Rigidity in psychology is a special quality of each personality, which is manifested in the difficulty of getting used to new living conditions. This type in the behavior of an individual exacerbates his adaptive capabilities in extreme, simply complex and new situations.
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The definition of rigidity in psychology
Rigidity in the psychology of personality behavior characterizes it as excessively conservative. People with various varieties of similar quality find it difficult to adapt to changing environmental conditions, and sometimes simply impossible.
A person clings to his old attitudes and follows the usual course of action. Any changes to the script cause internal protest.
Human character description
All people are different and the level of manifestation of rigidity is also individual.
Despite this, the character of a person with these psychological characteristics has the following features:
- Emotionality and impressionability, which sometimes exceed reasonable limits.
- People show marked obstinacy in communicating with loved ones.
- Fidelity to habits and the traditional way of life, which can create problems in a normal life.
- Suggestibility.
- Lack of ability to independently change an established lifestyle and behavioral habits.
This type of people has a strong attachment to stereotypes, is characterized by an extremely reluctant change in their own worldview and thinking.
A person with a certain degree of rigidity, easier to tolerate stressful situations precisely because of the personality characteristics of the psyche.
A moderate manifestation of the above character traits can positively affect a person’s social life.He is accurate, has a well-developed logical thinking, shows devotion to his ideas and postulates.
Types and causes
There are three main types of psychological rigidity:
- Emotional (affective) rigidity. This type is manifested by a characteristic manifestation of reactions to external stimuli. This may include the characteristics of the psyche, which are associated with the stability of emotional states in the same situations. People prone to this type of rigidity often and for a long time recall certain situations in life and experience the same feelings when they are mentally recreated.
- Motivational. It manifests itself in the most noticeable way for strangers. Such persons are often called stubborn. There are three subspecies of motivational rigidity: disappointed people (due to one failure they cannot believe in the possibility of their own success), stubborn people (they are not able to deviate from the intended behavior, do not notice simple exits from existing situations), lazy people (refuse any motivation and just swim with the flow).
- Cognitive. This type is determined by the lack of flexibility in thinking, the inability to change your lifestyle and beliefs. Such people are not inclined to be creative in solving life's tasks. They operate according to ready-made schemes, and any innovation can cause a sense of danger.
Violation of the flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions can be dictated by somatic and psychological reasons.
The first include:
- features of the nervous system, as well as violations in its work;
- genetic factors;
- malfunctions of the endocrine gland system;
- severe nutritional abnormalities;
- alcohol and drug addiction;
- poisoning by various chemical compounds.
Psychological reasons include:
- temperamental features of a particular person;
- methods of education in childhood;
- the presence of mental trauma at an early age;
- serious stressful situations in adulthood;
- psychological disorders of a diverse nature;
- conflict within the self, constricted in an emotional state.
Rigidity is capable of delivering a lot of inconvenience to its owner, so you can and should fight it.
Examples of the use of the term
As an example of the use of the term “rigidity”, we can cite certain types of human behavior that psychologists distinguish:
- "Talkers." These are individuals who try to focus attention in the company solely on themselves in order to become its center.
- "Grunts." Persons who are constantly dissatisfied with something and expressing and imposing their point of view on others.
- "Doubting Thomas". All the characteristic features of the psyche of people are directed to specific ideas and situations.
- "Flowers". For such individuals, life in society is a heavy burden. They try to stay alone with themselves and are not interested in the problems of others.
- "Conspirator." A man tries to form small groups of "initiates" and only they trust their secrets and secrets. Those who are objectionable to him are censured.
- "The jester." He is inclined to make fun of other people, completely not noticing that he offends them voluntarily or involuntarily.
There are many varieties and manifestations of rigidity. In almost every person you can find one or another of its features. However, this does not cause any danger until such features of the psyche begin to cause inconvenience to the person himself or his environment.
How to overcome rigidity
People with such a mental feature as rigidity may not suffer from this at all. In a moderate manifestation, it allows an individual to easily carry out monotonous work, as well as being a loyal champion of his ideas and life values.
If manifestations of this nature interfere with its owner, as well as others in everyday life, then you can try to get rid of such features with the following methods of psychotherapy:
- By talking about specific situations. In a conversation, you can identify the problem, make it specific and try to discount.
- Compilation of rational chains of logical conclusions that indicate the presence of rigidity and its negative impact on life.
- Psychoanalysis allows you to feel the secret and hidden, at first glance, features of psychological constriction, to get rid of their evil influence.
- Trainings in the process of communication allow you to look at circumstances and your own person as if from the outside, as well as establish yourself in your social role.
- Drawing therapy allows you to remove constriction and stiffness through a specific action on the surface of the subconscious and get rid of problems.
When conducting exercises systematically, the chance of restoring the flexibility of thinking is very large.
The treatment of rigidity with drugs is not carried out, due to the fact that the effect of such therapy is doubtful.
A rigid person has many psychological features that can help in the performance of monotonous tasks, but also impede the process of adaptation to new living conditions. If the manifestations of rigidity interfere with a person and his associates, such a quality of character can be corrected by systematic psychological exercises.