Restaurants are constantly trying to come up with innovative approaches to serving and serving dishes. The reason is simple - every institution wants to stand out in the market, to distinguish itself from its competitors for the better. But they do not always succeed. Sometimes such "creativity" is ugly; and sometimes just ridiculous.
Today we have compiled a collection of cases where restaurant kitchen workers have gone too far in their creativity. All these ideas are both ridiculous and ridiculous - starting from serving the “sunbathing chicken” and ending with serving food on the scoop.

“I just love to sunbathe”

“Did they hang the chips on clothespins to dry?”

“Food in an umbrella is too much”

“Remember to park the cart when you are finished with food”

“How much will you have three hundred and fifty-five grams of a sandwich?”

“Justice must be restored”

“A drink in a cage”

“Hmmm, it's possible that it’s delicious ... but it’s kind of scary to try!”

“The chef apparently dreamed of becoming a makeup artist in his soul”

“My steak is too high in iron today.”

“I remember my grandfather wore a cap like this. Only I didn’t put bread in it ”

“Food in the scoop?” Could they come up with anything more original? ”

“They just put our order in the washstand and brought it to the table”

“Trying this food is at least dangerous for the fingers.”

"Hey baby, let's have fun!" Today is the meat party ”

“I think only of one thing - how many times have they used this antler, serving food on it?”

“I didn’t seem to ask to bring me a cup of spaghetti with sauce”

“And if you tie the shoelaces, will the dish stay warm for a longer time?”

“The mouse skeleton - what could be more palatable?”

“And they brought us food on the bookshelf”

“Shawarma on a bicycle - perhaps the most unexpected serving for a snack”

“It seemed to me that Caesar salad should look different somehow”

“They decided to use the little Ferris wheel as a food stand.”

Have you ever encountered a similar serving of dishes in restaurants? Tell us in the comments.