Useful properties and contraindications of common repes are determined by a whole complex of active components included in it. Separately, these substances are not so active, but in the aggregate significantly expand the medicinal capabilities of the medicinal herb.
This plant is listed in the state pharmacopeia of European countries. It is officially recommended for diseases of the liver and gastric tract. In our country, the replica is not considered pharmacopoeial, but this does not prevent folk healers from using it in their practice. With the help of a repress, herbalists get rid of more than forty ailments.
Material Content:
Common flax: useful properties
Common acinacea has a complex chemical composition. Its components are: essential oils, tannins, coumarins, terpenoids, mucus, bitterness, catechins, organic acids (salicylic acid, etc.), plant sterols, flavonoids (quercetin, etc.), simple inorganic compounds (silicic acid, etc. ), mineral complex, B vitamins, vitamin K, fatty acids, alkaloids, etc.
Thanks to such a complex composition, the pulp has a blood-purifying effect. He is able to normalize the functioning of the heart and the state of blood vessels. It slightly reduces the pressure.
Plant preparations stimulate the endocrine glands. Increase the production of bile and digestive juice. They cleanse the renal, biliary and hepatic ducts.
Repeshka is able to dissolve salt deposits in organs and tissues. It adversely affects abnormal cells, inhibits their growth and interferes with the division process.It has antispasmodic properties. It improves the outflow of fluids in places of inflammation, relaxes smooth tissues, has a slight sedative effect.
Grass repeshka is used as antimicrobial for external treatment of ulcerated mucous surface. The product has an antipyretic and expectorant property. Repeshka is able to stop bleeding. In folk medicine, grass is used to combat parasites.
What diseases are used in the treatment of?
The ability of the reposhka to stimulate the formation and outflow of bile is used in the treatment of diseases such as:
- cholecystitis;
- enzymatic deficiency;
- constipation.
Blood-purifying properties work with liver diseases: cirrhosis, hepatitis. Agrimony is used to lower total cholesterol.
The ability to dissolve salt deposits is used in complex therapy for:
- gout
- renal stone, gallstone and urolithiasis;
- accumulation of sand in the renal ducts.
Repeshka is used to get rid of benign formations. It is taken with uterine and intestinal polyps, ovarian cysts. In gynecology for the treatment of tumors and erosion.
It is used as anti-inflammatory for diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastric tract, and cancer. Enveloping effect on the stomach. It treats gastritis and peptic ulcer.
As an external agent it is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Solutions treat the oral cavity with stomatitis. Apply to the skin in the form of lotions for external tumors, rheumatism, joint pain, furunculosis.
Where does it grow and when to collect common repo?
Common agaric grows in most of Europe. Seen in the Balkans. Distributed in North America. On the territory of our country is found everywhere.
The plant loves light and normal moisture. It grows in open areas: forest edges, meadows, glades, slopes, overgrown with shrubs, along roads, fences, in abandoned territories, along the edges of plowed fields.
You need to collect the plant in clean areas remote from roads and industrial enterprises. In the active phase of flowering in June-July, the highest concentration of nutrients is noted in the grass.
When collecting medicinal raw materials, the entire aerial part of the plant is cut. The grass is collected in bunches and suspended in the open. In order to preserve all the healing properties of the pulp, during artificial drying, the temperature is set to not higher than 40 ° C.
Application in traditional medicine
Traditional medicine makes extensive use of acupressure. Description plant found in herbalists since antiquity. All subsequent years, it was used to treat the stomach, intestines, liver and gall bladder.
Repeshka relieves pain of various origins: menstrual, joint, colic in the side. It is used to stop nosebleeds. For the treatment of suppuration, rashes, dropsy, scrofula, constipation, diarrhea, asthma, flu, fever, conjunctivitis.
Used in gynecology for the detection of tumors. Relieves hangover. Helps restore strength after an illness. It cleanses the blood. Removes toxins.
How to take a repo?
Decoction, infusion
As an external agent for the treatment of inflamed mucous membranes, it is used concentrated broth. A fifty-gram pack of dry grass is poured with two glasses of boiling water. The mixture is placed in a water bath and boiled until the volume decreases by one third.
The concentrated product must be filtered. It is used to rinse the throat and oral cavity with sore throat, pharyngitis, stomatitis, thrush 3-4 times a day during the entire treatment period.
As an external agent in the treatment of conjunctivitis, as well as for oral administration for gastritis, gastrointestinal disorders, cough and colds infusion.
It is cooked in a water bath. Mix a tablespoon of herb powder and a glass of boiling water. Insist on fire for 5 minutes. Allow to cool completely, then filter.Take half a glass before breakfast, lunch and dinner for 2-3 weeks.
Firming tea
From diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, with sand in the renal ducts, decreased immunity, cough, diseases of the bladder, herbal tea is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and can last from 2 to 3 weeks. Then you should take a break of up to a month. Subsequently, treatment can be repeated.
Herb reposhka is brewed at the rate of a tablespoon per glass. The product is poured with very hot, still boiling water. After five minutes, it is filtered and consumed in a whole cup 2-3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals.
With the same tea, you can wash your tonsils and throat with angina. Sweetening the drink is not recommended.
Repeshka oil extract can be purchased at a retail pharmacy chain or prepared independently. To get the product at home, you need to fill in 50 g of dry grass with two glasses of boiled refined vegetable oil.
Repeshka insists for 3 weeks in complete darkness. After preparation, the medicine should be filtered. Take as a choleretic or liver cleanser, one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.
The course of treatment traditionally lasts three weeks.
Officially, grass repes is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 12 years of age due to a lack of data on the safety of using the product in the indicated categories of people. However, these same people are allowed to use it as an external remedy.
It is extremely rare that the flare causes allergic reactions, but people with hypersensitivity should abandon herbal medicine.
During treatment, the severity of the disease must be taken into account. Repeshka provokes the active secretion of bile and the movement of stones in the kidneys and liver. Therefore, with a narrowing of the biliary tract, a decrease in their patency, the presence of large salt formations in the internal organs, complications may arise. In such conditions, consultation with the lead physician is required.
Repeshka is a popular remedy for traditional medicine. It helps to cure chronic diseases. Gently acts where pharmacy medicines are sometimes powerless. One of its main advantages is that it almost never causes side effects.