An invigorating and refreshing drink prepared at home will appeal to all households. Despite the wide variety of cooking methods, each recipe for kvass from brown bread, to comply with the technological process, involves the use of crackers from a rye loaf. Since ready-made crackers are unlikely to be obtained, the hostess needs to pre-cook them at home.

To prepare crackers, you should buy a black loaf of bread without any additives. The optimal slicing of future crackers is 1 by 1.5 cm. Also, do not forget that the more they are fried in the oven, the more saturated the color and taste of the finished drink can turn out.

Classic rye bread kvass

  1. Rusks made from half a kilo of Borodino rolls are poured into a container for further fermentation and poured on top with 5 liters of chilled boiled water. After that, the container is covered with a thick cloth or towel and placed in a dark and warm place for 24 hours.
  2. After a day, the resulting liquid is poured into a dry jar through a sieve with gauze. Rusks are carefully wrung out and thrown out.
  3. 200 grams of granulated sugar and 7 grams of high-speed yeast are added to the must. The neck of the container is covered with a multilayer gauze or cloth and placed in a dark and warm place for another 15 hours.
  4. After a certain time, the finished drink is drained from the precipitate, if necessary, it is additionally sugar, hermetically closed and removed to cool.

Homemade Kvass with Yeast

  1. In the evening, 100 grams of crackers and 4 tablespoons are taken to prepare the starter culture. Sahara. Everything is poured into a 3 liter jar, from above it is poured with boiling water to ¾ of the volume of the taken capacity.The jar is covered with a terry towel so that the heat lasts as long as possible.
  2. In the morning, 15 grams of fresh pressed yeast is bred in half a glass of warm water and poured into breadcrumbs. The neck of the can is covered with gauze or a napkin and removed for a day or a little more in a warm sunny place.
  3. The readiness of the starter culture can be determined by the state of the contents of the jar: soaked crackers rise to the neck of the container, and the wort itself will completely settle at the bottom.
  4. When the leaven “ripens”, the layer of crackers must be carefully removed with a spoon, and the infusion should be drained into the sink, leaving a yeast suspension inside the jar.
  5. The must prepared for kvass is transferred to a clean 3-liter jar, 150 grams of fresh crackers and 1/3 cup of granulated sugar are poured there.Lovers of sweet homemade kvass can increase the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe several times, guided by their own preferences.
  6. Prepared foods are poured with warm boiled water, leaving a place near the neck for fermentation. The jar is covered with a multilayer gauze or napkin and left for a day.
  7. The finished drink is filtered through plastic bottles, each of which contains several raisins for carbonation. Tightly closed bottles are refrigerated.
  8. For a new portion of the drink, you need to replace ½ of the sour crackers with fresh ones. Add sugar and pour warm boiled water.

Tasty recipe: sourdough for kvass at home

Mint bread kvass at home

  1. 150 grams of well-fried rye crackers are poured into a clean and dry 3-liter jar, which are poured with boiling water and allowed to cool to 40 degrees.
  2. 6 tablespoons are poured into the cooled liquid sugar, 10 grams of high-speed yeast and 3-4 small sprigs of mint or lemon balm. The mixture is mixed and left to ferment for 10 hours.
  3. The fermented drink is filtered in bottles, 3-5 raisins are added to each of them and, without closing the lids, put into heat for another 3 hours.
  4. After time, the bottles are corked and put in the refrigerator for cooling.

If you sprinkle mint leaves in a jar at the same time as breadcrumbs and pour boiling water over it, the finished drink will be more saturated and will remind you of mint candy.

Herb bread kvass recipe

  1. Rusks made from 0.5 kg of brown bread are poured into a 5 liter container with filtered or chilled boiled water. The neck is covered with multilayer gauze, which is fixed with an elastic band. The container is cleaned in a warm and dark place for 48 hours.
  2. After 2 days, half a glass of your favorite herb or a mixture of herbs is brewed with boiling water and left for 20 minutes.
  3. 50 grams of sugar and 20 grams of raw yeast are bred in a glass of warm water.
  4. Bread culture through cheesecloth and strainer is poured into a dry container.
  5. A strained infusion of herbs, a yeast suspension and 200 grams of sugar are added to the sourdough. The liquid is mixed until sugar is completely dissolved, the container is closed with a towel and put in a dark place for 16 hours for fermentation.
  6. After time, kvass is drained from the sediment, clogged and placed in a warm place for ripening for 6 hours.
  7. The finished drink is put in the refrigerator for cooling.

Homemade raisin-free bread kvass with yeast


Despite the fact that home-made bread kvass without yeast does not differ in taste originality, it perfectly quenches thirst and is widely used by housewives for cooking okroshka.

  1. Ready-made crackers from 1/3 of Borodinsky loaf and 10-15 raisins are poured into a clean, dry 3-liter jar.
  2. Separately, 2.5 liters of water is boiled, in which 5-6 tablespoons are dissolved. Sahara.
  3. The liquid cools to room temperature and is poured into a jar of breadcrumbs.
  4. The container is covered with a multilayer piece of gauze or linen napkin and placed on the window located on the sunny side.
  5. The fermentation process will begin only on the 2nd day. Thus, the drink will be prepared in 3-4 days.
  6. Ready kvass is filtered in bottles and cleaned in the refrigerator for further use.
  7. If desired, re-leaven is put, for this, half the soaked crackers are removed from the jar, a handful of fresh crackers, a few raisins and 3 tablespoons are added. granulated sugar. Warm boiled water is poured so that there is room for the release of carbon dioxide.

Bread Alcohol Kvass Recipe

As usual, homemade kvass with yeast contains no more than 1.2% alcohol, but for lovers of strong drinks you can make “drunk kvass”, preserving its traditional taste.

  1. 300 grams of fried crackers are poured into a 5 liter container and poured with 3 liters of boiling water, covered with a lid and left in the room for 3 hours.
  2. The infused liquid is filtered in a container for fermentation.
  3. Soaked crackers are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and aged for about another hour. After time, the liquid is filtered, crackers are wrung out and discarded.
  4. The second infusion is poured to the first, 5 grams of fast-acting yeast or 30 grams of fresh, diluted in a glass of bread liquid is added to the container. 3 grams of citric acid and 300 grams of sugar are poured there.
  5. The contents are mixed, covered with a towel and left for 10 hours in a warm and dark place. If a foam appears in 2-3 hours and a characteristic hiss begins, you can be sure that the fermentation process has started successfully.
  6. After 10 hours, you must try the fermented drink to taste. If kvass has a small strength, then another 200 grams of sugar is poured into the container, gently mixed and left for 4-5 hours.The amount of sugar introduced in small portions regulates the strength of the finished drink and can vary from 300 grams to 1.5 kg. When using the maximum amount, kvass will contain up to 13% alcohol.
  7. The procedure for adding sugar must be repeated until the drink reaches the necessary strength and sweetness.
  8. After keeping the kvass for 4-5 hours after the last serving of sugar, the kvass is poured into plastic bottles and tightly closed. If you put the bottles in the refrigerator, the fermentation will stop.
  9. The shelf life of “drunk kvass” is up to 10 days.

Quick way to make kvass

  1. Warm boiled water is poured into the jar, into which 2 teaspoons of high-speed yeast and a dessert spoon of citric acid are poured. Everything is gently mixed until the solids are completely dissolved.
  2. 200 grams of sugar are poured into a small saucepan, which is brought to a golden brown color over medium heat.
  3. After the sugar acquires the desired color, the fire turns off, and half a glass of cold water is poured into the pan and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Sweet water is poured into the yeast liquid.
  5. The neck is closed with a dense cloth and removed in heat for fermentation.
  6. After 30-50 minutes, the finished kvass is drained from the sediment in bottles, corked and refrigerated.

Bread kvass at home with ginger

  1. At the bottom of an enameled 9 liter container, 30 grams of ginger peeled and chopped into medium-sized slices is thrown.
  2. 12 tablespoons are poured into ginger. granulated sugar and rye crackers made from whole buns.
  3. In a separate pan, you need to boil 6 liters of water and pour crackers with cool boiling water, leaving to cool to room temperature.
  4. When the liquid cools, 1.5 packets of fast-acting yeast are poured into it or “raw” yeast is poured (1/8 of the packet diluted in a glass of warm boiled water).
  5. The contents of the container are gently mixed, closed with a lid and left for a day for further fermentation.
  6. After the required time has passed, use a slotted spoon to carefully remove the bread cap from the bowl.
  7. Carefully pour kvass into a dry, clean glass container through a sieve and gauze, leaving a white suspension of yeast at the bottom of the container.
  8. The container with kvass is closed with lids and removed for 12 hours in a cool, dark place so that the drink “gains strength”.
  9. For a repeated serving of the drink, place soaked crackers, taken out with a slotted spoon, into a container with a yeast suspension, add 8 tbsp. sugar and pour warm boiled water.