Recently, Chinese dishes are becoming increasingly popular. They attract with their unusual taste and ease of preparation.
It is no secret that in many countries of East Asia rice is the main product. It is part of almost any dish. And the original rice with egg in Chinese deserves special attention. There are several options for its preparation.
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Chinese traditional rice with egg
Chinese-style rice with egg can be ordered at any local cafe or restaurant.
To prepare such a dish yourself at home you will need:
• 150 grams of long-grain rice;
• 2 cloves of garlic;
• 125 grams of green (canned) peas;
• salt;
• 3 raw eggs;
• 1 tablespoon of soy sauce;
• 35 grams of refined vegetable oil;
• 5 feathers of green onions.
The method of preparing such rice is simple and does not require any special culinary skills. To work, you need the following dishes:
• 2 pans (or stewpan);
• a spoon;
• whisk (or fork);
• wok.
It is necessary to prepare such a dish in stages:
1. First you need to weld rice. To do this, rinse the cereal first so that it does not stick together. Then the rice should be poured into a pan with boiling water, salt and cook "al dente". Filter the finished product and let it cool.
2. Put another pan on the fire.Pour eggs into it (you can beat them a little beforehand). Heat, stirring, until the product “seizes”.
3. Pour some oil into the wok and warm it thoroughly. Fry in it a couple of minutes pre-crushed garlic, peas and finely chopped onions.
4. Add rice to processed foods and mix well.
5. Introduce the prepared eggs, sauce and salt to taste.
After mixing, the dish can immediately be laid out on plates.
Step by step cooking with vegetables
The Chinese themselves are very fond of making rice with eggs and vegetables. A dish prepared according to such a recipe is not only tasty, but also healthy. To create it, take:
• 200 grams of rice and as many onions;
• 150 grams of sweet pepper and fresh green peas;
• 25 grams of soy sauce;
• 2 eggs;
• 100 grams of fresh carrots and canned corn;
• 20 grams of refined vegetable oil.
Step by step cooking:
1. Boil rice in salted water, then rinse it with boiling water and drop it in a colander.
2. Wash all vegetables, peel (if necessary) and carefully cut into cubes. Preferably, the workpieces were the same size.
3. Pour a little oil into a deep frying pan and warm it thoroughly. Add vegetables one at a time. Processing each of them will take no more than two minutes. First you need to passivate the onion. Then add carrots to it, and then pepper. Once the vegetables are soft enough, pour the corn and peas into the pan and simmer the products together for 5 minutes.
4. Move the vegetables to the side with a spoon, and in a free area slightly fry the beaten eggs.
5. Transfer the cooled strained rice to the pan, add the sauce and mix everything thoroughly. Simmer for about 3 minutes.
Salt is necessary only at the very end (if necessary).
With chicken
In a similar way, rice is cooked with an egg in Chinese with the addition of chicken meat. It takes no more than 15 minutes to cook it. For this option, you will need already familiar products:
• 3 chicken breasts;
• 2 eggs;
• 50 grams of fresh (or frozen) green peas;
• 15-20 grams of sesame oil;
• 225 grams of rice (necessarily long-grain);
• 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;
• 1 bunch of green feather onions.
Cooking Technique:
1. First, boil in salt water, and then strain and cool the rice.
2. Chicken fillet cut into large cubes.
3. Lightly beat the raw eggs.
4. Put the wok (or deep frying pan) on the fire. Pour sesame oil into it and heat it strongly.
5. Put meat in boiling fat and fry it for 6 minutes, constantly turning it over.
6. Add peas, rice and onions. Mix it all up.
7. Pour the contents of the wok with beaten eggs. Continue cooking for approximately 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
8. Once the eggs are ready, pour the sauce over the dish.
After mixing, the wok can be removed from the stove and carry fragrant rice with meat to the table.
Chinese fried rice with egg
There is another original option when fried rice with an egg is cooked in Chinese with the addition of mushrooms. The taste of such a dish is simply excellent.
To prepare it, the following starting components are required:
• 0.3 kilograms of rice (round grain);
• 1 raw egg;
• 50 grams of green onions;
• ¼ cup sesame oil;
• 200 grams of zucchini;
• 1 carrot;
• 2 cloves of garlic;
• 1 pod of chili pepper;
• 0.5 teaspoon of grated ginger;
• 6 pieces of shiitake mushrooms.
The whole process consists of several stages:
1. Boil rice and strain. Put the finished product on a plate and refrigerate. This can be done in the evening.
2. Cut the mushrooms into slices, chop the carrots into thin strips, and pepper into slices. Grind the peeled ginger root. Zucchini cut into cubes. Chop onion with garlic.
3. Pour oil into the wok and heat it well.
4. First, fry the garlic with ginger and pepper in it for 60 seconds.
5. Add carrots.Continue frying for another minute.
6. Introduce zucchini with mushrooms and mix it all thoroughly. Continue the heat treatment for no more than two minutes.
7. Transfer already chilled rice to wok. Fry for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. With longer processing, rice may be overdried.
8. Beat the egg in a separate bowl with a table fork, adding soy sauce to it.
9. Pour the products with the prepared mixture, mix and immediately remove the wok from the stove.
Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped green onion. If desired, it can be optionally poured with sauce and aromatic oil.
Shrimp Cooking
Seafood lovers can cook rice in Chinese with egg and shrimp.
This will require a minimum set of products:
• 100 grams of rice;
• 1 onion;
• 2 eggs;
• a handful of shrimp;
• soy sauce;
• any vegetable oil.
The cooking method is not much different from the previous options. In this case, you need:
1. Boil rice in salt water. So that the grains do not stick together when frying, they should be washed preferably with cold water, thrown into a colander and cooled.
2. Pour thawed shrimp with soy sauce and leave them in this position for literally 2-3 minutes.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
4. Finely chop the onion and then pass it in boiling fat until it becomes soft enough.
5. Then add seafood to the pan. Fry until all excess moisture has evaporated.
6. After that, introduce rice and mix well.
7. Pour the products in the pan with beaten eggs separately. Stir again and sprinkle the mass with soy sauce.
If desired, onions can be replaced with green feathers. And to make the dish more useful, it is good to add sprouted soy or green peas.
Pineapple Recipe
In the countries of Southeast Asia they like to add pulp of exotic fruits to various dishes. So, rice with an egg in Chinese will turn out to be much tastier if you include pineapple in its recipe. The dish turns juicy, mouth-watering and very fragrant. Products for its preparation will need a little:
• 50 grams of canned pineapple;
• 200 grams of boiled rice;
• 0.5 heads of onions;
• 1 egg;
• a little salt;
• 1 clove of garlic;
• a little red pepper.
How to cook rice with pineapple:
1. First chop onion with garlic finely.
2. Fry them in a pan in oil until tender golden color.
3. Add boiled rice and immediately beat the egg. Mix it all up again and warm up a little.
4. As soon as the egg “seizes”, send the pieces of pineapple to the pan.
5. You can add pepper for pungency.
After stirring again, immediately remove the pan from the heat. Now you can try the finished dish and salt if necessary.
Chinese rice with crab meat
Chinese-style rice with egg can be cooked as a warm salad with crab meat. This unusual recipe requires the following essential ingredients:
• 460 grams of rice;
• 1 onion;
• 3 boiled eggs;
• 1 carrot;
• salt;
• 50 grams of crab meat (or chopsticks);
• one and a half teaspoons of aromatic spices with curry.
Cooking a dish at home is not at all difficult. To do this:
1. Rinse well, and then fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 2.5. Cook over medium heat. After 3-5 minutes, add salt and spices to boiling rice to taste.
2. Chop the carrots with onions into small cubes.
3. Passion them in preheated oil in a pan.
4. Crab meat and eggs also cut into cubes.
5. Add these products to the pan where the rice is cooked, along with frying. Simmer on small 3-4 minutes.
After this, remove the pan from the stove and let its contents brew. Still warm rice can be laid out on plates and enjoy its unique taste with pleasure.