of adverse environmental conditions. At the height of colds, the golden root helps the immune system cope with harmful viruses and bacteria.
Rhodiola rosea is a natural antidepressant and mental activator. It improves memory, attention, concentration, the ability to analyze information. Accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses. Increases stress tolerance and adaptability to changing conditions.
Rhodiola extract helps to maintain not only mental, but also physical activity. A few minutes after taking the drug there is a surge of strength, vigor, increased performance.
The golden root also has an unexpected effect. A general improvement in the physical and emotional background has a positive effect on sexual desire. This property is equally manifested in both women and men.
Read also: Golden root - medicinal properties and contraindications
Scopes of a plant
In gynecology
In gynecological practice, Rhodiola rosea is used as adjunctive therapy for colpitis and vaginitis. At the beginning of the menopause, the woman reduces the production of sex hormones. Under the influence of this process, the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner. Its cells are desquamated, their renewal rate slows down. There are sensations of dryness and burning. The internal environment changes towards alkaline, which reduces protective barriers and promotes the attachment of a bacterial infection.
Rhodiola rosea is applied topically as a warm bath. The decoction of the plant contains tannins, which coagulate proteins on the surface of the mucosa, forming a protective film. The result of this action is the reduction of pain and discomfort.
Anthracene derivatives and bioflavonoids suppress the vital activity of fungi and foreign microorganisms, promote the accumulation of polysaccharides in the tissues, which are a breeding ground for the multiplication of lactobacilli. Baths with herbal infusion help restore the acid-base balance of the vaginal mucosa.
In cosmetology
Rhodiola extract is very popular among cosmetic manufacturers. It is added to nourishing creams for mature skin. The complex of nutrients compensates for the loss of elasticity, helps restore the oval of the face, nourishes the deeper layers of the epidermis, reduces moisture loss.
Products with rhodiola protect the skin from external influences, including solar radiation and emissions from the chemical industry. Nourishing creams prevent premature aging, accelerate cellular energy metabolism, normalize lipid and collagen synthesis.
Rhodiola prevents the appearance of rashes. Eliminates dryness and peeling. Suppresses allergic reactions and increases the stability of local immunity.
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For athletes
Golden root drugs increase physical stamina.Salidroside, one of the main stimulatory components, is a direct activator of erythropoietin, the renal hormone responsible for the production of red blood cells.
With an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood, the oxygen content increases. A few hours after taking the drug, the athlete has additional strength. It becomes more resilient and can maintain physical activity longer.
The golden root accelerates the breakdown of lipids in the muscles of the musculoskeletal system. As a result of this process, lactic acid does not accumulate so intensely, and at the end of the training a person experiences less fatigue.
Golden Root Instructions
Tincture of Rhodiola rosea
Altai root tincture is prepared at home. A glass of vodka is poured 25 g of dry, powdered, rhizomes along with lateral roots. The medicine is infused for two weeks. And then parts of the plant are removed by filtration.
Tincture is taken as an adaptogen, for the prophylaxis of acute respiratory viral infections, for increasing working capacity, for raising the pressure during hypotension. The medicine is drunk in the morning for 20-30 drops once or twice a day before meals.
It is not recommended to use rhodiola preparations as a stimulant for longer than 5 consecutive days. Because of frequent use, addiction can develop, and then the entire subsequent effect will decline.
Plant extract
The golden root liquid extract has the same composition as tincture. However, the concentration of active substances in it is much higher.
The extractant is ethyl alcohol. It is used in an amount that allows you to get a liter of liquid extract from a kilogram of fresh rhizomes.
The medicine is very thick. It has a characteristic dark brown color and a grassy smell.
The extract is taken to stimulate nervous and physical activity, during the recovery period after infections, under reduced pressure and for prophylaxis as a tonic.
It is recommended to start taking 5 drops twice a day before meals. Within a few days, the dose can be raised to 10 drops. Treatment lasts from 10 to 20 days.
A second course can be done no earlier than a month later. To avoid addiction, it is not recommended to use rhodiola extract on an ongoing basis or to conduct courses more often 2 times a year.
The broth is used externally for the preparation of baths, lotions, for rubbing the skin.
Inside, the drug is used for:
- hypotension;
- uterine bleeding;
- polycystic ovary;
- breast fibrosis;
- gastrointestinal diseases;
- disorders in the thyroid gland.
A spoon of dry chopped root is poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused in a water bath for 10 minutes. It cools, filtered, taken half a glass in the morning and at lunch 15-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
More materials:Rhodiola rosea: medicinal properties and contraindications
Possible side effects and contraindications
All preparations of the golden root are contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. These medications can cause side effects such as insomnia, headache and high blood pressure, so they should not be taken in the afternoon.
Rhodiola rosea reduces the effectiveness of tranquilizers, antipsychotics, and any sedatives. If the patient takes such drugs, then before prescribing a course, he should consult with your doctor.
Golden root has a strong tonic effect. For this reason, it is contraindicated in people with increased nervous excitability and mental disorders, accompanied by nervousness and aggression. Hypertensive patients and those who suffer from severe heart damage should refuse the drug.
Rhodiola rosea is not exclusively a female plant.This is a powerful natural stimulant and adaptogen, ready to come to the rescue in situations in which you urgently need to gather strength. However, the influence of the plant extends far beyond the nervous system. That is why it treats endocrine disorders and female diseases so well.