The therapeutic properties of Rhodiola rosea and the contraindications to its use are important for everyone who wants to improve their well-being without resorting to synthetic drugs. The plant contains a large number of antioxidants, collagen synthesis enhancers, and immune system stimulants. In addition, it is able to stabilize the state of the nervous system, relieving fatigue and removing stress. However, the therapeutic agent has a small list of contraindications, for example, it is not recommended to take rhodiola for people with high blood pressure.
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The healing and beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea
Rhodiola rosea (the second, better known name is the golden root) affects almost all systems of the human body. The complex effect is due to the rich composition of the plant, it is able to increase blood pressure, stimulate the production and secretion of bile, improve heart function. Rhodiola rhizome contains substances that affect the composition of the blood, helping to stop bleeding and saturate the tissues with oxygen. Also, remedies based on this medicinal plant tone the whole body, help cope with overwork.
The golden root is used to quickly heal wounds, burns, and treat various kinds of inflammations. The plant affects the gastrointestinal tract - increases appetite, improves digestion, and stabilizes the metabolism. In addition, it has an antipyretic and antihistamine effect, which allows it to be used for various diseases and allergic reactions. Also, the tool is able to increase hearing acuity and improve human vision.
Tincture of Rhodiola rosea has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and a restorative effect on the whole body. In practice, it is often used to combat tuberculosis and skin diseases. In addition, it contributes to the early healing of bones in fractures.
Tools based on the golden root are used not only inside, they can also be used as an external application. Most often lotions, baths and baths are made.
For men and women
A large percentage of men can not cope with the pace of modern life, as a result of which they are constantly in a state of stress, fatigue. These factors contribute to the development of psychogenic impotence. That is, at the anatomical and physiological level there are no problems, but a man cannot fully enjoy communication with the second half.
Rhodiola rosea increases the body's resistance to stress, improves overall health, gives strength. As a result, all problems associated with the man’s sex life disappear, the intimate area becomes more sensitive, and after stimulation a stable erection quickly sets in.
It is interesting: Golden root - medicinal properties and contraindications
Women often suffer from heavy discharge during menstruation, dysfunctional bleeding, and malfunctions in the menstrual cycle. These problems are most often associated with an imbalance in the hormonal background, which is constantly changing. To bring it back to normal, it is recommended to take funds based on the golden root. They will reduce the amount of blood loss, stabilize hormones and the menstrual cycle, and improve overall well-being.
It is also recommended to take medicines from rhodiola rosea extract in the menopause. At this time, women feel a breakdown, complain of headaches, pressure surges, hot flashes. The golden root will help minimize discomfort.
In addition, Rhodiola will help restore body strength after childbirth, increase the flow of milk, reduce the amount of secretions. Taking the golden root in the postpartum period is a prevention of depression, which often occurs some time after the birth of the baby.
For children
Children are allowed to use the medicinal plant only after consultation with a pediatrician, in addition, it is not recommended to give radiol to babies in their first year of life.
Influence on the children's body:
- stimulates active games;
- improves memory;
- helps to focus;
- used for complex treatment of tonsillitis;
- reduces toothache;
- improves digestion.
External use of the plant accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions.
The use of Rhodiola rosea
A perennial plant has a versatile positive effect on the body, so it is used in various fields of medicine:
- oncology - inhibits the growth and development of tumor formations;
- therapy, pediatrics - knocks down the heat;
- Allergology - struggles with allergy manifestations;
- geriatrics - improves memory, promotes a surge of strength;
- gynecology, obstetrics - minimizes blood loss;
- cosmetology - stimulates collagen synthesis.
Sleep also improves, blood pressure rises, a person becomes more efficient, resistant to stressful situations.
In cosmetology
In cosmetology, the golden root is used for external and internal use. It is often added to creams that fight age-related skin changes. The plant does not act aggressively, so it is suitable for sensitive girls.
The regular use of cosmetics with Rhodiola rosea has a positive effect on the skin:
- moisturizes the skin;
- inhibits changes associated with aging;
- leaves an invisible film that protects from the negative effects of sunlight;
- increases elasticity;
- relieves inflammation.
Rubbing the skin with golden root tincture removes acne and narrows the pores, preventing them from clogging.
The use of tinctures, decoctions or teas inside also helps to improve the condition of the skin, slowing down aging.
In folk medicine
In traditional medicine, different types of medicines are used, which include the golden root:
Pour a tablespoon of dry root with 300 ml of boiling water, carefully wrap it with a warm cloth and insist for four hours. After the specified time, strain the mixture and refrigerate. Drink 100 ml three times a day, preferably shortly before meals.
Tincture (extract)
In the form of an extract, Rhodiola rosea can be bought at a pharmacy, but if there is a dry root, it can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to take 50 g of finely ground root, pour 0.5 l of vodka and set aside for 14 days in a dark place, once every 1-2 days, tincture should be mixed. After two weeks, the product will be ready, take approximately 20 drops, can be diluted in a spoon with water. It is usually recommended to take the medicine half an hour before meals three times a day.
For one liter of boiling water, take one small spoon of crushed roots, pour into boiling water and, stirring occasionally, cook for 10-15 minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool, then strain. Drink 200-400 ml during the day, to improve the taste you can add a little sugar or honey.
Depending on the reason why Rhodiola rosea root is used, the dosage and number of doses may vary. In order not to harm your health, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before using medicines.
Contraindications for use, possible harm
Since drugs based on the golden root have an effect on the whole body, it is important to take into account the condition of all organs and systems while taking the drug.
It is strongly not recommended to use rhodiola in such cases:
- arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) - the drug will aggravate hypertension, in severe cases it can provoke a hypertensive crisis;
- organic brain damage;
- state of overexcitation - the drug will not be able to calm, but will only excite the nervous system even more, which can lead to exhaustion;
- the period of gestation and breastfeeding;
- trouble sleeping, insomnia.
Uncontrolled, excessive use of the drug provokes the appearance of unwanted responses of the body. In case of an overdose, patients complain of a strong and rapid heartbeat, severity and pain in the heart, increased irritability, inability to sleep, headache. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking Rhodiola and seek help.