Rice is called a natural filter, because This product is capable of adsorbing toxic substances. With its help, the body was purified in ancient China. Rice diet, popular in our time, consists in daily consumption of cereals, cooked in a special way, and strict restriction of the diet.
Material Content:
- 1 The benefits of diet on rice for the human body
- 2 The principles of rice diet for weight loss
- 3 Recommended and Prohibited Products
- 4 Menu for 3, 5, 7 and 9 days
- 5 Options for a rice diet to cleanse the body of salts
- 6 How to get out of a diet
- 7 How many kilograms can you lose weight
- 8 To whom such a method of weight loss is contraindicated
The benefits of diet on rice for the human body
With the help of rice, it will be possible not only to lose weight quickly and safely, but also to remove toxins and salt deposits from tissues.
Cleansing the body is activated during the diet and lasts 2 months after its completion. This technique allows you to relieve joint pain, burn body fat, get rid of bad cholesterol, normalize the work of internal organs and systems, improve the general condition. Nutritionists recommend arranging unloading in rice 2 times a year.
In order for the rice diet for weight loss to be as effective as possible, you need to choose the right varieties of cereal. Usual polished, being processed, loses most of the nutrients, so it is not suitable for a dietary program. Steamed rice is more useful, but the frequent use of such a product can lead to constipation, which is why you should not get involved in it.
Red and brown rice varieties are considered the most valuable: they are subjected to minimal processing, due to which they retain more vitamins and minerals, and also have the ability to take unwanted liquid and toxic substances from tissues. Basmati rice is also suitable for a diet.
The principles of rice diet for weight loss
The main principle of the diet is the use of rice, which was previously soaked in water or boiled for no longer than 5 minutes.
It will not be possible to lose weight or cleanse the body with the help of cereals boiled to a state of porridge.
Other aspects of the diet are important:
- complete rejection of salt;
- fractional nutrition: 4–5 servings per day;
- slow chewing of food;
- dinner 3 hours before bedtime;
- small portions
- compliance with the drinking regime (2–2.5 liters of fluid per day);
- quitting smoking and alcohol.
After a few days of a rice diet, a painful hunger, weakness, dizziness may occur. This is due to a sharp loss of potassium. To replenish the reserves of this element in the diet menu, you need to include dried fruits, herbs, beans, pumpkin, oranges, honey. To enhance the cleansing effect of the diet, eat an green apple an hour before eating rice.
During the period of weight loss, rice may cause discomfort and slight pain in the back, joints, legs. This indicates the beginning of the cleansing of the body and does not require the termination of the diet.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
In addition to rice, the following products can be included in the diet:
- vegetables and greens (with the exception of eggplant and potatoes);
- fruits and berries (except bananas and grapes), as well as freshly squeezed juices from them;
- dried fruits and nuts;
- oat and buckwheat;
- rye and whole grain bread, croutons;
- dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat;
- hard cheese;
- eggs (strictly hard boiled);
- meat and fish without skin and fat, seafood;
- mushrooms;
- legumes;
- honey;
- Apple vinegar;
- soy sauce.
During the rice diet, you should do without:
- flour and pasta;
- snacks;
- canned food;
- salts;
- Confectionery
- spices;
- high fat dairy products;
- sausages, fatty meat;
- alcoholic drinks.
Menu for 3, 5, 7 and 9 days
Before a diet, you need to prepare the body. 7 days before the start of losing weight, it is necessary to exclude from the menu fried and fatty dishes, pastries, sweets and reduce salt intake. Should eat more cereals, raw fruits, lean meat, fish.
Rice diet for 3 days is a pretty tough method to lose weight. This technique involves the use of only previously soaked cereal. The rice is washed, soaked overnight, boiled for 7 minutes and washed again. Use 3-4 times a day for 150 g, chewing thoroughly. Every hour after eating drink non-carbonated water, green or white tea, freshly squeezed juice diluted with water.
A 5-day weight loss program provides nutrition for 5 days only cereals, prepared in a special way.
- In a glass jar put 6 tbsp. l clean rice and fill it with water.
- The next day they put a new can with the same portion of cereal. Water in the first tank is replaced with fresh water.
- The actions are repeated for 5 days, not forgetting to change the water in the banks.
- On day 6, cereal from a can is divided into 3 parts and eaten per day.
- Do the same with the remaining cereal.
- 2.5-3 liters of mineral water and Chinese tea are also consumed throughout the diet.
Rice diet for 7 days is a gentle way to lose weight. The diet can be composed as follows (the weight of each serving should not exceed 150 g).
- breakfast: rice, rye bread;
- snack: sweet and sour apple, prunes soaked for 24 hours (3 pcs.);
- lunch: thick broccoli soup, rice with fresh herbs, steamed chicken;
- afternoon snack: fat-free kefir;
- dinner: rice with stewed pumpkin, low-fat yogurt without additives.
- breakfast: rice, half grapefruit;
- snack: hard cheese;
- lunch: pike ear with rice, slicing fresh vegetables;
- afternoon tea: 2 apricots;
- dinner: protein omelet from a double boiler, freshly squeezed juice from green apples.
- breakfast: rice, pear;
- snack: toast, berry jelly;
- lunch: cabbage soup with lean beef, rice;
- afternoon snack: juice from fresh tomatoes;
- dinner: vegetable stew, rice.
- breakfast: rice, fruit salad with natural yogurt;
- snack: salad of tomatoes, radishes and cucumbers;
- lunch: bean soup with chicken broth, rice with boiled carrots;
- afternoon snack: hazelnuts;
- dinner: rice, grilled rabbit, bifidok.
- breakfast: rice cooked with dried apricots, sprinkled with honey, half grapefruit;
- snack: hard-boiled egg;
- lunch: rice, stewed pollock with vegetables;
- afternoon snack: rye bread and hard cheese;
- dinner: rice, spinach puree, boiled turkey.
- breakfast: rice, green apple, baked with honey;
- snack: yogurt without additives, croutons;
- lunch: borsch on a lean broth, rice with tomatoes;
- afternoon snack: pear;
- dinner: main cereal, cottage cheese pudding.
- breakfast: rice, orange;
- snack: half a hard boiled egg;
- lunch: fresh champignon soup, rice, steamed veal;
- afternoon snack: apricot;
- dinner: main cereal, raw cabbage and carrot salad, berry mousse.
Example of a rice diet menu for weight loss, designed for 9 days (each serving weight is 100 g):
- morning meal: boiled rice, fruit from the list of allowed;
- daily: boiled rice, mashed soup with cauliflower or stewed vegetables;
- evening: half-cooked rice, fresh vegetables, cottage cheese.
Options for a rice diet to cleanse the body of salts
To effectively cleanse the body of toxins, you can combine rice with other products. Adhere to such diets should be 10-14 days. Consider examples of menus for the day.
Rice-kefir diet:
- breakfast: 150 g of boiled rice to a semi-soft state, 220 ml of fat-free kefir;
- lunch: sweet and sour apple;
- lunch: 100 g of shrimp, 100 g of rice, toast;
- dinner: 100 g of pre-soaked cereal, green salad with linseed oil;
- late dinner: 200 ml of kefir.
Apple Rice Cleansing Program:
- at 10:00 - 150 boiled rice;
- at 12:00 - an apple of the Semerenko variety;
- at 14:00 - 150 g of rice, 100 g of dried apples;
- at 17:00 - 250 ml of unsweetened apple compote;
- at 19:00 - 150 g of rice, sour apple.
The way to cleanse rice and honey:
- per day they eat 500 g of rice, which was soaked in water for 5 days;
- an hour after a meal, they consume 250 ml of a vitamin drink (5 g of honey and lemon juice are added to the water);
- if hunger before bedtime - a handful of dried apricots eat.
To cleanse tissues from salts, you can use rice kvass. To make it, 80 g of rice and 40 g of granulated sugar are poured into a jar of boiled water at room temperature. The container is covered with several layers of gauze and placed in a warm place. After 3 days, the finished kvass is filtered. Consume 120 ml three times a day 40-50 minutes after eating. Leftovers are stored in a cellar or refrigerator.
How to get out of a diet
Out of a limited diet should take as many days as the diet itself lasted. After a 7-day weight loss in rice, you need to introduce the usual products in the menu and increase the servings for a week. In the first 2 days after the diet, you need to eat more fruits and dried fruits to make up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. On day 3, it is allowed to include potatoes in the menu (except for fried). Then cereals and pasta are gradually returned. After a diet, they always maintain a drinking regimen.
How many kilograms can you lose weight
For 3-5 days of a rice diet, you can lose 1–5 kg. The program, drawn up for 7 and 9 days, will get rid of 3-10 kg. The higher the initial body weight was, the more kilograms you can lose.
To whom such a method of weight loss is contraindicated
Weight loss and cleansing with rice cannot be done with:
- pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
- diseases of the urinary system;
- hemorrhoids;
- diseases of the digestive tract;
- tendency to constipation;
- during the period of gestation and breastfeeding of the child;
- diabetes mellitus;
- cancer;
- in the postoperative period.
This group includes children's age (up to 18 years).During a long rice diet, dizziness and general malaise almost always occur, so those who are busy with work that requires an increased concentration of attention should refuse this weight loss system. To make sure there are no contraindications, you should consult a doctor before starting a diet.