An amazing vegetable in the buckwheat family is rhubarb. A herbal plant that can reach a height of three meters and grows in one place for more than 10 years. In vegetables, fruits or rhizomes are traditionally used for food, in rhubarb - young leaf stems. They are prepared as fruits with sugar syrup. Perennial is valued as a medicinal plant. Widely used in landscape decoration.
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Rhubarb: a description of the culture, types and varieties
The ancestral home of rhubarb is China. It was in the Middle Kingdom that Marco Polo first saw him. He watched in surprise as the peasant dug up a large herbaceous plant that looked like burdock. It turned out that the Chinese have long used rhubarb as a medicine, eaten, made hair dye from the roots. It is believed that it was Marco Polo who brought the plant to Europe.
N.M. Przhevalsky, traveling in Asia in the second half of the 18th century, brought a collection of seeds, including rhubarb. Some historical sources indicate that wild rhubarb, along with calamus, has been growing on the banks of Russian rivers since ancient times. The differences in the interpretation of when rhubarb appeared on the territory of Europe, Russia are caused by the fact that many species of plants grew wild in Asia, China, Europe. For example, Siberian rhubarb was distributed in the vast expanses of Siberia, the mountain plains of Altai, Sayan, and the Urals. Moreover, in the 17th - second half of the 18th century there was a state monopoly on the sale of Siberian rhubarb. It was sold as a remedy. The Venetian and English merchants willingly purchased the goods.An interesting fact is that most of the Venetian mirrors in the palaces of St. Petersburg were acquired through the sale of this plant.
Rhubarb is a type of buckwheat. It has a strong root structure, oblong tubers that develop as the plant grows. In the first year, only a basal rosette is formed. Active plant growth, harvesting begin in the second year. The plant throws foliage, then on thick stems and paniculate inflorescences form. Depending on the type of rhubarb, the shape and color of the foliage may vary.
In cooking, use stems, young shoots. Due to the content of malic acid in them, they have a pleasant taste. Leaves are not used due to the high concentration of oxalic acid, which is difficult to digest.
In order to get a larger crop of stems, bushes are fenced with a barrel without a bottom. The foliage reaches up to the light, the stems stretch.
Types of Rhubarb
Based on the purpose for which rhubarb is grown, culinary, decorative, medicinal, different types are used. The plants that are grown for food are cultivated varieties of relatively small height up to a meter and a little more. Giant rhubarb from 1.5 to 3 meters is often used as an ornamental plant, and the root for treatment. In total, there are up to 50 types of rhubarb.
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The most popular garden varieties
Despite the fact that the perennial is considered a fairly unpretentious plant, patience and care are needed, especially the first two years.
The following varieties are most popular with gardeners:
- Altai (compact). It got its name due to the fact that it grows in the Altai in the wild, and is grown on sites. Compactly located rosette of foliage (60 cm long, oval) throws panicled white inflorescences in June. It reaches a height of 1.5 meters.
- Rhubarb Maximovich. It has unusually interesting foliage, as if terry (up to 1 meter high), and beautiful purple-colored fruits with wings. They are formed from a greenish inflorescence.
- Rhubarb Victoria. The most popular variety among gardeners, reddish stems can be cut in May. The height of the bush is up to 50 cm, in width it can grow up to 2.5 meters.
- Ogirsky. It is famous for its productivity and excellent taste. The petioles are up to 70 cm tall; in appearance it is similar to the Victoria variety, but it blooms not so actively.
Useful properties of rhubarb.
For culinary purposes, young cuttings are used, less often leaves. Malic, citric acid gives a pleasant sour taste
Additionally they contain:
- vitamin C;
- carotene;
- potassium, magnesium, phosphorus in the form of salts;
- nicotinic acid, vitamin B;
- organic acids and sugars.
Due to the presence of biologically active components in the composition, the plant is used as an astringent and antiseptic. Positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system, digestive tract. Used as a urinary, choleretic, laxative drug.
Giant and decorative varieties
Landscape designers often use perennials. He rightfully becomes the decoration of the site.
Rhubarb noble (nobile). Perhaps the most spectacular look. It grows in mountainous regions, on stony soils of Siberia, Mongolia, and China. He has a very beautiful pyramidal shape of a bush, up to 2 meters high. The lower leaves at the base are green, wider, narrow in a spiral and become yellowish-white. This is the only variety that could not be cultivated.
Rhubarb danniform (palmatum). Giant bush (up to 3 meters), with huge leaf-shaped leaves, the reverse side of which is pinkish in color. Throws panicled inflorescences of a reddish or white color.
Medicinal (Rheum officinale). This variety was imported from China, where it was widely used for medicinal purposes. Now it grows in Russia in the vast Siberia and Altai. The height of the bush is up to 2 meters, huge five-fingered leaves can hide a person from the rain.Paniculate inflorescences of greenish color.
Growing rhubarb from seeds, planting in open ground
Rhubarb is grown from seeds and propagated vegetatively. It is preferable for him slightly acidic soil with good drainage. It grows better on black soil.
Nuts-like seeds are soaked before planting. Withstand until sprouts up to 2 mm appear. They sprout quickly, during the day, you only need to moisten them. Then they need to be dried, after which they are planted in a pot or directly on the beds.
The seeds are deepened to a depth of about 2.5 cm. When planting on the site, the earth is dug up, well fertilized with organic matter (1-2 buckets per meter of soil). Mineral supplements are recommended in the following proportions: urea and potassium chloride 25-30 grams each, superphosphate 50-60 grams. The distance between the holes is up to 1 meter, the row spacing is up to 80 cm. The earth is preliminary sprayed with water. Several seeds are put in the hole when they germinate, thin out, leaving stronger shoots. Sprouts appear within a week. Planted in early spring and autumn.
It is more correct to take out a plant from a pot with a lump of earth, since rhubarb is sensitive to transplanting.
Vegetative propagation method
Seedlings are best planted in the fall. It can be a wintered bush, sprouts from a pot.
For vegetative propagation, the most developed plants, which have reached 4-5 years of age, are used.
There are three ways to reproduce:
- Dig up rhubarb so as not to damage the root, gradually freeing it from clods of earth. The root is separated using a long, sharp knife. Cut off part of the rhizome with several kidneys. They are allowed to dry a little, after sprinkling the slices with wood ash, then they are transplanted to previously prepared and fertilized places.
- The second way. A part with one kidney is cut from the rhizome. They add rhubarb for a while so that a new root is formed, then planted.
- The third way. The bush is dug up only on one side and a part of the rhizome is separated.
Usually the plant is well and quickly takes root, if the root is not damaged when digging.
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How to care for rhubarb
Rhubarb care is standard: watering, weeding, top dressing, loosening the earth. Uterine cuttings appear in the second year, as they age, they are cut off. After 3-4 years, organic matter is fed (2 buckets per square meter), once a year with a mixture of mullein (0.5 kg) with 5 g of urea, nitrophos 20 g.
When in the second year rhubarb begins to drive out inflorescences, they must be cut. They take nutritious juice from stalks. During the vegetative period, half of the foliage is removed, the plant will grow strong, less depleted.
Protection against diseases and pests
The main prevention against diseases and pests is weeding and removal of affected leaves.
Pests include:
- Caterpillar Scoop that emerges from the masonry of the heart-shaped scoop. The caterpillar penetrates the stem and feeds on its juice, after which it disappears.
- Legume aphid colonies.
- Beetle "Jealous weevil." Its larvae eat the leaves of the plant.
Often, rhubarb is affected by powdery mildew. From cercosporosis, yellow spots appear on the leaves. Phyllicosis leaves brownish marks. Blight rot of the root neck affects the lower part of the stem.
Do not spray rhubarb during harvesting. During the flowering period, you can treat the universal preparation with phosphomide. Use fosposporin against pests. For prophylactically recommend spraying with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Harvesting and storage
Harvested in May, sometimes the month of April. Finish gathering in July, the first decade of August. When the cuttings grow to 25-30 cm, they break it at the root, leaving several processes. Individual varieties produce up to 40 kg per square meter.
Rhubarb quickly fades, loses juiciness. It is better to store it in a cool place, you can wrap it with a moistened napkin.