The animal kingdom pleases with hundreds of shades. To see in all this diversity white creature from head to tip of tail is always an unusual experience. Such a rare coloration makes albino animals a rarity.
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The phenomenon of albinism in nature
Albinism is a general term. This concept includes a number of genetic mutations that cause color deviations. In most cases, albinos have pink skin and white coat. Some individuals (but not all) have a reddish or even purple hue. Albinos often have poor eyesight. They also have a high risk of skin cancer.
In nature, there is another phenomenon in which a living organism is partially devoid of pigment. It is called leukism. An animal with leukemia has a light coat, but never has red eyes.
Among the representatives of birds, albinos are also born. For example, one of the most common hummingbird species in Africa is the common archilochus. Since the population is large, hummingbirds can be found relatively often among these birds. Some ornithologists believe that among ordinary archilochus, there are approximately 17 albino individuals per 30,000 ordinary birds (or 1 albino bird per 1764 ordinary birds).
Cats, dogs
In the following photos you can see the representatives of the animal kingdom tamed by man, born of albinos.
Forest animals
There are individuals with albinism among representatives of the forest kingdom.
By the way, proteins are usually born not with albinism, but with leukism. However, the individuals in these photographs with white hair and red eyes are albinos.
The inhabitants of the savannah
The following exotic beauties inhabit the vastness of Africa.
It is easy to see why albino zebras are sometimes called golden zebras. The color of the stripes in such animals varies from beige to almost completely white. But the stripes on the body remain anyway.
On dry, dusty expanses, such a color is actually even beneficial for zebras. He better disguises them from predators. Zoologists are still racking their brains, which is why in the process of evolution zebras developed such a bright black and white color.
But Snowflake is a gorilla who lived in the Barcelona Zoo. Unfortunately, in 2003 she had to be euthanized: Snezhinka was found to have skin cancer. Veterinarians believe that the disease is associated with its albinism. Snowflake is the only white gorilla in the world that people know about.
In the next photo, a zoo employee in Neypidyo bathes a newborn baby elephant. Spiritual Buddhist leaders in Myanmar highly value albino elephants. It is believed that their birth is a good sign from above for the whole country.
Amphibians, reptiles, marine life
But such a small bug was found in February this year in Queensland (Australia). Zoologists suggest that one albino tortoise is found in several hundred laid eggs. White turtles remain in the nest longer than their counterparts.
Small creatures
Albino Buffalo
The National Buffalo Museum in North Dakota (USA) has hosted a refuge for several albino buffaloes. The oldest buffalo named White Cloud was born in 1996. During her life, she gave birth to 11 calves, including one albino cub. He was called the Dakota Miracle.
Native Americans consider white buffaloes to be sacred animals. There are many Indian legends about them.
Humans are also part of nature. As in the animal kingdom, albinos are a rarity in the human tribe. But sometimes they occur.