Rehydron Bio - a powerful tool to restore water-salt balance and normalize the intestines and stomach. The drug is a kind of "first aid" for poisoning and diarrhea, as it avoids the development of complications. It is used to treat both children and adults.
Material Content:
Description of the release form and composition
The restorative is available in the form of a sachet filled with fine powder. They are double, intended for simultaneous reception, but have a different composition. For convenience, the manufacturer labels the bags with the letters “A” and “B”.
Sachet “A” is a complex of bacteria necessary for the restoration of intestinal microflora. The bag contains lactobacillus rhamnosus (lactobacillus rhamnosus) and the prebiotic maltodextrin.
Sachet “B” contains a complex of substances for normalizing the water-electrolyte balance:
- sodium chloride;
- sodium citrate;
- potassium chloride;
- glucose.
The composition additionally contains strawberry flavoring and sweetener; silicon dioxide is used as a forming agent.
The product is available in cardboard packages, 5 paired sachets in each. And also many pharmacies dispense sachets of powder by the piece. Rehydron Bio is not a drug, but a dietary supplement, so you can buy it without a prescription.
In which cases Rehydron Bio is prescribed
The powder is used in the treatment of diarrhea to restore the water-electrolyte balance and the supply of fluid in the body.
Indications for use are the following conditions:
- dehydration;
- diarrhea;
- acidosis;
- violation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
- polyuria;
- thermal cramps.
The tool is used for oral dehydration against a background of various conditions associated with severe fluid loss. Rehydron Bio is often taken by professional athletes who lose a lot of fluid during intense training.
Instructions for use and dosage
The advantage of the drug is a convenient form of release. This allows you to take Rehydron Bio in any situation, the main thing is that the right amount of clean water is at hand.
Regardless of the indications, it is necessary to dissolve the contents of two sachets in water, and only then begin to measure the required dosage. Dilute in half of the contents is impractical, because it is not possible to maintain the desired balance between the active substances of the two sachets.
How to breed powder and drink for adults
Rehydron Bio must be diluted in clean water at room temperature. Sasha needs to open along the line of break and pour into a glass of water (200 ml). You can use cooled boiled water. The solution must be thoroughly mixed and taken throughout the day according to the instructions.
Adults who weigh more than 50 kg are prescribed 1-1.2 liters of the finished solution per day. This amount should be divided into several doses, doctors recommend drinking 100 ml every hour. At the same time, you need to make up for the loss of fluid, and in addition to the solution, drink about 1.3-1.5 liters of pure drinking water per day.
The solution should not be drunk in one gulp at a time, otherwise there will be no effect other than rapid urination.
The finished product can be stored for one day, so a new portion of the solution should be prepared daily.
Admission rules for children
The drug is prescribed for children over three years of age. For certain intestinal or rotavirus infections, Regidron Bio for children may be the primary treatment option. It is necessary to take a solution of 50-100 ml every 10 minutes to stop diarrhea. Within the next day after the disappearance of symptoms, maintenance therapy is prescribed.
The amount of solution is selected depending on the weight of the child:
- 12-14 kg - 550-600 ml;
- 16-18 kg - 620-650 ml;
- 20-25 kg - 700-750 ml;
- 25-30 kg - 750-800 ml;
- 30-40 kg - 800-850 ml.
- over 40 kg - from 1000 ml.
Simultaneously with taking the rehydration solution, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of fluid consumed - from 1 liter of clean water per day.
The method of use for children can be adjusted by the attending physician depending on the indications for the appointment and the severity of the symptoms.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Supplements can not be used with intolerance to the individual components of the composition, severe intestinal obstruction, and with hemodynamic shock. The product is not intended for use by children under 3 years of age.
Rehydron Bio can be used during pregnancy and lactation according to the instructions.
Subject to the recommended dosage regimen, the risk of overdose is minimal. Taking a large amount of solution can cause the development of hypernatremia and hyperkalemia in patients with severe renal impairment. In case of an overdose, it is necessary to stop taking the solution and consult a doctor about methods for correcting disturbances in the water-electrolyte balance. As a rule, therapy is prescribed on the basis of laboratory tests of blood and urine.
Side effects are very rare. In some cases, a skin allergic reaction may develop. When taking large doses of the drug for a short period, nausea and vomiting may occur, so it is recommended to divide the required amount of solution into several doses.
Analogues of the drug
There are no full analogues of the Rehydron Bio. In pharmacies, the drug Regidron is presented, which has a reduced composition - without a complex of lactobacilli that restore microflora. This form of the drug is indicated for rehydration during dehydration and diarrhea. Another agent with similar properties is Trihydrosol, available in sachets.
Bio rehydron can be taken both for the treatment of conditions accompanied by dehydration and impaired water-electrolyte balance, and for prevention. For example, in moments of intense physical activity with high sweating or in extreme heat. For preventive purposes, it is enough to use the product for one day.