Water is the foundation of life. With a loss of more than 10% of the fluid in the body, pathological processes begin. There can be several causes for dehydration - severe diarrhea, vomiting, or sweating. In all cases that threaten health, prescribe drugs that restore the water-salt balance, such as Regidron. Such funds should be used according to the instructions, since an overdose can lead to no less dangerous consequences than dehydration.
Material Content:
- 1 Description of the release form and composition
- 2 Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- 3 What helps Rehydron
- 4 Instructions for use and dosage for adults and children
- 5 During pregnancy and lactation
- 6 Alcohol compatibility
- 7 Drug interaction
- 8 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 9 Rehydron Analogs
Description of the release form and composition
The drug is a fine white crystalline powder, highly soluble in water.
It includes:
- Organic six-atom sugar - glucose (10 g), which provides energy to all biologically important processes in the human body, and also stops the action of toxins.
- Sodium salt of hydrochloric acid (sodium chloride - 3.5 g), used for detoxification and preparation of physiological saline.
- The regulator of intracellular pressure is the potassium salt of hydrochloric acid (potassium chloride - 2.5 g.
- The sodium salt of citric acid (2.9 g), which is added to the medicine to stabilize the pH of the finished solution.
The powder is placed in sachets of durable composite material (paper / polyethylene / foil). Sealed packages of 4 or 20 pieces are placed in cardboard boxes in which the instructions for use are enclosed.In sealed conditions, the substance retains all properties for up to three years.
Crystalline powder is intended for dilution with water. The medicine, prepared according to the instructions, is colorless and odorless. The composition is completely transparent. The constant pH of the finished product is 8.2. The total concentration of all dissolved particles is 260 mosm / l.
The composition of the substance does not fully comply with the WHO recommendations for the preparation of drugs for restoring water-electrolyte balance, taken by mouth. It has an underestimated ion concentration and increased potassium content, since a composition with similar characteristics quickly restore balance and prevent the body from being oversaturated with sodium.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The purpose of the drug is to correct the acidity of the body, restore energy and ionic balance, which were disturbed due to significant moisture loss.
The medicine saturates the body with the missing elements and neutralizes toxins. All constituents of the dissolved substance are present in the body in the form in which they are in the produced substance. Therefore, it is not possible to track their redistribution after ingestion. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics remain unclear.
What helps Rehydron
Rehydron helps with signs of dehydration (dehydration). It is prescribed for both adults and children with severe diarrhea and vomiting with a large loss of fluid.
The medicine is used for detoxification during poisoning, as well as in extreme heat and fever, accompanied by the release of large amounts of sweat.
Instructions for use and dosage for adults and children
The contents of the individual packaging must be diluted with freshly boiled and cooled to body temperature water in the ratio: 1 packet per 1 liter. It is impossible to improve the taste of a drink by adding sugar or other components, as this can affect the stability of the solution and its effectiveness.
The medicine is taken in small portions (50-100 ml) every 5-40 minutes, depending on the severity of the condition. The rest of the dissolved volume should be stored no longer than a day and only in the refrigerator.
To accurately determine the need for Regidron, the patient must be weighed. A decrease in body weight of up to 5% indicates mild dehydration. With a loss of 6 to 9%, the condition goes into moderately severe. The loss of more than ten percent of the mass indicates a severe process of the disease.
Treatment with a hydrating agent should go parallel to nutrition and breastfeeding. To cancel or postpone meals is not worth it, as well as stop feeding.
At the time of treatment, it is only desirable to exclude fatty heavy foods and foods rich in simple sugars.
The necessary activities are held as early as possible. In the first 6-10 hours from the onset of symptoms, active rehydration is arranged. During this time, the patient should drink twice as much solution in volume as his weight loss. No other fluids should be consumed during active rehydration.
You need to take the medicine in small portions so that this process does not cause additional urges to vomit. If the patient continues to feel sick, then the next amount should be entered after the end of the vomiting attack. To facilitate swallowing, it is recommended to cool the solution. If the patient cannot use the medicine on his own, he is injected into his stomach directly through a probe in a hospital setting.
At the end of the acute phase, the patient is transferred to maintenance therapy. The proportion of the drug in the total amount of fluid consumed at this time decreases. With a body weight of 40 to 70 kg, a person needs from 900 to 1200 ml of solution. With a body weight of 70 kg - 1200-1700 ml. The remaining volume should be other liquids and water.
In total, treatment lasts no longer than four days.It can be completed earlier, as soon as vomiting or diarrhea stops.
In severe dehydration, Rehydron begins to be given after stopping the acute phase by intravenous means. A medication for children with a body weight of less than 40 kg is prescribed according to an individual scheme. For small patients, the powder is dissolved in more water. The official instructions for use do not contain other recommendations regarding children.
During pregnancy and lactation
Rehydron can be prescribed for pregnant and lactating women. However, during these periods the recommended dosages are required to be carefully observed.
Alcohol compatibility
The drug does not interact with alcohol, however, their combined use can aggravate the condition of an already dehydrated organism.
As a remedy for a hangover, Rehydron is no more effective than mineral water.
Drug interaction
Rehydrating agent has not been studied for interaction with other medicines. However, those who are forced to take any other medicines should know that Rehydron changes the acidity of the digestive juice. And this can affect the effectiveness of the drug, which is absorbed mainly in the intestine.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
There are a number of contraindications for taking Regidron:
- any type of diabetes mellitus, both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent;
- functional disorders of the kidneys;
- bowel obstruction;
- individual intolerance to the components of the composition.
Diluted Regidron powder should be taken by the patient on his own. If the patient has difficulty swallowing or is unconscious, then you can not force him to rehydrate the drug in his mouth.
The medication is indicated for almost all types of diarrhea, except for cholera, for which an exception is made.
In addition to allergic reactions, the drug does not cause any other side effects. But this statement remains true only if the recommended norms are observed.
In case of an overdose, there is a glut of sodium. Hypernatremia is manifested by the following symptoms: general lethargy, muscle and emotional stress, heavy breathing and drowsiness. In the absence of help, a person may lose consciousness, and in severe cases, fall into a coma.
For patients with renal failure, an overdose is dangerous for the violation of acid-base balance in favor of increasing blood pH. Inhibition of respiratory activity, including loss of consciousness, cramps, and nervous excitement, are characteristic of this condition.
Observation of a patient who has signs of an overdose is carried out in a hospital. He is prescribed treatment according to the results of laboratory examinations.
Rehydron Analogs
Pharmaceuticals are known for such rehydrating preparations:
- "Hydrovit";
- "Hydrovit Forte";
- "Rehydron BIO";
- "Hydromax";
- "Humana Electrolyte."
All formulations from dehydration have a characteristic salty, not very pleasant taste, so the child, not feeling the need for treatment, may refuse to take the drug. Since it is impossible to improve the properties of the drink by adding honey, sugar or other sweeteners, for such patients it is better to buy products with a more pleasant taste, for example, Humana Electrolyte and Hydromax.
Humana Electrolyte also includes fennel, which soothes irritated bowels. Sachets with a similar name are produced with the taste of raspberries and bananas. Making a child drink this medicine is much easier.
Hydromax is a product of the Belarusian pharmaceutical industry. Available in effervescent tablets with the addition of chamomile and rose hips. Thanks to its natural components, it strengthens the immune system and soothes the intestinal mucosa.
A variety of the original drug with the prefix BIO includes a lactobacillus and a probiotic, which additionally contribute to the restoration of the intestine.
All funds should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Even such a harmless medication as Regidron, if mistreated, can do more harm than good.